Fear Inc.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Thousands of webpages and blog entries and nothing but negative facts regarding Islam. You don't think that the cynical "TheReligionOfPeace" author has an anti-Muslim agenda?

Try finding a single entry on this website which says something positive about Muslims in general. Surely out of 1.4 billion Muslims there must be at least one person who isn't a terrorist or an extremist jihadist wannabe. Can you find any references on that website which portrays even a single Muslim as peaceful or tolerant? I know several Muslims and not a single one has ever threatened to kill me if I didn't submit to Islam.

I'm pretty sure most of them would laugh at the ridiculousness of the suggestion.

I referenced LGB because it was one of the websites referenced by the Oslo killer. ...and assumed it was more Islamaphobic ranting.

LGB links referenced in the Oslo killer's manifesto
Little Green Footballs - WAMY Runs Jihad Camps in Ontario
Little Green Footballs - EU Ostriches
Little Green Footballs - Germans Negative on Islam, Poll Shows

I noticed its a lot harder to find an online copy of the nutjob's manifesto now than it was a week after the massacre. I support that since the last several chapters contain bomb making recipes and other information which could be used by someone wanting to commit a similar atrocity.

Here is a breakdown of the Oslo neoconservative extremist's references to Islamaphobic hate sites:
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Fear is a wonderful too used by the ruling class to keep sheeple under control.

A woman once told me that she was organizing some of her neighbours to grow a large garden and build a large root cellar because she was afraid something awful was going to happen (pick an End of the World scenario). She was also afraid that her other neighbours, who were not preparing, would steal her stash. She wanted to buy a gun to protect the fruits of her labour and ask my advise on which one to purchase. I told her, "a 357 Magnum hand gun. When you get it, load the chambers, put the gun to you temple and pull the trigger. Because if you are going to live in fear, you are already dead."

That about sums up my take on all the fear mongering going on about Muslims, commies, liberals, conservatives, bible thumpers, end times, etc., etc. Sometimes I just want to slam the whole lot of them upside the head with a 2 X 4. We are all being fed fear every day. It is a tool of enslavement. It is all BS designed to divide and conquer. And most people buy it hook, line and sinker.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I posted the reference for comparison purposes. I am agnostic. From my viewpoint, all forms of religious bigotry and intolerance are similar.
And yet you defend Hamas?

Nope, Bear said single country stats are not allowed.
LOL. No I didn't.

Pull your head out of bears ass and read what he posted.
Perhaps if YOU pulled YOUR head out of Your ass and reread what I posted, in context. YOU'D stop talking out YOUR ass Abtfet.

Thousands of webpages and blog entries and nothing but negative facts regarding Islam. You don't think that the cynical "TheReligionOfPeace" author has an anti-Muslim agenda?
No more than your anti Jew agenda.

Try finding a single entry on this website which says something positive about Muslims in general.
Try finding one post of yours, that acknowledges positives about Israel.

I'm pretty sure most of them would laugh at the ridiculousness of the suggestion.
As we laugh at the ridiculousness of your double standards.

I wish I had the time to do a breakdown of your neo Nazi supporting posts.

In response I posted references to examples of Jewish terrorism which resulted in more than just a few bruises.
By narrowing the parameters.

Now I'm getting criticism from you for proving to Colpy that Jewish terrorism exists?
For someone that keeps saying context is important, you keep sliding it all over the place.

Perhaps if you weren't so affected by the anti-Semitic slander against me by people who support Israel's war crimes, you might actually have gotten the context. Your posts proves that if people throw enough crap at you, some it starts to stick, even if its complete BS.
So when people see through your facade, it's because people have tossed crap at you?

Now that's BS.
If you think I'm anti-Semitic, then I challenge you to reference a single post I've made which supports your misperception of me.
You aren't anti Semitic, you hate Jews.

By your own standards, which you judge TRoP.com with.

I admit I support Palestinian freedom and justice. I support freedom and justice for everyone as a fundamental human right.
Lip service.
I do not support violence in pursuit of Palestinian freedom and justice, but I do support non-violent methods of resisting oppression and injustice.
While you defend Hamas and make excuses for Islamic violence.

Part of that effort is posting facts regarding this conflict on this forum which are selectively omitted by Canada's pro-Israel MSM and political leaders.
You post anecdote.

