This proves the mountains are not from the earth


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Strange coming from a guy who worships a meteorite and walks three times around a stone box.

YouTube - ‫????? ????.flv‬‎

The pilgrims shout:

Obedience to You God; we come obedient to You God

The praise and gratitude is due to You as the ownership of everything

We come obedient to You God: no associate we ascribe to You

YouTube - ‫?????? ??? ??????‬‎

No meteorite is worshipped, and the seven rounds around the Kaaba at Mecca is a rite of God in the pilgrimage to Mecca: a rite that had been done by Abraham then by was done by Mohammed according to the instructions of God.

A nice tale about a pilgrim:
One of my friends went recently to visit the Kaaba at Mecca in the Omra pilgrimage.
When he went in the House of God at Mecca and saw the Kaaba before him, he was much delighted and had much affection.
At that emotional moment (because God enabled him to visit His House at Mecca), he felt that Satan came to his side and suggested to him: "Is this better or the gold shrine of Imam Abbas and Imam Hussein?"
My friend, a righteous devoted servant of God, said: "Go away cursed Satan; this is you tell to your followers: the worshippers of stone and shrines."
And he felt as if there was someone who slipped away from him.

I told his stories to some medical assisstant who also went to Mecca in the Hajj and Omra pilgrimage, and he said to me:
"I also faced such an experience and found that Satan even at that rite of the Hajj came and suggested: See that beautiful woman and that nice looking woman! that is in spite of I was asked God's protection from the suggestions of the devil."


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
God is everywhere. Why do people need a building to worship? Doesn't make sense.

God is in heaven above His throne of glory.
The House of God is used for the collective worship: like the collective prayer; in addition, it has many other advantages as the teaching of Muslims about their religion and about the Quran.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Is his anything like mine?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I suggest we just watch the knuckleheads duke it out. They'll never be convinced of anything rational, and they certainly won't convince each other of anything, they're using two mutually incompatible mythologies as their major source of information. It does seem worth noting though that if what Dr. Nassir (yes, he's claimed to be a medical doctor) posts is what passes for science in the Islamic world... well, it explains a lot.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
All religions have their slant on science. Big bang is a Jewish/Christian ideal fitting the creation story of something from nothing.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I suggest we just watch the knuckleheads duke it out. They'll never be convinced of anything rational, and they certainly won't convince each other of anything, they're using two mutually incompatible mythologies as their major source of information. It does seem worth noting though that if what Dr. Nassir (yes, he's claimed to be a medical doctor) posts is what passes for science in the Islamic world... well, it explains a lot.

What a haughty Mr. science :D

You will not succeed in mixing things, by saying : two incompatible mythologies.
You did not explain any scientific thing, but only gave the definition of water by saying it is water. (a parable)
In spite of that you are not expert in geology.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
God created the matter from The ether.
"And man created god in his own image", Mark Twain.
Truer words have never been spoken.

The Creator is unknowable to such finite beings as humans. We are a barbaric race of inconspicuous dust floating in an infinite Universe. Thinking the the Creator gives us a second thought is an ego trip of biblical (or Quranic) proportions.