We have the most amazing wilderness in the whole nation.
Warmer climate on the mainland.
The best goalie in the league.
The best marijuana in the whole, wide world.
The friggin ocean, with fresh, delicious seafood, AND amazing views.
Freaky looking people -- they're hilarious.
Yours truly
What does Alberta have?
Brown grass :roll::roll::roll:
The Flames:roll::roll::roll:
The Oilers - super big rolling eyes smiley
huge oil profits that they're not willing to share with their brethren:roll::roll::roll:
Whadda got? ;-):lol:
Warmer climate on the mainland.
The best goalie in the league.
The best marijuana in the whole, wide world.
The friggin ocean, with fresh, delicious seafood, AND amazing views.
Freaky looking people -- they're hilarious.
Yours truly
What does Alberta have?
Brown grass :roll::roll::roll:
The Flames:roll::roll::roll:
The Oilers - super big rolling eyes smiley
huge oil profits that they're not willing to share with their brethren:roll::roll::roll:
Whadda got? ;-):lol:
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