You'd be hard pressed to find a Canadian politician who has condemned a single Israeli war war or crime against humanity. When they do, it usually is associated with an abrupt end to their political career as a result of an army of mudslinging Israeli apologists, very similarly to how I am continually harassed and slandered by Israeli apologists on this forum....
Back to that silly claim again eh?

some of whom I suspect are on the payroll of various Zionist and pro-Israel organizations.

others are merely members of the manipulated masses who embrace the selective fact propaganda posted on websites like TheRelgionOfPeace.com
Ya, that must be why we've poked so many holes in the anecdote you post as fact.

That about sums up my take on all the fear mongering going on about Muslims, commies, liberals, conservatives, bible thumpers, end times, etc., etc. Sometimes I just want to slam the whole lot of them upside the head with a 2 X 4. We are all being fed fear every day. It is a tool of enslavement. It is all BS designed to divide and conquer. And most people buy it hook, line and sinker.
I noticed you didn't mention the fear mongering going on about Israel...

Oops, there goes that claim of political neutrality...


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Fear is a wonderful too used by the ruling class to keep sheeple under control.

A woman once told me that she was organizing some of her neighbours to grow a large garden and build a large root cellar because she was afraid something awful was going to happen (pick an End of the World scenario). She was also afraid that her other neighbours, who were not preparing, would steal her stash. She wanted to buy a gun to protect the fruits of her labour and ask my advise on which one to purchase. I told her, "a 357 Magnum hand gun. When you get it, load the chambers, put the gun to you temple and pull the trigger. Because if you are going to live in fear, you are already dead."

That about sums up my take on all the fear mongering going on about Muslims, commies, liberals, conservatives, bible thumpers, end times, etc., etc. Sometimes I just want to slam the whole lot of them upside the head with a 2 X 4. We are all being fed fear every day. It is a tool of enslavement. It is all BS designed to divide and conquer. And most people buy it hook, line and sinker.
So true. People with agendas have always used fear and hate to manipulate the masses. The target changes, but the tactics remain the same because they work. Not everyone can be manipulated by fear and hate, but in a democracy 50% +1 = majority.

I often reference the 2003 Iraq war as an example of using fear and hate to promote an agenda.
Before the 2003 invasion, people feared Iraq's WMD stockpiles and hated Iraq's leader for supporting the people responsible for 9/11. The truth is, the US had no problems with Saddam Hussein while he was killing Iranians during the 1980s. In those days, few Americans knew about Hussein's atrocities, their government's material support for Iraq's WMD programs or that Hussein used CWs against civilians. In 1990, the US became hostile when Hussein started killing Kuwaitis and seized the country. Now suddenly Hussein became a bad man? During the 1990's crippling economic sanctions imposed on Iraq until they gave up their WMDs caused widespread malnutrition and disease. When questioned about it, the US Secretary of State made this callous statement:

--60 Minutes (5/12/96)
Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it
'We Think the Price Is Worth It'

At the time of the 2003 invasion, anyone who could think critically was aware that the Bush administration and the MSM never actually provided any hard evidence to support their claims regarding Iraq's alleged WMD stockpiles and support for 9/11. They presented circumstantial evidence which proved nothing and made embedded assumptions in statements to manipulate people with fear and hate...

Speaking of embedded assumptions, regarding CB's last post, "And yet you defend Hamas?"

In response: CB, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

Aside: I will admit that your slander techniques are effective CB. Just ask GerryH about me... As result of your constant smears and slanders, he thinks I'm an anti-Semitic joo-hating Nazi. Of course he can't reference a single post I've made to support his mispercetions of me. He probably doesn't even realize how effective you are. I'd prefer people judge me by what I write, rather than by what trolls write about me. IN GerrhH's case that appears to be too much to ask.

Back on the Iraq war: The unprovoked Iraq war resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides and pushed the US to the edge of fiscal ruin. The Arab world is far more hostile towards the US specifically and the West generally. Unprovoked wars for profit tend to make the people on the receiving side of bombs and bullets angry. As a result of the US spilling innocent civilian blood for oil, the world is a more dangerous place.

