Pope Benedict XVI to resign due to ‘deteriorating’ health


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't see any reason to disrespect the man. As a respector of most religions that don't get in my face, I have absolutely no problem with him.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Oh, who f'n cares! They should retire the position for eternity. It really is just some old dude in a dress and weird hat who claims he is the voice of god. Most people would get locked up for that sh*t.

While they're at it they should retire every position above the local parish priest because they are all corrupt and, well, pretty much insane in what they believe and practice. Unfortunately they have about a billion followers who are just as insane to believe the sh*t they're shoveling.
Someone has a hate on; take a pill, Nick.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I don't see any reason to disrespect the man. As a respector of most religions that don't get in my face, I have absolutely no problem with him.
What's there to respect? The cross-dresser is elevated to the status of demi-god living in splendor while allowing alter-boys to be raped and half his 'flock' to live in abject poverty. And don't tell me they aren't in your face with all their missionaries and crap. The wonderful Holy Roman Catholic Church has such a great history of starting wars and killing people for no reason other than disagreeing with them (remember the Spanish inquisition).
Someone has a hate on; take a pill, Nick.
You bet Wally. Nothing but disgust and disdain for the most useless, false, sack-of-sh*t organization on the planet.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What's there to respect? The cross-dresser is elevated to the status of demi-god living in splendor while allowing alter-boys to be raped and half his 'flock' to live in abject poverty. And don't tell me they aren't in your face with all their missionaries and crap. The wonderful Holy Roman Catholic Church has such a great history of starting wars and killing people for no reason other than disagreeing with them (remember the Spanish inquisition).


Is it religion that kills people or men who hide behind the religion? You can't tar everyone with the same brush.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The shock and disbelief is because Popes do NOT resign. Pope John Paul, Pope Benedict's predecessor, stated that a Pope should NOT resign for any reason. He likened it to getting back down off the cross. The last time a Pope resigned was in 1415. THAT is why there is so much shock.

I know, Gerry, but I think it's time the Catholick Church maybe tweaked their philosophy a little, it's been over a hundred years since the mentality of working a man until he literally dropped in his tracks. It doesn't say much for the value of the work the man is doing, much less the value of the man. Even pack horses get to stop and rest a couple of times a day.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
I nominate Jeff Bridges to be the next pope

And rename the position as "The Dude." Id get on board with that.

Is it religion that kills people or men who hide behind the religion? You can't tar everyone with the same brush.

Both. Up until fairly recently the Pope was considered to be infallible. If a guy in a position of infallibility tells you to do bad things or you go to hell for eternity - well, thats both the man and the religion. Most of the Catholic ceremonies and weird rituals were invented or taken from other religions centuries after the time of Christ. One can say "thats not in The Bible," well, neither is most of Catholicism.

You bet Wally. Nothing but disgust and disdain for the most useless, false, sack-of-sh*t organization on the planet.

Ditto. Stop protecting the child rapists, recognize women as equal to men and stop the extreme homophobia and I will then have no problem with them.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I was, frankly, shocked by this. Although i totally understand Benedict's desire to have a vigorous younger man as helmsman in the numerous crises the Church is facing.. none more so than the collapse of Christian civilization and morality throughout the West. And certainly everyone else in the Church is allowed to retire, or has it cast upon them. And, we have to recognize that modern health care allows people to live for much longer, much past the point when their vitality and mental acuity start to diminish.

Still, i hope this does not become the new norm. There is great symbolic significance to a Pope dying in office, as the supreme head of a sacrificial priesthood. It allows for a time of reflection, mourning, a new era with a clean break from the predecessor.

Most Popes go through a period of reclusion in their final years, managing by exception or delegation.. resting on their opus, publishing little, presiding rather than directing the Church.

There's no need to travel the world, and engage yourself in day to day operations of the Church. For an institution with as much momentum and as old of the Church, that's part of the natural rhythm.

I know Benedict was a reluctant Pope from the beginning. In fact a reluctant prelate. He was most at home as a theological professor at Regensburg University (and others).. and was of a thoroughly academic and intellectual temperament.

