More Ducks Tarred and Feathered?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
A nice piece of propaganda. Reminds me of some of the old cigarette industry ads and the executives that lied to congress about the dangers. That said, I think the truth lies somewhere between that bed of roses and the hysteria. If the tailing ponds were as clean as they said in that flic, why would they need to keep the birds out and why do they die when they do land. So, perhaps the tar sands are not quite the horror show that most people think they are, but they are far from the Disney-esque caricature portrayed in that propaganda piece.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
#juan, when you go to the gas station to fill the tank of your car (pardon me if you are a strict walker or bicycle rider) do you ask if the gas was refined from the oil sands, and would you refuse if it was revealed to you that it was?

If the tailings are useless (with current technology) and dangerous, they should be safely curtailed from spilling and polluting. Nobody disputes that. Nobody wants to breath bad air, drink bad water or leave a polluted environment to our kids and grand-kids, only in the deranged minds of liberals.

Producing just about anything is a smelly mess. If you want only things that smell nice, you would never have another piece of meat in your kitchen (private or on this forum). You would never have a piece of clothing made of wool. Or cotton. Or synthetics. You would never have a shoe to wear.

Shut down something you don't like? How about shutting down something I don't like. Wouldn't you be the first one to demand to shut me up if I dared to voice something you don't like?

You would be well advised to weigh the problems caused against the problems solved.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Who gives a **** about ducks when surface and subsurface freshwater isn't fit for human consumption and is slowly killing hundreds of millions of real human lives.

When you fly over the Syncrude mess, the tailing pond looks just like a lake.
Unfortunately that lake is toxic to wildfowl. I can't see anything changing unless
they cover the ponds or come up with a new method for this part of the operation.

Soon we will all be Monsanto modified humans and we won't care about the environment. We will just be compliant clone automatons.
The Technopolypse is nie!


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Nice attempt at diversion, petros!

I would have no qualm about going to the Red River, scoop a cup and drink it. Most normal people would have no qualm about the fact that drinking water in just about all municipalities comes from a natural water source. Most people, with the possible exception of paranoid liberals would have no problem of comsuming water provided by their respective municipalities.

Can you show me and the rest of the world how municipal water is killing millions of humans. Well, I'll be more charitable: Thousands? Hundreds? Anyone?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You obviously didn't bother to watch the video (not to mention some of the other videos on the site).
I watched every last second of it. I was both impressed and disgusted. It does look like they are trying to do a good job, but having spent over thirty years in the PR industry I know BS when I see it. The whole piece is a one sided attempt to shut up their detractors. It was dishonest in its portrayal because it was designed to make a dirty industry look pretty.

But before you go getting your balls in a tangle, I also advocate that people stop jumping in their cars or trucks every time they leave the house. People could easily cut their gas and plastics consumption by half. I have cut mine by as much as 90% and I don't think my life is any less than anybody else's.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Can we trust people who would do this?



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nice attempt at diversion, petros!

I would have no qualm about going to the Red River, scoop a cup and drink it. Most normal people would have no qualm about the fact that drinking water in just about all municipalities comes from a natural water source. Most people, with the possible exception of paranoid liberals would have no problem of comsuming water provided by their respective municipalities.

Can you show me and the rest of the world how municipal water is killing millions of humans. Well, I'll be more charitable: Thousands? Hundreds? Anyone?
Would you drink Windex?

Go out to any farm in MB and ask if the farmer if they still uses their wells or if they haul water from the R.O. stations in town.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I watched every last second of it.

Then you should have no problem pointing out where in the video, they said the water in the tailings ponds was clean. I won't hold my breath. Quite frankly, you should be the last one throwing around the word propaganda.

Can we trust people who would do this?

Would you trust a mechanic that would do this



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
RX7 or truck? back in the day their was a local guy who stuffed two wankels into a Datsun 510 and ran it at the drag strip. That thing would pull high 10 second times through the quarter.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Then you should have no problem pointing out where in the video, they said the water in the tailings ponds was clean. I won't hold my breath. Quite frankly, you should be the last one throwing around the word propaganda.
They didn't need to say anything. There was not a single oil slick or effluent scum on any of the shots of water, They only showed clear water on the ponds. When making a piece like this, words mean very little compared to the images shown. Did you see anything in that film that resembled the picture Juan showed? No. It was just a propaganda piece. It is PR not a documentary or a report. They only put their best foot forward. It is the nature of the genre.
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
They didn't need to say anything....

So you just read into it what you wanted. You must have nodded off (seeing as you claimed to have watched the whole video) when they talked about how they are trying to protect birds from these tailings ponds.

I'm well aware that words mean very little to folks like you and Juan. That is, after all, why he posted his picture in the first place. Scientifically minded people such as I tend you delve a little deeper.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Any massive operation like that is going to kill wildlife and people. The term "acceptable limits" is standard for any mine, smelter, refinery, sour gas wells, coal/nuke power stations etc etc etc.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
A video is more than just a transcript of spoken words...PETA videos, Greenpeace videos, are propaganda as well. Associating words with pictures, with the intent to better fit the narrative. Association as propaganda contrives qualities (negative or positive) of one thing with another, in order to make it appear more or less favourable.

I wouldn't think this even needs to be said. It works for advertising campaigns as well, because the human brain is easily conditioned. It should also go without saying that these dead ducks, are also being used as propaganda...