It's Climate Change I tell'ya!! IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
In this day and age of Global warming how is this even possible?

'People there are freezing': Homeless advocates call for warming tent at Oppenheimer Park
Global warming aside, TM............Oppenheimer Park is a cesspit of garbage, empty (illegal) propane bottles, broken bikes and shopping carts, piles of plastic bags, dog shit and oh yes, rats - lots of rats. It is a no go zone for anyone who with a brain in their head due to the numerous fights, drunks and druggies. The Vancouver Parks Board have their collective heads up their asses and refuse to remove the recalcitrants who live in squalor. If the squatters are ever removed from the park, it will take years and lots of tax payer's dollars to try remediate all the damage done.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Global warming aside, TM............Oppenheimer Park is a cesspit of garbage, empty (illegal) propane bottles, broken bikes and shopping carts, piles of plastic bags, dog shit and oh yes, rats - lots of rats. It is a no go zone for anyone who with a brain in their head due to the numerous fights, drunks and druggies. The Vancouver Parks Board have their collective heads up their asses and refuse to remove the recalcitrants who live in squalor. If the squatters are ever removed from the park, it will take years and lots of tax payer's dollars to try remediate all the damage done.
Well they have to put them somewhere .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Sweet. Moore is an excellent speaker on this topic. If open to the public, I'm in.
I would love to go and listen to this man speak, but from what I understand it’s $300/head to register for the two day conference in order to be able to listen to Patrick Moore speak. That’s just beyond what I’m willing to pay for my girlfriend and I to enjoy a breath of fresh air. Hopefully I can Google and YouTube the speech after the fact.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I would love to go and listen to this man speak, but from what I understand it’s $300/head to register for the two day conference in order to be able to listen to Patrick Moore speak. That’s just beyond what I’m willing to pay for my girlfriend and I to enjoy a breath of fresh air. Hopefully I can Google and YouTube the speech after the fact.

Yeah- want to bet that LIE-berals get that $300 per head cost off some "professional development" fund for political hacks and flacks????????

Which would explain why anybody who disputes LIE-beral orthodoxy on any subject is RARELY HEARD FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad enough that LIE-berals and HOGS make efforts to censor speakers at public gatherings...................

they also make very determined efforts to PREVENT ANY access to Cdn media by anti LIE-beral speakers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an argument proving that we need desperately to get union HOG control out of the classroom!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Indoctrination in Alberta's classrooms must stop

By Danielle Smith, Calgary Herald

Published November 29, 2019

Some Alberta students are being taught that capitalism and oilsands development are evil, says columnist Danielle Smith.

(Teacher HOGS are displaying the worst sort of CONTEMPT for the public by insulting capitalism - especially since HOGS are engaged in a GROSS CONFLICT OF INTEREST were capitalism and democracy are concerned!! HOGS have a monopoly stranglehold on education and this bigoted bullying of the public by GREEDY HOGS must STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(IN addition - HOGS ARE SELLING THEIR VOTES to LIE-berals in exchange for pay raises and this is a CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST!! HOGS SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED to vote for their political masters this way!! HOGS would be outraged if a company CEO offered hi employees a pay raise in exchange for each Conservative politician elected - so why close our eyes to HOG BIAS???????)

The efforts to convince Canadians that the Alberta energy sector is the best in class and deserves to be supported are being undermined right here at home. Rather than focus on the detractors outside Alberta’s borders, we need to focus on the detractors within our own publicly funded school system.

(It IS A FACT that Cdn oil companies ALREADY operate under the toughest environmental laws on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I’ve known since I was a teenager that some public school social studies teachers seem to lean toward Marxism. I came home one day from Grade 8 social studies class telling my parents that my teacher thought the Soviet Union was just terrific. My dad had a different view. He didn’t think much of the fact that Joseph Stalin had starved 10 million people, mostly Ukrainians, and he went to the school to let my teacher know.

This story has a happy ending — it firmly cemented for me that authoritarian regimes are the most evil ideologies ever invented by humanity. If you want to give me the old yarn that communism just hasn’t been implemented right yet, I give you the China Papers released this week. Even the Chinese, for all their tolerance of wealth creation and billionaires, have no problem setting up detention camps to surveil, capture, detain and re-educate their Uighur population.