But his sheer brilliance, and his sense of obligation to the Church propelled to ever higher roles of leadership, in grueling posts like the CDF and then Pope in a period as turbulent as any in the last millennium.. and i think that same sense of responsibility is behind the resignation..

Still he leaves a profoud legacy of his writings and encyclicals in reconciling Faith and Reason, in his stewardship of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith as Prefect, in reining in the reckless speculation that followed Vatican 2, especially in the heretical credo of 'the Spirit of Vatican 2'.. and imho in the Motu Proprio, re-establishing the Traditional Latin Mass as the core instrument of the Church and its anchor in turbulent seas. And for that we should be very grateful.

.. but still i hope this doesn't set a precedent.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ditto. Stop protecting the child rapists, recognize women as equal to men and stop the extreme homophobia and I will then have no problem with them.
Homophobia? 60 years ago and prior when it was illegal to be gay, where did someone go for shelter?

Women are equal in the Church because the Church is the female in the equation.

They can't do the Eucharist for the reason it becomes a spritual lesbian act.

Eurcharist is the Rite joining of the Mater (the Mother Church) and the Pater (Father God), the female and male.

Same goes for marriage. it is also a joining of the male and the female the same way the Eucharist is a joining of the male and female.

The marriage happens during the Eucharist and the boinking session (consecration) afterwards not the vows.

A little insight can go a long way.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Homophobia? 60 years ago and prior when it was illegal to be gay, where did someone go for shelter?

Women are equal in the Church because the Church is the female in the equation.

They can't do the Eucharist for the reason it becomes a spritual lesbian act.

Eurcharist is the Rite joining of the Mater (the Mother Church) and the Pater (Father God), the female and male.

Same goes for marriage. it is also a joining of the male and the female the same way the Eucharist is a joining of the male and female.

The marriage happens during the Eucharist and the boinking session (consecration) afterwards not the vows.

A little insight can go a long way.
Some people would call that discrimination.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Both. Up until fairly recently the Pope was considered to be infallible. If a guy in a position of infallibility tells you to do bad things or you go to hell for eternity - well, thats both the man and the religion. Most of the Catholic ceremonies and weird rituals were invented or taken from other religions centuries after the time of Christ. One can say "thats not in The Bible," well, neither is most of Catholicism.
Until fairly recently...no...he is infallible...that has not changed. However it is NOT everything that comes out of his mouth that is considered infallible...people get confused on that.

Women are equal in the Church because the Church is the female in the equation.
Really? haven't seen any priests, bishops, or cardinals recently...it's still the "old boys club" and they are fighting tooth and nail to keep it that way.

They can't do the Eucharist for the reason it becomes a spritual lesbian act.

Eurcharist is the Rite joining of the Mater (the Mother Church) and the Pater (Father God), the female and male.
Yeah nice explanation for keeping women in their place.

Same goes for marriage. it is also a joining of the male and the female the same way the Eucharist is a joining of the male and female.

The marriage happens during the Eucharist and the boinking session (consecration) afterwards not the vows.
I am hoping you are joking.

A little insight can go a long way.
Now here we agree. :)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Gh, now that he's no longer the Pope, will you support an investigation into his involvement in the molestation scandals?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Gh, now that he's no longer the Pope, will you support an investigation into his involvement in the molestation scandals?

Can't speak for Ger, Bear, but he's not the guy you are going to get the right answers from- you'd be pissing against the wall!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
because he is/was the Pope. Because he is 85 fu cking years old and in failing health. Because NO ONE besides the Catholics have a right to question him.....fu cking period. end of discussion.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Because NO ONE besides the Catholics have a right to question him.....
Ummm, I have no idea how you come to that, but I probably don't have to point out the conflict of interest involved in that notion, to you.

So I'm going to say I disagree.

The are questions that need to be asked, and people brought to justice.

And in all honesty, I think it would raise the image of the RCC, if he did cooperate with authorities.