First Nations Treaties


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Woot! I'll take my 300K now please. (I've already "adjusted" and would love to go visit Kiwi and a couple Aussie friends). People like my Dad adjust to anything and can still retain the old ways). :D People like the Okanagans have "adjusted" and are keeping their traditions as well as using Canadian ways.
BTW, what that 300K adds up to is $4,900,500,000,000,000,000 over 20 years. I don't think taxpayers would like the idea.

Sure, some have adjusted and that's the point nowadays, it wasn't the point centuries ago. The class ridden British considered the poor on the streets to be another race. In a lecture in university, a prof mentioned how an aristocrat when walking the slums of London thought the poor were all brown skinned and was shocked it was only dirt and they were white too. Dotty.

These people negotiated treaties for Canada and I think their opinions belong on the trash heap of history. Did the British upper class, who negotiated treaties like the 1763 Treaty of Paris, ever expect aboriginals to live as citizens in a country called Canada? Never. Where everyone expects equality for all? They couldn't even imagine it.

Another problem is that premiers, like Campbell of BC, wants a comprehensive treaty with aboriginals, but what are his own opinions on the subject? Zero, zip. Very strange. But not really, because like most Cdns, he has no opinions on aboriginals. A people who live far away from us that we know very little about.


Nominee Member
Oct 21, 2009
The thing I find funny is that everyone fails to realize that the natives may have been here a long time but we all originated from Africa, the Brits did not always inhabit England, the French did not come from France so if we are all immigrants to the place we inhabit what right does anyone have.

Although there were many wars and to this day they still happen in parts of the world for the most part land borders have been settled in most major countries.

Canada is unique in the way it handles the treaty I believe if all were treated equal as Canadians we would all enjoy a higher standard of living with virtually free higher education for all and it is a fact that the more educated the society the more it prospers.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Yep, one race; humans from Africa. Anything past that is political and religious goose shyte, including borders, gender, skin color, etc.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yep, one race; humans from Africa. Anything past that is political and religious goose shyte, including borders, gender, skin color, etc.

Sure! It is easy for you to say. It is like a guy with a small dick saying size doesn't matter.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Yep, one race; humans from Africa. Anything past that is political and religious goose shyte, including borders, gender, skin color, etc.

Talk about killing all the fun. If we did that, we'd remove all the excuses to spend all our money on big boy toys like guns and such.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Canada should never make treaties with racists and should tear up any treaty they have made with racists. Since the aboriginal communities define themselves by race...well...figure it out.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Canada should never make treaties with racists and should tear up any treaty they have made with racists. Since the aboriginal communities define themselves by race...well...figure it out.

Actually, they define themselves as nations. So should we tear up treaties with any group that dfines itself as a nation? Oops, that would include Canadians.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Actually, they define themselves as nations. So should we tear up treaties with any group that dfines itself as a nation? Oops, that would include Canadians.

I agree with that, we live a new world today. Equality for all, whether you like it or not. Treaties can be broken in kind, by money or other consideration. They are not eternal or sacred, nothing is in this modern world.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Canada should never make treaties with racists and should tear up any treaty they have made with racists. Since the aboriginal communities define themselves by race...well...figure it out.

But what would all the white lawyers do for income if they couldn't get a government cheque every month, collect welfare???


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Whites define themselves by race, aboriginals define themselves by culture. And the only thing clear about your statement is that you are a racist.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Canada has been going round and round with this "treaty" bullsh*t for over 300 years and it never seems to end. Is it time to say enough is enough? Scrap the whole "treaty" crap, close the "reservations", make those with status cards a monatary offer (10 or 20 grand each) and they can either sink or swim like the ROC.
Is that 10 or 20 based on the value of things back when the instigation of acts that would require an treaty (written and presented sole;y by the victors)?
A rough estimate would increase that amount by about 3,000% plus a hourly rental fee until the eviction notice arrives through their own court system. The rightful owners might agree to tirning that 'old land' over to the tourists, mainly you and every other foreigner.

Now for the rest of you, yes or no answer, could a native person get permission to import Bolivian tea to be used on just Reservations. Even if membership to the tea hopuse came with a 'special permit' that gave up retaliatory actions should somebody kill you intentionally while on said lands. That sort of stuff. Rule #1, when starting a business the first things you do is hire a Lawyer and get lots of insurance.

Did anybody ever say scam right from the get-go? Hardware is should be wher the first funds go, maybe even for 3yrs or so. However there is a way to play by their rules and still get done what you want. That is add Bolivian tea (very mild cocaine that will keep the 'patron$ awake' to the list of carnal pleasures you can only get on 'the REZ HOT L'. lol

Can Native people insist on that right? Canadian reservations would be portal to 'hot houses' where products not available to the 'general public' would be available to the residents at wiil and they have the option to sell to 'outsiders' if it is consumned while on their land. Enter with nothing, leave with nothing. Vacations by Canadians takes place in, wait for it (CP), Canada. No doubt they could also arrange some unique tours should somebody with the actual means to distant travel want to catch the latest in zip-lines (ie). The 47 channels of pure sound are also part of the 'immersion package', poison arrows have been repolaced by a menu wher you choose your own poison.

I guess freedom 55 is really a complete collapse in the reality of the ways of now and forever via 'the ones with the most guns (literally).

In reply to the OP, if they want to keep it in 'their courts' cor 3 centuries the 30 centuries is not out of the question. That is the reason Canada cannot expose herself to international standards of human rights abuses. The very name 'reservation' is proof that we do practice that and have no intentions of giving up what we insist certain ather countries give up' as proof of their humanity.

So promote their own system to your advantage, if you can't do that, well looks like more of the same-old-same-old unfortunately because complete genocide is the intended end of the matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
One point to make is that the reason the First Nations are more racially homogeneous than the English and French Canadian communities, is because of imperialist policies that forced immigrants and even the First Nations themselves to assimilate to the colonial groups. So it's only natural that the colonial communities have become more cosmopolitan than the subjected peoples. To then turn around and declare them as racist because they failed to assimilate other groups into their communities is ignoring the history of how the English and French communities became so cosmopolitan in the first place.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
a lot of gobbeldy gook deleted.

The original intent of this thread was to give bear something to do....he was whining that he was bored, I gave him something to argue about.:roll::lol:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I think it was pretty dishonorable to suggest treaties to begin with, and then when it suited their advantage, gov'ts broke them. (Not all governments and not all treaties, but enough to darken the honor of the colonists and descendants). Might as well have just said, "F**k you, savage, we'll do as we please" to begin with.