(Not to mention the SLAVE LABOUR CAMPS - that produce consumer goods in competition with Cdn workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So I shouldn’t have really been surprised when a parent sent me her Grade 10 son’s social studies unit test this week, chock-a-block full of Marxist themes and anti-oilsands rhetoric.

Some of the assertions in the test were things like, “Free trade is behind many of the ills of the modern world. It makes people poorer and deprives them of power by putting the economy in the hands of transnational corporations. It should be stopped.” And an exercise where a student is supposed to identify irony, showing an editorial cartoon of a T-shirt shop with anti-trade and anti-capitalist slogans on it. Get it? It’s ironic that the shopkeeper makes a profit selling “Capitalism Sucks” T-shirts. The takeaway for the 14-year-old student probably isn’t the nuance of adult hypocrisy. The takeaway is that capitalism sucks.

(One HAS TO ASK: “WHERE is the provincial education ministry comment on such a MASSIVE DIVERSION from standard curriculum?? Are our teacher HOGS such extreme bullies that the ministry IS AFRAID to discipline HOGS who stray SO FAR FROM THE CURRICULUM???????????)

Question 15 is another gem. It begins with the statement: “The proposed (oil)sands development will tear a hole in Canada’s lungs — our vital boreal ecosystem … It is essential that an integrated land management plan be in place that recognizes and protects the integrity of this critical ecosystem.” Then students are asked to choose what the author of the quote probably thinks. Are oilsands the best thing that ever happened to northern Alberta or should they be more strictly regulated? Well, duh.

The student is never asked to ponder whether the statement is true. Is Canada’s boreal forest the “lungs” of the earth? Is continued development going to “tear a hole” in those lungs? With most future development of oilsands to take place with such innovations as steam-assisted gravity drainage, or SAGD, instead of mining, it seems unlikely.

(The questions that NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO ASK are these :”HOW can we reduce our use of fossil fuel without DESTROYING our economy”????????????)

(Secondly: “Why do HOGS and LIE-berals IGNORE THE HARD EVIDENCE that we could drastically reduce green house gas emissions simply by banning air travel as it is BY FAR the dirtiest way to travel”!! Let them go on trains if they must go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In a related question: “How much will it HURT US if LIE-berals prevent us from driving to work - versus how much will it hurt us to BAN SALES of SeaDoos and ATV`s and riding lawn mowers in order to limit fossil fuel use?????????????????)

So what is the point of this? This is not education. It’s indoctrination. And it’s got to stop.

(Even worse- the indoctrination is for the purpose of ENSURING that HOGS KEEP all their grand fuel guzzling toys and high carbon foot print lifestyle - even if it means the rest of us are IMPOVERISHED and left to starve in the cold and dark!!!)

(As I have said before - a Communist is a person in a hurry - who will shoot you to get you out of the way - but a Socialist is a person with more patience - who will leave you to starve or freeze in a ditch!!! We have only to look at the chaos in oil rich Venezuela to see the LATEST EXAMPLE of Socialist failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The problem is how to stop it? I was informed when I spoke about this on the air that the test was probably taken from a “test pool” that was written from the formal curriculum. If that is true, it would mean it’s formal curriculum in Alberta to teach that capitalism sucks and the oilsands are destroying the lungs of the earth.

Let that sink in. If it’s an assignment drafted by the individual teacher, then who is responsible for holding them to account? The principal? The principal is in the ATA bargaining unit, they aren’t really a manager so much as a first among equals, so I doubt they would do anything about it.

Contact your trustee? They aren’t really to meddle in operational matters at individual schools. Contact the education minister? She was asked about it in question period on Wednesday, but no doubt she’ll be told she isn’t supposed to meddle in the affairs of individual classrooms either.

This is the perfect mire of a faceless bureaucracy. No one is to blame. No one takes responsibility. There is no way to correct it. And so it continues.

(On the other hand - perhaps the newly installed Conservative govt has not yet got around to confronting the HOG BULLIES about their UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES to the school curriculum?? WE can pray that is the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I was going to start this column by suggesting that the Calgary Board of Education save the 300 teacher jobs on the chopping block by reducing a similar number of administrative staff. After this week, I’ve changed my mind. Let’s start by getting rid of the ones who are administering tests like this.

