It's Climate Change I tell'ya!! IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
"You're a climate denier" "more extreme weather" "storms are intensifying" "the science is settled"



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Well? Which climate bed wetting scenario is it? Cant have both.

OH DEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are mistaken there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DO THINK THEY CAN HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at the headlines in attached photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Sweet. Moore is an excellent speaker on this topic. If open to the public, I'm in.

Yes he is. Unfortunately, I don't live in Regina but if I did, I would want to see him as well. He knows more about "climate science" then most politicians and certainly Al Gore & company. Problem is, the Gore's of the world refuse to debate any of the skeptics - wonder why? Maybe cuz it's a scam? Oh, sorry, not a scam, simply a "redistribution of wealth" from our pocket to theirs!! Has absolutely nothing to do with Climate Change whatsoever!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
3 months now???
Strong winds and thunderstorms across New South Wales were generating dangerous conditions for firefighters on Sunday evening as more homes were reported lost in the Bega Valley.
Cooler temperatures forecast for Monday and the chance of substantial rain was giving fire authorities hope that conditions would ease on the other side of a cool change in the weather.
On Sunday morning, NSW Health told residents in several parts of the state to restrict outdoor activities after bushfire smoke and dust caused air quality problems.
In the Bega Valley in south-eastern NSW, the 177,000-hectare Border fire pushed north late on Saturday, while three other blazes in the south-west had merged into one.

The Bega Valley shire council mayor, Kristy McBain, said on Sunday more than 400 properties and homes had been lost after 34 days of fire activity in her area.
An unconfirmed number of homes were lost in Wyndham and Tantawangalo in the latest blazes.
She said: “It’s hard for people because this has been going on for 34 days and counting. We had homes lost on day one and day 34 we are still losing homes.”
Late on Sunday afternoon there were still more than 60 fires burning across the state, with 30 not contained.
McBain said cooler weather gave some reprieve to the community on Sunday but a big south-westerly wind is expected on Monday, which residents fear will cause more problems for the area.
“Everyone is just catching their breath today before tomorrow afternoon it flares up again,” she said.
The NSW Rural Fire Service told Guardian Australia on Sunday evening it had received reports of property losses in Bega Valley, but they were unable to confirm the reports as conditions were not safe enough for building impact assessment teams to enter the area.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Regina reviewing decision to hire climate skeptic Patrick Moore for keynote speech

The City of Regina is reviewing its decision to hire climate skeptic Patrick Moore as a keynote speaker at its upcoming sustainability conference.
"Clearly, this is much more controversial than I thought it would be in a way that I don't think I expected to happen," said Mayor Micheal Fougere, who told reporters Monday that he's asked Reimagine Conference 2020 steering committee co-chairs counsellors Mike O'Donnell and Joel Murray to go back over and explain the selection of Moore.
"There are other options available," Fougere said.
Moore, who holds a PhD in ecology from the University of British Columbia and who was once a major player in the formation of Greenpeace Canada, has risen to prominence in recent years while denouncing anthropogenic carbon as a driver of climate change.
He also holds controversial views about the shrinking polar bear population, the death of the Great Barrier Reef and the Great Pacific garbage patch.
'I just explain what I believe'
Global News spoke with Moore on Monday morning, asking him what he thinks about the controversy swirling around him.
"If you’re not controversial, you’re not shaking anything up at all. I just don’t see what that should be taken as a reason why I shouldn’t be speaking somewhere because I’m controversial. That’s who people want to hear speak is someone who has something to say who isn’t just mouthing the same platitudes as everyone else is,” Moore said.
“I just explain what I believe."
The mayor said while "some of his views are fine," some of Moore's other views are "problematic."
Fougere emphasized the city believes there is a climate issue, "a severe one."
That runs contrary to much of the rhetoric of Moore, who is being paid $11,400 by the city, more than any other speaker, for his talk titled “Fake, Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom.”

READ MORE: Regina hires climate change skeptic to speak at energy sustainability conference

Friday after the agenda went live online, O'Donnell stood by Moore as a choice, saying Moore has "interesting ideas" and would "get people talking."
A petition has since begun circulating to have Moore removed. A Facebook event called "Reimagine the Reimagine Conference" has been created by Envirocollective, a group that advocates for environmental action.
The mayor noted the number of people speaking out against having Moore on the agenda has steadily increased over the weekend.
Professor 'disheartened' by selection of Moore
University of Regina biology Prof. Britt Hall said she was "disheartened while also not surprised," to see Moore's name on the agenda.
"Every time I think that politicians and our governments are hearing what the public has to say about climate change and hearing what science has to say about climate change, I think we make progress and then something like this happens that makes me think that we have a long way to go," she said.
Hall and two colleagues have recently established a climate change lecture series that includes 11 speakers from the university. None were invited to speak at the Reimagine conference, she said.

"We're past the point in our history as a society that we can legitimize the idea that climate change is not human-induced, that these natural variations that we see in climate are not something to be concerned about," she said. "Because this is the keynote and this is the message that the city has decided to push, it really reduces the legitimacy of the conference in my eyes."
The conference is scheduled for May 20-21.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The evil Fougere is using "climate" as an excuse to raise taxes to cover shortfalls.

The soon to be redeveloped CPR yard as a "sustainable community" has staggering remediation costs due to arsenic and a plethora of other toxins such as PCBs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The evil Fougere is using "climate" as an excuse to raise taxes to cover shortfalls.
The soon to be redeveloped CPR yard as a "sustainable community" has staggering remediation costs due to arsenic and a plethora of other toxins such as PCBs.
This constant turning industrial land into high cost upscale housing is a big mistake. Where are the jobs supposed to come from? City hall?


Nominee Member
Jan 3, 2017
"We're past the point in our history as a society that we can legitimize the idea that climate change is not human-induced, that these natural variations that we see in climate are not something to be concerned about," Okay, wait just a minute! Gosh miz scientist. Are you really suggesting that "natural variations" are human induced? Yup, more people like you are just who we need to hear from. Good Grief!


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
The weather changed here. Yesterday was sunny and cool. Today a bit warmer and cloudy.
Oh, the globe ain't warm at all. Climate change is a hoax. lol


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CENSORSHIP has become YET ANOTHER LIE-beral ENTITLEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all how could LIE-berals maintain majority govts across Canada......................

if it was discovered that the LIE-beral carbon tax SCAM is nothing more than a GRAVY GRAB??????????????


THE SCAM HAS BEEN EXPOSED and over 9o percent of Cdns now have Conservative minded provincial govts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy is now running a minority govt - with a SHORT LIFE SPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!