Parliament prorogued


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

with all due respect to you know that Bob Rae knows anything....

My personal opinion and personal observation.

I like Bob Rae, generally a sensible man and a gentleman, but he made the huge mistake of trying to spend Ontario out of a recession, so I don't suspect his fortes lie in matters fiscal.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"Explain how Bob Rae can say he will vote against the budget, even though he doesn't have a clue what will be in it. All he is interested in is grabbing power."- Exactly. Of course Bob Rae doesn't have a history of being an astute money handler.

JLM, I can fully understand how Bob Rae can say he will vote against the budget. For one, Fidel will have to put most of the items mentioned in the coalition platform into his budget for coalition to vote for it, a monumental shift for Harper. It is not in Harper’s character to consult with anybody, to reach out to opposition.

So I think it is a foregone conclusion that Harper’s budget won’t be acceptable to coalition. Indeed it will be so much out of character for Fidel to bring forth budget acceptable to collation that it s a near impossibility.

Another point is that the opposition has lost any trust in Fidel; they just don’t trust him any more. Now the man is the issue. One Liberal MP gave the analogy. Harper was ready for a knife fight, he was ready to stick the knife into opposition’s back, then along came the police (no confidence vote). Seeing the police arrive, Harper pocketed the knife. But how long before the knife comes out again?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Who needs democracy anyways, right? How about we just indefinitely prorogue parliament.

What a pathetic day in Canada.

If he could do it, no doubt Fidel would do it. However, next time he will have to face the music. I only hope he doesn’t’ delay it by more than two months (I assume he will try to delay it as far as possible).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Now for at least two months we don’t’ have a democracy, we have a dictator, a dictator who doesn’t have support of the Parliament.

So what can we look forward to now? Conservatives will unleash the dirtiest, most vicious, most virulent campaign we have ever seen, to trash the three opposition parties. The budget will very likely be defeated, because of course it will contain all the goodies conservatives want, none that opposition wants. It will be a highly partisan budget in true Harper style, comparable to the financial statement."- Sir Rupe- I'm pretty sure you are reading Harper wrong. I watched him on the T.V. this morning and he came across as pretty composed and articulate and explained his ideas well. He made sense to me I guess is what I'm trying to say.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I'm not sold on either. All parties should head back to the polls and sell us the voters on their various plans.

I don’t think anybody want another election so soon. Assuming Fidel loses the next no confidence motion, my hope would be that the GG gives the opposition an opportunity to show us if they can govern.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I don’t think anybody want another election so soon. Assuming Fidel loses the next no confidence motion, my hope would be that the GG gives the opposition an opportunity to show us if they can govern.

I think the national events have changed somewhat since the last election. The last election was basically for or against the green shift, a new election would deal primarily with the economy and how it's going to be fixed. I think taxpayers are owed that before whatever party goes on a spending spree.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"Now for at least two months we don’t’ have a democracy, we have a dictator, a dictator who doesn’t have support of the Parliament.

Sir Rupe- I'm pretty sure you are reading Harper wrong. I watched him on the T.V. this morning and he came across as pretty composed and articulate and explained his ideas well. He made sense to me I guess is what I'm trying to say.

JLM, there is no contradiction between somebody looking composed, articulate and also launching into a most vicious, most virulent campaign against his opponents. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Explain his ideas? What ideas? All he said was that he will bring forth the budget in January. As to consulting the opposition, if he does the same amount of consulting as he did when he put together the financial statement, I don’t see any hope.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Loonie rises as Canada’s parliament suspended

Reuters Published: Thursday, December 04, 2008
ReutersThe Canadian rose as high as 79.94 US cents, after the decision to suspend Parliament was announced Thursday.

TORONTO -- The Canadian dollar rose 1% after news that Canada's governor general has agreed to suspend Parliament until late January.
The Canadian dollar rose as high as $1.2510, or 79.94 U.S. cents, shortly after the announcement was made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. It was at C$1.2645, or 79.08 U.S. cents, shortly before the news.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
You know, if your going to exclude Quebecs elected representatives because you don't like them, then they have every right to seperate.