(TRUE DAT!! Strong regulation of HOG PROPAGANDA IS ESSENTIAL NOW!! Consider the consequences of some kid listening to his parents chat on a lazy Sunday afternoon and then the kid goes to school and REPEATS some of the thoughts typically held by ordinary Cdns - and we should ask HOW MUCH TROUBLE WILL THAT KID BE IN -with ENRAGED HOGS???????????????)

(I have pointed out in the past that teacher HOGS have a DANGEROUS monopoly on our education system - such that they CAN INFLUENCE who gets into college and university courses - simply by PRIVATELY posting critical comments to those in charge of admissions in colleges and universities!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Noted Psychiatrist Jordan Peterson has written and spoken often about the EXTREME POLITICAL “VETTING” being done to ensure that only “suitable” candidates manage to graduate from various courses - meaning YOU AINT GRADUATING - NOR GETTING A JOB - if your values diverge to much from those of your course heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As an example - if you want to be a teacher - you NEED a recommendation from A TEACHER - to get into Teachers College!! And if you want to get hired as a teacher - YOU NEED TO BE “VETTED” FIRST- by other more senior teachers AND BY THE UNION THAT CONTROLS ALL HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The UGLY TRUTH at this time is that getting ANY govt job is like being BORN TO ROYALTY!! NO COMMON PEOPLE NEED APPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yeah- want to bet that LIE-berals get that $300 per head cost off some "professional development" fund for political hacks and flacks????????

Which would explain why anybody who disputes LIE-beral orthodoxy on any subject is RARELY HEARD FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad enough that LIE-berals and HOGS make efforts to censor speakers at public gatherings...................

they also make very determined efforts to PREVENT ANY access to Cdn media by anti LIE-beral speakers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an argument proving that we need desperately to get union HOG control out of the classroom!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Indoctrination in Alberta's classrooms must stop

By Danielle Smith, Calgary Herald

Published November 29, 2019

Some Alberta students are being taught that capitalism and oilsands development are evil, says columnist Danielle Smith.

(Teacher HOGS are displaying the worst sort of CONTEMPT for the public by insulting capitalism - especially since HOGS are engaged in a GROSS CONFLICT OF INTEREST were capitalism and democracy are concerned!! HOGS have a monopoly stranglehold on education and this bigoted bullying of the public by GREEDY HOGS must STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(IN addition - HOGS ARE SELLING THEIR VOTES to LIE-berals in exchange for pay raises and this is a CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST!! HOGS SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED to vote for their political masters this way!! HOGS would be outraged if a company CEO offered hi employees a pay raise in exchange for each Conservative politician elected - so why close our eyes to HOG BIAS???????)

The efforts to convince Canadians that the Alberta energy sector is the best in class and deserves to be supported are being undermined right here at home. Rather than focus on the detractors outside Alberta’s borders, we need to focus on the detractors within our own publicly funded school system.

(It IS A FACT that Cdn oil companies ALREADY operate under the toughest environmental laws on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I’ve known since I was a teenager that some public school social studies teachers seem to lean toward Marxism. I came home one day from Grade 8 social studies class telling my parents that my teacher thought the Soviet Union was just terrific. My dad had a different view. He didn’t think much of the fact that Joseph Stalin had starved 10 million people, mostly Ukrainians, and he went to the school to let my teacher know.

This story has a happy ending — it firmly cemented for me that authoritarian regimes are the most evil ideologies ever invented by humanity. If you want to give me the old yarn that communism just hasn’t been implemented right yet, I give you the China Papers released this week. Even the Chinese, for all their tolerance of wealth creation and billionaires, have no problem setting up detention camps to surveil, capture, detain and re-educate their Uighur population.

(Not to mention the SLAVE LABOUR CAMPS - that produce consumer goods in competition with Cdn workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So I shouldn’t have really been surprised when a parent sent me her Grade 10 son’s social studies unit test this week, chock-a-block full of Marxist themes and anti-oilsands rhetoric.

Some of the assertions in the test were things like, “Free trade is behind many of the ills of the modern world. It makes people poorer and deprives them of power by putting the economy in the hands of transnational corporations. It should be stopped.” And an exercise where a student is supposed to identify irony, showing an editorial cartoon of a T-shirt shop with anti-trade and anti-capitalist slogans on it. Get it? It’s ironic that the shopkeeper makes a profit selling “Capitalism Sucks” T-shirts. The takeaway for the 14-year-old student probably isn’t the nuance of adult hypocrisy. The takeaway is that capitalism sucks.

