considering the responses by you and may have something there.
Ah! A believer! My condolences.
considering the responses by you and may have something there.
Okay guys, let's get serious.
Recent research has indicated that the brain is not fully developed intil the early to mid twenties.......which explains a whole bundle of things about teenagers.......
The Greeks did not allow a citizen to vote until he was 30 years of age.
I think 18 is a very good compromise.........
That may apply to the average person.....obviously it doesn't apply to all.
Typical liberal name-calling. Typical close-minded know-it-all attitude.
Mind solid as concrete. All mixed up and permanently set.
Waste no time on him.
Sorry Yukon Jack, but I don’t want to waste my time by paying attention to a right wing extremist. (and with all due respect to Colpy, I think Levant is a right wing extremist).
Same as I cannot waste my time listening to the right wing nut, Limbaugh (although as I said before, I have listened to him occasionally, in the past).
"Extremeism in defence of Liberty is no vice." Barry Goldwater
Yes, and he got thrashed by Johnson in 1964. The only landslide win by a Democrat in recent memory.
I was interested in politics quite young........
When I was 16, I was reasonably well-read and aware (for a 16 year old)
I was also a Marxist.
Colpy, my son (he is 25) used to be an NDP supporter, now he is a card carrying member of the Liberal Party. My hope is that he stops there and not move further to the right. I am a Liberal Party supporter myself (though I am not a member).
I was interested in politics quite young........
When I was 16, I was reasonably well-read and aware (for a 16 year old)
I was also a Marxist.
Colpy, my son (he is 25) used to be an NDP supporter, now he is a card carrying member of the Liberal Party. My hope is that he stops there and not move further to the right. I am a Liberal Party supporter myself (though I am not a member).
Why would any sane person support ANY political party UNLESS he/she was going to run so he/she can get his/her snout in the trough? There is no political party that really helps the individual and definitely not for any sustained period of time.
I went from (non-voting: too young) Marxist, to NDP voter, to non-voter as a protest, to the PCs (one vote only; 1984) to a card-carrying member of Reform, the Canadian Alliance, and now the CPC.
You will notice there is one major party I skipped over in my political wonder we don't agree on much......:smile:
riiiiiight....because 6 year olds would be able to make informed desisions concerning who should be running the country.:roll:
Yep, the first truely effective TV campaign add......the little girl with the mushroom cloud.....a little unfair to Goldwater, as they were both very good candidates.....something like McCain and Obama.
LBJ was a tragic figure....he could have been a truely great President.......but all the good he did (Civil Rights legislation especially, but also social legislation) was credited to JFK, and he was left with the Vietnam legacy.........
I admire LBJ, he is one of my favourite Presidential characters.
Why do we have to join or support any party, all they do is call you for financial support all the time. When you get in that voting booth, just vote the candidate of your choice. Political parties are just various corporate agencies, clubs call it what you may trying to get support for their personal agendas, and if their not big enough you have wasted time,money and vote.
PS: LBJ was a Great President and history is and will prove it so.
Are they any less informed than most "adults"? Most adults think we live in a democracy and that they actually have some influence in government. Harper has proven them wrong on all counts and they still believe. Politics is just another brain dead religion.
Absolutely, they are just a white collar alternative to the likes of the Hell's Angels and Red Scorpions.