Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Check out a gym sometime.

Maybe there are a couple of police officers in your area that use steroids, but that is certainly not the norm. I have seen lots of police officers around the city, and they do not look like steroid users at all. Painting with a pretty broad brush in this case, I think.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Maybe there are a couple of police officers in your area that use steroids, but that is certainly not the norm. I have seen lots of police officers around the city, and they do not look like steroid users at all. Painting with a pretty broad brush in this case, I think.
They train here.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Should tasers be banned entirely?

Considering the amount of crimes that people can get pathetic sentences for, I think a 10 year sentence is way too much.

I used 10 years for emphasis....Unlawful commands of that nature
should never ever happen. If a Law Enforcement Officer issues any
unlawful command, and then assaults you for not following it, what
would be appropriate?

I'm thinking specifically (though there are many instances) of a senior
citizen a couple years ago (I think in Edmonton) that got Tasered for
not stopping videotaping a beating being issued by police.

When someone gets assaulted, in theory, they call on the Police for
help. Who could this senior citizen call on that wouldn't have gone to
prison for helping he's being assaulted for not following an
unlawful command? If he wasn't ever ordered an unlawful command,
he wouldn't have been assaulted for not following it.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
I used 10 years for emphasis....Unlawful commands of that nature
should never ever happen. If a Law Enforcement Officer issues any
unlawful command, and then assaults you for not following it, what
would be appropriate?

I'm thinking specifically (though there are many instances) of a senior
citizen a couple years ago (I think in Edmonton) that got Tasered for
not stopping videotaping a beating being issued by police.

When someone gets assaulted, in theory, they call on the Police for
help. Who could this senior citizen call on that wouldn't have gone to
prison for helping he's being assaulted for not following an
unlawful command? If he wasn't ever ordered an unlawful command,
he wouldn't have been assaulted for not following it.

If an unlawful assault happens, then I am fine with them receiving a sentence(after a fair trial). However, if the criminals on the streets get paltry sentences, then so must the officers involved in said assaults. Like you said, the law must remain equal to everyone. Until that changes, nothing will ever be resolved to a satisfactory conclusion for all sides.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007

Just because there are users there, does not mean there are users in every force. They get tested for illicit drugs anyhow, so they could just do the testing for steroids at the same time could they not?

I certainly don't see it as being "rampant" however. You will see bad apples doing all sorts of stuff that they aren't supposed to be doing. Hence the reason they are considered bad apples.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Should tasers be banned entirely?

If an unlawful assault happens, then I am fine with them receiving a sentence(after a fair trial). However, if the criminals on the streets get paltry sentences, then so must the officers involved in said assaults. Like you said, the law must remain equal to everyone. Until that changes, nothing will ever be resolved to a satisfactory conclusion for all sides.

This what I was talking about. It was Edmonton.

YouTube - Edmonton lawyer tasered for taking pictures at a riot

Turns out that not only was he a senior Citizen, but also a Lawyer.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
This what I was talking about. It was Edmonton.

YouTube - Edmonton lawyer tasered for taking pictures at a riot

Turns out that not only was he a senior Citizen, but also a Lawyer.

I didn't say what they did was right, nor did I say that they do not deserve to be punished. All I am saying is that if "regular" criminals get light sentences for similar crimes, then so should officers. I have no idea what a fair sentence would be though. That would be a hard decision to make. But it should be the same no matter who the person doing it is.

I will agree that tasers should not be issued to "green" police officers. Instead of 20 year veterans, perhaps someone with 10+ years of experience, or at least the ability to show that you are mature enough to handle the taser responsibly?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
No, they should not be banned entirely.

They should simply be reclassified as lethal force, which means they could only legally be used if "you or another person is in immediate danger of death or greivous bodily harm" Exactly the same as the firearm.......leaving the officer a choice of weapons.

In BC last week two officers shot to death a man who ran at them with a utility knife.....a completely justified, if unfortunate, shooting. Neither officer had a Taser........this would have been the perfect time for one.

A friend in Halifax, a police officer, confronted a nutcase in a mall with a sword......he did not attack, but neither did he surrender....he threatened them with it. He was Tasered........all to the good.

The problem is officers using the Taser as a compliance tool instead of a self-defence tool.

My Gawd, Colpie; we agree on somethin'! There is a God!

I fully agree that without a taser, the officer is stuck between nothing and lethal force. With the option of a taser, there is a middle ground that the officer can opt for. Yes, tasers are dangerous, but still safer than pistols. I'd rather shoot a person with a taser if I thought it would suffice, reserving my pistol for more extreme cases.

Yes, tasers are dangerous, but they can still save lives when it comes down to a choice between a taser and a pistol. If the taser is not available, then the pistol is the only option left, meaning more deaths, not fewer.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Good day to all, tasers should be used responsibly, when the aggressor falls on the grown the officers involved should have a method where they would throw a net on the aggressor not allowing him to make a run or continue fighting. Then we will see the tasers working with out killing . The 4 at YVR went completely over the top 50.000 v fried the hart, they were on a rodeo event and the poor immigrant was the baby bool. Cops having to use a pistol, the only time they shoot to kill is when the aggressor has a gun and is pointing at the cops direction, anything ells they should only be allowed to shoot at the legs, if it was medium danger.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's far easier to get steroids in canada than the US. I know what a drug deal looks like whether on the street or in a locker room.

Do you go to gyms that police frequent? Is your city fair sized? What do steroids look like?


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Of course I was born in Canada. How about you, china.
why of course ?from your post I gather that you have traveled allot and than the knowledge of Polish history and the makeup of Polish people .Not to many Canadian born 'fit this very description' .
My place of birth is Gdansk ,Poland .Immigrated to Canada yr. 1964 .
Become a Canadian Citizen on Monday ,June 15 , yr. 1967.
I think that when I become a citizen of Canada ,many of the participants of this forum weren't even born yet.
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House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Sorry, I get asked that once in a while and II take it as a huge insult. We have a strong urge to conform here. But you ask me that china because you see an un-Canadian way of thinking. I got some of my different thinking from my dad because he wasn't born in Canada.

I'm often on a different wavelength from most Canadians when it comes to international affairs. I have traveled and I have read quite a bit of history. I know every country is very different and has its own character.

Canadians think most people in the world are like us, they are not like us. Their worldview is entirely different.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada

Thanks for the wonderful post .I knew you are different and it starts with your user's name .t can be great to see Canada to stand on its two feet as an independent country .