There are other issues than Seperation the bloc stands for, like women's rights. One of the key reasons they opposed the conservatives was the conservatives assaults on Pay Equity.

Im against seperation, and as such I won't vote for it. But if we are going to deny their votes if they don't vote for who we want, then I may change my stance and support their seperation.

They deserve representation like everyone else.

Agreed, which is also why I have support for them. The only time they freak about seperation is when they feel they are getting shafted.... it seems to be the only way they are taken seriously.... perhaps something we all should be thinking about doing.

But when they're not, which has been for a while now.... they work on the same plans, same bills, same budgets, and everything else, the same way as every other party does.

But I can pretty well guess seperation will be a big issue by the time the Conservatives are through with their propaganda in the next month or so.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I am flabbergasted by this. Proroguation is a device to suspend Parliament only in cases where the government has the CONFIDENCE of the House. Harper is asking for a mandate to govern in the clear and incontrovertable evidence that he does NOT have that confidence.

I am astonished this was granted. I can only surmise that we have a very weak and malleable Governor General, without the character or intellect to discern what a dangerous precedent she has set.

One who is under wiles of the Prime Minister who is utterly without scruples and with the cynical cunning to maintain power by any means possible legal and ethical or otherwise.

I assume we will now have 2 months of the Harper government ratcheting up separatist fears to distract the Canadian public from the task at hand, the imploding economy, regardless of its divisive effects on the nation.

Under the shallow, unimaginative expression of Harper,lies the visage of true tyrant, mad for power. He must be stopped.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I think the national events have changed somewhat since the last election. The last election was basically for or against the green shift, a new election would deal primarily with the economy and how it's going to be fixed. I think taxpayers are owed that before whatever party goes on a spending spree.

Sorry, we cannot put this to bed. The most likely outcome of another election is another minority government, and we are back where we started. I don’t think opposition parties will ever trust Harper again, next time; there will be a no confidence motion right at the beginning, even earlier than this time. We can’t go on having election after election every few weeks, just to keep Harper in power, it doesn’t work that way.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Explain how Bob Rae can say he will vote against the budget, even though he doesn't have a clue what will be in it. All he is interested in is grabbing power.

He knows exactly what will be in the budget, just as I do..... it will be the exact same thing Harper already threw at everyone to suck up.

It's called predicting through repetivness. Last time things got a bit hot in the government, Harper paused things for a while... then everybody came back and he shoved his same plans in everybody's face and practically told everyone to suck it up, he's the dictator.

On a few occasions the Liberals walked out on votes because of this tactic.... at first I was pissed (Still am) at their decisions to walk out and not represent...... but now their reasons are begining to shine through.

Then he called an election because he felt the government was disfunctional.... everything ended up exactly the same way, everybody starts up the government again, and he does the exact same thing in regards to shoving his tyrant ways into everybody's face and attempting to make it so that there is no flexibility other then to do what he says.

So then, like in the past, after this delay is over with, everybody will sit back down..... and he'll do it again, basically trying to flaunt how much power he has, that he can halt their actions anytime he pleases in anyway he can and then shove his same plan right back into their faces and tell them to suck it up and do as he says like the rest of his party does....

..... well, he might switch section 3 and section 4 around, but it'll still be the exact same plan they all objected to in the first place.

Harper has continually shown he will not change his ways and when any type of negotiation is requested on the plans, he practically dares the opposition to do something about it.

He will try and smirk at the other parties after this break and tell them their coalition isn't going to work, slap the same damn plan down on the table and tell them to vote for it...... all the while ignoring those who voted them into the government to represent them in the first place.

Which they can not do or it really will be history for them..... so then we go right back to the Coalition or another Election.