(One HAS TO ASK: “WHERE is the provincial education ministry comment on such a MASSIVE DIVERSION from standard curriculum?? Are our teacher HOGS such extreme bullies that the ministry IS AFRAID to discipline HOGS who stray SO FAR FROM THE CURRICULUM???????????)

Question 15 is another gem. It begins with the statement: “The proposed (oil)sands development will tear a hole in Canada’s lungs — our vital boreal ecosystem … It is essential that an integrated land management plan be in place that recognizes and protects the integrity of this critical ecosystem.” Then students are asked to choose what the author of the quote probably thinks. Are oilsands the best thing that ever happened to northern Alberta or should they be more strictly regulated? Well, duh.

The student is never asked to ponder whether the statement is true. Is Canada’s boreal forest the “lungs” of the earth? Is continued development going to “tear a hole” in those lungs? With most future development of oilsands to take place with such innovations as steam-assisted gravity drainage, or SAGD, instead of mining, it seems unlikely.

(The questions that NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO ASK are these :”HOW can we reduce our use of fossil fuel without DESTROYING our economy”????????????)

(Secondly: “Why do HOGS and LIE-berals IGNORE THE HARD EVIDENCE that we could drastically reduce green house gas emissions simply by banning air travel as it is BY FAR the dirtiest way to travel”!! Let them go on trains if they must go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In a related question: “How much will it HURT US if LIE-berals prevent us from driving to work - versus how much will it hurt us to BAN SALES of SeaDoos and ATV`s and riding lawn mowers in order to limit fossil fuel use?????????????????)

So what is the point of this? This is not education. It’s indoctrination. And it’s got to stop.

(Even worse- the indoctrination is for the purpose of ENSURING that HOGS KEEP all their grand fuel guzzling toys and high carbon foot print lifestyle - even if it means the rest of us are IMPOVERISHED and left to starve in the cold and dark!!!)

(As I have said before - a Communist is a person in a hurry - who will shoot you to get you out of the way - but a Socialist is a person with more patience - who will leave you to starve or freeze in a ditch!!! We have only to look at the chaos in oil rich Venezuela to see the LATEST EXAMPLE of Socialist failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The problem is how to stop it? I was informed when I spoke about this on the air that the test was probably taken from a “test pool” that was written from the formal curriculum. If that is true, it would mean it’s formal curriculum in Alberta to teach that capitalism sucks and the oilsands are destroying the lungs of the earth.

Let that sink in. If it’s an assignment drafted by the individual teacher, then who is responsible for holding them to account? The principal? The principal is in the ATA bargaining unit, they aren’t really a manager so much as a first among equals, so I doubt they would do anything about it.

Contact your trustee? They aren’t really to meddle in operational matters at individual schools. Contact the education minister? She was asked about it in question period on Wednesday, but no doubt she’ll be told she isn’t supposed to meddle in the affairs of individual classrooms either.

This is the perfect mire of a faceless bureaucracy. No one is to blame. No one takes responsibility. There is no way to correct it. And so it continues.

(On the other hand - perhaps the newly installed Conservative govt has not yet got around to confronting the HOG BULLIES about their UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES to the school curriculum?? WE can pray that is the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I was going to start this column by suggesting that the Calgary Board of Education save the 300 teacher jobs on the chopping block by reducing a similar number of administrative staff. After this week, I’ve changed my mind. Let’s start by getting rid of the ones who are administering tests like this.

(TRUE DAT!! Strong regulation of HOG PROPAGANDA IS ESSENTIAL NOW!! Consider the consequences of some kid listening to his parents chat on a lazy Sunday afternoon and then the kid goes to school and REPEATS some of the thoughts typically held by ordinary Cdns - and we should ask HOW MUCH TROUBLE WILL THAT KID BE IN -with ENRAGED HOGS???????????????)

