Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do any of you know how it is possible to compare todays carbon levels in the atmosphere to days gone by and how it has been PROVEN that it is humans creating the weather changes?

If you are a denier you won't like the answer. I'll take 10 wrong amateur guesses before I post the answer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Well, if any of the folks who think that the climate isn't now warming due primarilly to greenhouses gases can explain why the stratosphere is cooling, when the troposphere is warming, maybe then I'll seriously consider that the theory is wrong.

Seriously, try to find an explanation for that. I'll wait.

And for the few folks here who think that global warming means monotonically increasing temperatures, you need to do some further reading. The trend from global warming is 0.017°C a decade or there abouts, and natural variability is on the order of degrees...that's why you have to look at long term time series, or you'll make incorrect assessments as many have.

So, if you listen to the blatherers who don't know climate from weather, it looks like global warming has ended 15 times or so in the last 150 years, or once every decade or so.

Yet the absolute heat that the Earth retains continues to build...hmm I wonder why?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Look, I wager that the scientific community is correct.
New global warming evidence presented / Scientists say their observations prove industry is to blame
Just as I wager that the medical community is correct when they present evidence that the common cold is caused by a virus. Mind, you there is still a night-vapours crowd that deny this. I have found that arguments with the night-vapours apologists fruitless. I'd rather ski or mock the my-god-is-bigger-than-your-god fringe.
Cousin Spade
Take care, buy me an acre of boreal forest, and stay out of the vapours!

So I take it you have not bought any carbon credits. :lol:

Albeit your insults are colorful, but they are simply insults. Which simply shows your frustration in defending what has become an indefensible position. The game is over and it is time to get off the field and take up more pressing issues concerning the environment. The GW crowd has become a laughing stock and no amount of insults or feigning intellectual superiority will change that.

There is a whole cadre of scientists who say otherwise. They are becoming more vocal each day and the political grip on the scientific community is loosening.

Enjoy the slopes Cuz' :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Only if you don't know the difference between climate and weather. You folks are being punked :p


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
A little snippet... (color added by me)

In the meantime, we should prepare ourselves for the possibility that our cherished ideas about global warming may be, if not dead wrong, only partially correct. Intriguing recent evidence gathered from ice-rafted debris looks remarkably similar to a much older pattern that preceded an ice age. We may have to entertain the possibility that Earth’s natural climate development may be on a return to another such period, or at least to colder conditions than we now experience. If so, and ironically, the very greenhouse warming we fear may either mitigate the cooling or cancel it altogether.

Jens Bischof is author of Ice Drift, Ocean Circulation And Climate Change and is a research assistant professor in Old Dominion’s Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. <-- A Scientist :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
It's especially ilarious that he gives no physical basis for this impending ice age, other than "it's happened before".

Real solid evidence there Smack. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It's especially ilarious that he gives no physical basis for this impending ice age, other than "it's happened before".

Real solid evidence there Smack. :lol:

Oh Tonnington... did I expect you to believe what ANYONE says opposing your view of Global Warming? Of course not. No matter how many scientist oppose GW... you Tonnington... YOU... will always feel superior to them and anyone else not in step with the GW Political Movement.

GW has become one of THOSE issues... for or against... no middle ground... if they agree with your thinking... they are BRILLIANT! However if they disagree... they are so stupid and deserving of your contempt regardless of their credentials.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
No, you bought the spin. I've got some property in Saskatchewan you might be interested in too. Great ocean view.

I've got some soon to be beach front property in Western Mass for you!

Anybody here buy carbon credits?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It's no secret that he's short on facts and long on rhetoric

Plenty of facts have been given... you just believe what you have invested your soul into and are stunned that the game is pretty much over.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I never called you stupid Smack. I insinuated that you're being duped, but that doesn't make you stupid.

I'm asking questions that you should be asking. Where is his physical basis for making those claims? Where is the explanation for the cooling stratosphere if greenhouse gases aren't the primary cause?

You're allowed to be skeptical of everything. It doesn't have to be confined to working theories. You ought to give it a try.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
A little snippet... (color added by me)

In the meantime, we should prepare ourselves for the possibility that our cherished ideas about global warming may be, if not dead wrong, only partially correct. Intriguing recent evidence gathered from ice-rafted debris looks remarkably similar to a much older pattern that preceded an ice age. We may have to entertain the possibility that Earth’s natural climate development may be on a return to another such period, or at least to colder conditions than we now experience. If so, and ironically, the very greenhouse warming we fear may either mitigate the cooling or cancel it altogether.

Jens Bischof is author of Ice Drift, Ocean Circulation And Climate Change and is a research assistant professor in Old Dominion’s Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. <-- A Scientist :lol:

In the meantime, we should prepare ourselves for the possibility that our cherished ideas about global warming may be, if not dead wrong, only partially correct. Intriguing recent evidence gathered from ice-rafted debris looks remarkably similar to a much older pattern that preceded an ice age. We may have to entertain the possibility that Earth’s natural climate development may be on a return to another such period, or at least to colder conditions than we now experience. If so, and ironically, the very greenhouse warming we fear may either mitigate the cooling or cancel it altogether.

Next time, find an authoritive source, not some pseudo scientific conjecture.

A "real" scientist would never publish something to titilate the masses, but would rely on facts and definitive statements..... not, may be, possibility, partially, etc...

sighh... :-(


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Well, if any of the folks who think that the climate isn't now warming due primarilly to greenhouses gases can explain why the stratosphere is cooling, when the troposphere is warming, maybe then I'll seriously consider that the theory is wrong.

Seriously, try to find an explanation for that. I'll wait.

Still waiting...:smilebox:
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