And more wasted time.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Sorry, we cannot put this to bed. The most likely outcome of another election is another minority government, and we are back where we started. I don’t think opposition parties will ever trust Harper again, next time; there will be a no confidence motion right at the beginning, even earlier than this time. We can’t go on having election after election every few weeks, just to keep Harper in power, it doesn’t work that way.

I never said anything about re-electing Harper. If the Liberals were to get their act together and turf Dion the hell out and I would guess they would have a pretty good chance at winning an election.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I am flabbergasted by this. Proroguation is a device to suspend Parliament only in cases where the government has the CONFIDENCE of the House. Harper is asking for a mandate to govern in the clear and incontrovertable evidence that he does NOT have that confidence.

I am astonished this was granted. I can only surmise that we have a very weak and malleable Governor General, without the character or intellect to discern what a dangerous precedent she has set.

One who is under wiles of the Prime Minister who is utterly without scruples and with the cynical cunning to maintain power by any means possible legal and ethical or otherwise.

I assume we will now have 2 months of the Harper government ratcheting up separatist fears to distract the Canadian public from the task at hand, the imploding economy, regardless of its divisive effects on the nation.

Under the shallow, unimaginative expression of Harper,lies the visage of true tyrant, mad for power. He must be stopped.

I agree with your views on Super Harper-Hitler and I agree with your views on the Gov. General as being weak in her position.

This was probably the worst call of them all.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Loonie rises as Canada’s parliament suspended

Reuters Published: Thursday, December 04, 2008
ReutersThe Canadian rose as high as 79.94 US cents, after the decision to suspend Parliament was announced Thursday.

TORONTO -- The Canadian dollar rose 1% after news that Canada's governor general has agreed to suspend Parliament until late January.
The Canadian dollar rose as high as $1.2510, or 79.94 U.S. cents, shortly after the announcement was made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. It was at C$1.2645, or 79.08 U.S. cents, shortly before the news.

I've watched two business news reports, on CBC and CTV that have said that the Loonie is in a steady decline today...


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Absolute disgrace.

This is a disgrace. I have lost respect for our democracy or now lack of, and well as those on this board who support this action. My voice has now been stripped. Stripped from the vote that I cast to have some say in the direction of this minority government. My vote, my voice, locked out by a supposed leader who decides he is above answering to the democratic process. To a democratic parliamentary vote on the position he and his party had put forth so that it could be voted upon until he realized what the result of that would be.

I am practically shaking with disgust and anger. This is even more disgusting than calling an election so soon from a decision that was already made by the electorate. A decision of a minority government suppose to be based on collective consensus.

And you folks applaud this?! Until they open those doors, we now have a one party rule on this country that was never, never given any such endorsement of singular power by the electorate.

My voice, my vote, take away from me by yours truly, Stephen Harper.

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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
This is a disgrace. I have lost respect for our democracy or now lack of, and well as those on this board who support this action. My voice has now been stripped. Stripped from the vote that I cast to have some say in the direction of this minority government. My vote, my voice, locked out by a supposed leader who decides he is above answering to the democratic process. To a democratic parliamentary vote on the position he and his party had put forth so that it could be voted upon until he realized what the result of that would be.

I am practically shaking with disgust and anger. This is even more disgusting than calling an election so soon from a decision that was already made by the electorate. A decision of a minority government suppose to be based on collective consensus.

And you folks applaud this?! Until they open those doors, we now have a one party rule on this country that was never, never given any such endorsement of singular power by the electorate.

My voice, my vote, take away from me by yours truly, Stephen Harper..

Right on the money with that comment.... For a few days I actually thought this country had some shred of a Democracy left to save it all..... and now this.

I sure as hell didn't vote for the Cons or for Super Harper-Hitler and I sure as hell didn't vote for his sorry ass to be dictator and take away our voices and our votes.

That scum bucket and the Gov General should be tried and hanged for treason against our democracy and our nation.

This will never be repaired.

We have now one party and one Prime Minister who is representing a minority of the nation's population.

This is a political hi-jack and the Gov General was the enabler of this destruction of our democracy..... and soon to be our country.