(I have pointed out in the past that teacher HOGS have a DANGEROUS monopoly on our education system - such that they CAN INFLUENCE who gets into college and university courses - simply by PRIVATELY posting critical comments to those in charge of admissions in colleges and universities!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Noted Psychiatrist Jordan Peterson has written and spoken often about the EXTREME POLITICAL “VETTING” being done to ensure that only “suitable” candidates manage to graduate from various courses - meaning YOU AINT GRADUATING - NOR GETTING A JOB - if your values diverge to much from those of your course heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As an example - if you want to be a teacher - you NEED a recommendation from A TEACHER - to get into Teachers College!! And if you want to get hired as a teacher - YOU NEED TO BE “VETTED” FIRST- by other more senior teachers AND BY THE UNION THAT CONTROLS ALL HIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The UGLY TRUTH at this time is that getting ANY govt job is like being BORN TO ROYALTY!! NO COMMON PEOPLE NEED APPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Why am I not surprised? The NDP wanted to change the school curriculums and apparently, this is the result. Minister of Education needs to blow a hole in this and demand our educators get back to the basics!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Why am I not surprised? The NDP wanted to change the school curriculums and apparently, this is the result. Minister of Education needs to blow a hole in this and demand our educators get back to the basics!

May I advise you to STUDY CAREFULLY the fight going on here in Ontari-owe

between teacher HOGS and the Ford govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or get up to speed on the latest LIE-beral harassment of Ezra Levant and his Rebel Media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By watching this fight unfold - you will obtain much useful information re HOW TO FIGHT HOGS IN ALBERTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news Ezra Levant - head of Rebel Media has just posted a video of himself

BEING INTERROGATED by our LIE-beral Commissars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The SIN Levant is accused of ............................

and BEING INVESTIGATED FOR.............................

AND POSSIBLY CHARGED FOR.............................

is for having PUBLISHED A BOOK DURING THE LAST FEDERAL ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The title for the book was "The LIBRANOS" - meaning he was comparing Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals...................

to a fictional MAFIA GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as LIE-berals continue their efforts to RIG OUR ELECTIONS AND TO SILENCE critics of LIE-beral policy.......................

LIE-berals have placed GAG ORDERS on all third party advertising.....................................


FROM LIE-berals to PUBLISH SAID BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant published The Libranos AND ADVERTISED THE BOOK - without "registering" with govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as you may guess....................the book IS NOT COMPLIMENTARY TO LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The book front cover even contains references "to Corruption that main stream media is hiding"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant received an official letter demanding his presence in Ottawa to answer charges of breaking election law advertising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rebel Media has its headquarters in TORONTO - so one must assume there WILL BE TIME AND EXPENSE....................

INCURRED BY LEVANT in traveling from Toronto to Ottawa to be questioned - as ORDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The official letter received by Levant contained a full QUOTATION from the relevant election law...................


Levant was ordered to report to a high security govt facility and was ordered NOT to video tape ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS!!!!!!!!

Naturally Levant IGNORED the no video order and secretly recorded the interrogation in the LIE-beral Star Chamber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The CLIMAX of the questioning came when Levant showed the investigators THE LETTER SENT BY GOVT........................


BOOKS ARE EXEMPT from such exactly such LIE-beral political interference during elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet LIE-beral DICTATORS CONTINUE their investigation of Levant................................


DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD AS LEVANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Among the authors LIE-berals are IGNORING are::

John Iveson - who took time out from his National Post job to write a book called “Trudeau”.....................................

and Aaron Wherry - of the CBC wrote a book called “Promise and Peril, Justin Trudeau”

Both authors and a number of others wrote and published and PROMOTED BOOKS OF POLITICAL COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet it seems as if ONLY LEVANT IS BEING INVESTIGATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said before - Our idiot Boy Justin is an ASPIRING SOVIET SOCIALIST DICTATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the goof is SO DAMNED ARROGANT HE KEEPS PROVING WHAT I AM SAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
May I advise you to STUDY CAREFULLY the fight going on here in Ontari-owe

between teacher HOGS and the Ford govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or get up to speed on the latest LIE-beral harassment of Ezra Levant and his Rebel Media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By watching this fight unfold - you will obtain much useful information re HOW TO FIGHT HOGS IN ALBERTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news Ezra Levant - head of Rebel Media has just posted a video of himself

BEING INTERROGATED by our LIE-beral Commissars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The SIN Levant is accused of ............................

and BEING INVESTIGATED FOR.............................

