New Rulers declare Libya Liberated


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Do you mean will power ever be restored to the areas it was taken out via NATO. Gas is an export product now, so is water. What is the price of gas in Iraq now?
(in part)
Government officials in Baghdad and Washington claim that the cause of the gasoline shortage is "insurgent" or "terrorist" activity but the trucking companies say that the problem is often corruption and common criminal activity.

Iraq's gasoline comes from two sources: domestic refineries process a limited amount of the nation's crude into gasoline, but it is imports from neighboring nations that run most of the country's vehicles and generators. Saudi Arabia and Turkey supply more than half of Iraq's domestic needs. In August 2005, after Iraq's debt rose into the millions, Saudi Arabia turned off the spigot. On January 21st, after Baghdad's unpaid bill topped a billion dollars, Turkey stopped loading gasoline for Iraq.

The supply from Kuwait is also drying up. Lloyd-Owen International (LOI), a Florida-based company, had arranged to truck in 1.3 billion liters of gasoline from the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation to gas stations throughout Iraq over the last 19 months. On February 2, Alan Waller, chief executive officer of LOI, stopped supplies to Baghdad because of payment arrears. By this weekend, Iraq's imports had plummeted from the previous norm of 12 million liters a day to three million.

To make matters worse, sabotage and cold weather have plunged Iraq's own oil production and refining into crisis. Despite sitting on the world's third biggest oil reserves, Iraq's exports slumped from a high of 2.1 million barrels per day just 1.1 million barrels a day in December, their lowest level since the war in 2003.

This slide, together with the delivery crisis, has led to major gasoline shortages in Baghdad, where vulnerable drivers wait in quarter-mile-long lines. The capital's erratic electricity has exacerbated the problem by forcing people to run to gas-hungry generators to keep the lights on and the air conditioning running in their houses and stores.

Any comments on the apparent contradiction in the first bolded part below and aren't 'perks' just what was in place before the fake revolution?

Abdul-Jalil said new banks would be set up to follow the Islamic banking system, which bans charging interest. For the time being, he said interest would be canceled from any personal loans already taken out less than 10,000 Libyan dinars (about $7,500).
He also announced that all military personnel and civilians who have taken part in the fight against Gadhafi would be promoted to the rank above their existing one. He said a package of perks would later be announced for all fighters.

Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
WOW...somebody else knows about the 144tonnes of gold?
Gaddafi was on the verge of liberating Africa from western domination. He had to die, and like all acts of aggression by the west, he had to be vilified so the sheeple would rejoice in the attack and murder of the man that threatened western domination.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Gaddafi was on the verge of liberating Africa from western domination. He had to die, and like all acts of aggression by the west, he had to be vilified so the sheeple would rejoice in the attack and murder of the man that threatened western domination.
When do I get my gold and free oil for funding this ****?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Gaddafi was on the verge of liberating Africa from western domination. He had to die, and like all acts of aggression by the west, he had to be vilified so the sheeple would rejoice in the attack and murder of the man that threatened western domination.

Liberating Africa? Gadaffi was on the verge of liberating a continent of 1 Billion and yet could not even keep his own country of 6.4 Million happy?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Liberating Africa? Gadaffi was on the verge of liberating a continent of 1 Billion and yet could not even keep his own country of 6.4 Million happy?

Did you even watch the video?
Either you really don't know what is going on or you are purposely propagating the lies of your government.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Did you even watch the video?
Either you really don't know what is going on or you are purposely propagating the lies of your government.
He's just jealous that Libyans weren't in debt, had free health care, free electricity, free education and were consuming a healthy 3300 affordable calories a day.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
He's just jealous that Libyans weren't in debt, had free health care, free electricity, free education and were consuming a healthy 3300 affordable calories a day.
Yup. A few days ago I smelled a rat with the death of Gaddafi. Now I think we have found it. This whole NATO operation was one massive steaming pile of shyte.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yup. A few days ago I smelled a rat with the death of Gaddafi. Now I think we have found it. This whole NATO operation was one massive pile of shyte.

I don't see a hell of a lot wrong with getting rid of one of the worst a$$holes in the world! :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yup. A few days ago I smelled a rat with the death of Gaddafi. Now I think we have found it. This whole NATO operation was one massive pile of shyte.
I smelled a rat in Feb when CDN Govt sent an "oil" envoy to Libya and were told to **** off by Gaddaffi.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I don't see a hell of a lot wrong with getting rid of one of the worst a$$holes in the world! :lol:
And that belief has been carefully engineered by the Ministry of Truth. We may have all been hood winked. If the real truth comes out, and it is, we will know who the real enemy is here, and I don't think it was Gaddafi at all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And that belief has been carefully engineered by the Ministry of Truth. We may have all been hood winked. If the real truth comes out, and it is, we will know who the real enemy is here, and I don't think it was Gaddafi at all.

Perhaps the best answer is what 6 million of his countrymen have to say! :smile:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Perhaps the best answer is what 6 million of his countrymen have to say! :smile:
They have just been bombed back into the dark ages. Oh ya! They are rejoicing in the streets!

Don't believe anything they tell you on TV. It is just a fictional movie designed to make you think the way they want you to.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
YAY...lets celebrate our liberation by dancing in the cratered streets!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
They have just been bombed back into the dark ages. Oh ya! They are rejoicing in the streets!

Don't believe anything they tell you on TV. It is just a fictional movie designed to make you think the way they want you to.

I got it on the radio! :lol:


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
I get neg reps by two people for stating a fact :lol: . Neither of them of course explained why... Some people only see the world in black and white I guess, we're the good guys they're the evil guys.. because well Western media tells us so, and that's that. This warped view of reality is nothing short of dangerous.