AND POSSIBLY CHARGED FOR.............................

is for having PUBLISHED A BOOK DURING THE LAST FEDERAL ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The title for the book was "The LIBRANOS" - meaning he was comparing Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals...................

to a fictional MAFIA GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as LIE-berals continue their efforts to RIG OUR ELECTIONS AND TO SILENCE critics of LIE-beral policy.......................

LIE-berals have placed GAG ORDERS on all third party advertising.....................................


FROM LIE-berals to PUBLISH SAID BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant published The Libranos AND ADVERTISED THE BOOK - without "registering" with govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as you may guess....................the book IS NOT COMPLIMENTARY TO LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The book front cover even contains references "to Corruption that main stream media is hiding"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant received an official letter demanding his presence in Ottawa to answer charges of breaking election law advertising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rebel Media has its headquarters in TORONTO - so one must assume there WILL BE TIME AND EXPENSE....................

INCURRED BY LEVANT in traveling from Toronto to Ottawa to be questioned - as ORDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The official letter received by Levant contained a full QUOTATION from the relevant election law...................


Levant was ordered to report to a high security govt facility and was ordered NOT to video tape ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS!!!!!!!!

Naturally Levant IGNORED the no video order and secretly recorded the interrogation in the LIE-beral Star Chamber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The CLIMAX of the questioning came when Levant showed the investigators THE LETTER SENT BY GOVT........................


BOOKS ARE EXEMPT from such exactly such LIE-beral political interference during elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet LIE-beral DICTATORS CONTINUE their investigation of Levant................................


DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD AS LEVANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Among the authors LIE-berals are IGNORING are::

John Iveson - who took time out from his National Post job to write a book called “Trudeau”.....................................

and Aaron Wherry - of the CBC wrote a book called “Promise and Peril, Justin Trudeau”

Both authors and a number of others wrote and published and PROMOTED BOOKS OF POLITICAL COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet it seems as if ONLY LEVANT IS BEING INVESTIGATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said before - Our idiot Boy Justin is an ASPIRING SOVIET SOCIALIST DICTATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the goof is SO DAMNED ARROGANT HE KEEPS PROVING WHAT I AM SAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw some of that tape . Those cops or cough investigators sure looked smug . Well fed as well .


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
The weather changed here. Yesterday was sunny and cool. Today a bit warmer and cloudy.
Oh, the globe ain't warm at all. Climate change is a hoax. lol
Damn. Snow's melting today. Supposed to be warm clear through at least til the end of next week. The globe IS warming.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I saw some of that tape . Those cops or cough investigators sure looked smug . Well fed as well .

Yes- "just doing their duty" and following the orders of Der Fuehrer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And never mind about law or morality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING that our govt would harass an author

over election law when the LAW - as it STATES EXPLICITLY in that threatening govt letter.................................

MAKES CLEAR THAT BOOKS.........................

and the advertising PROMOTION OF BOOKS IS EXEMPT FROM ELECTION LAW.................................

related to third parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



And this govt action ought to END ANY FURTHER DISCUSSION OF Rebel Media NOT BEING A REAL NEWS OUTLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all they are being ATTACKED just like any standard media outlet in a third world DICTATORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Not verified I just got this in an email

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in
some places the seals are finding the water too hot according to a
report to the Commerce Department yesterday from the Consulate at
Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a
radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard of
temperatures in the Arctic zone.

Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as
far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and
stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers
have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic,
while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before
ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing

Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea
will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable.

(I must apologize. I neglected to mention that this report was from
November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The
Washington Post 97 years ago.)

This must have been caused by the Model T emissions, or
possibly from horse and cattle farts.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record with a reading of 18.3C
A new record set so soon after the previous record of 17.5C in March 2015 is a sign warming in Antarctica is happening much faster than global average
Antarctica has logged its hottest temperature on record, with an Argentinian research station thermometer reading 18.3C, beating the previous record by 0.8C.
The reading, taken at Esperanza on the northern tip of the continent’s peninsula, beats Antarctica’s previous record of 17.5C, set in March 2015.
A tweet from Argentina’s meteorological agency on Friday revealed the record. The station’s data goes back to 1961.