The US never did find evidence to support their pre-war justifications. American fear of Iraq's WMDs was completely unfounded. By 1998, UNSCOM knew Iraq no longer had a WMD capability. UNSCOM probably found and destroyed the last of Iraq's WMDs in 1996 around the same time US Secretary of State Albright's statement above. The economic sanctions continued killing Iraqi children for another 7 years! Several times other nations tried to end the sanctions through motions at the UNSC. Unfortunately for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children who died of disease and starvation during those years, the US and UK has a UNSC veto. These nations refused to lift the economic sanctions until Iraq proved they had no WMDs.

How does Iraq do that? Proving a negative is a logical impossibility, but people who are easily manipulated by fear and hate often can't think critically either.

So where do the maniacs who target civilians including children fall? Under medical disorders, behavioral disorders. Because if one is bigoted for singling out these knuckle draggers then I am a confirmed bigot.

And how do you know that Colpy has never met a muslim?

I'm against attacking civilians or even punishing civilians for the actions of their leader, even if he is a brutal dictator. I supported the economic sanctions against Iraq in the early 1990's because I supported iraq loosing their WMD capability. I stopped supporting sanctions when it became apparent that the Iraqi civilians were being unnecessarily harmed and US would never allow the UNSC to lift them, no matter how much Iraq cooperated.

Iraqi Sanctions: Myth and Fact
by Jeff Lindemyer
Z magazine, November 2001

Like US Secretary of State, did you also support killing Iraqi children through economic sanctions? did you support them long after Iraq no longer had a WMD capability?

Back in 2003, did you also fear Iraq's non-existent WMD stockpiles and hate Iraqis for their non-involvement in 9/11?

Did you support the US's unprovoked war against Iraq, which killed tens of thousands more children?

Regarding Colpy, I asked if he knew a single Muslim personally several times and never got a response. Colpy might be a number of things, but I've never caught him in a lie, nor have I ever suspected him of being deceptive. I have to admit that I like Colpy, even though we often disagree.

I don't have double standards. I support Canada basing its foreign policy on respect for human rights. I support holding criminals and war criminals who harm civilians, including children accountable for their actions. I don't trust our leaders or our news to objectively inform us, because politicians and media owners have agendas that don't necessary include promoting human rights. When it comes to accurate information regarding human rights I trust:

Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded mainly by our membership and public donations.
Who We Are | Amnesty International


Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse. For more than 30 years, Human Rights Watch has worked tenaciously to lay the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and has fought to bring greater justice and security to people around the world.
Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide

I don't trust websites which promote hate and fear to provide objective accurate information:

The Religion of Peace
TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings....we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely. In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique...Islam breeds arrogance and self-absorption, which accounts for the collective petulance and perpetual grievance characterizing Muslim populations in general...
TheReligionofPeace - About this Site

Jihad Watch

Why Jihad Watch?

Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and bring them forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.

Jihad (Arabic for "struggle") is a central duty of every Muslim. Modern Muslim theologians have spoken of many things as jihads: the struggle within the soul, defending the faith from critics, supporting its growth and defense financially, even migrating to non-Muslim lands for the purpose of spreading Islam. But violent jihad is a constant of Islamic history. Many passages of the Qur'an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad are used by jihad warriors today to justify their actions and gain new recruits. No major Muslim group has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad. The theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity, is available today for anyone with the will and means to bring it to life.

Jihad Watch is dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts. We hope to alert people of good will to the true nature of the present global conflict.
Why Jihad Watch? - Jihad Watch

One of his thread starters in this forum, his first being an introduction.....

As anyone can plainly see, this was the beginning of a pattern of **********.

I recommend that thread. I reference three versions of the same story. One source is Chinese, another Arabic and the third US. Each version has obvious editorial slants. My second post in that thread reveals which is which. For most people its obvious which is which.

So what's your problem with that thread. Did thinking for yourself give you a headache?
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
So true. People with agendas have always used fear and hate to manipulate the masses.

That's so true. Some people who are afraid of their own lust use fear and hate to force women to cover themselves up from head to toe. And millions of people go along with that stupidity. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I agree. Forcing Nuns to wear habits against their will is a form of oppression. Seriously, who chooses to dress like this? Where's the fashion police?

We should arm nuns with guns so they can freely choose clothing according to their fashion sense. If more nuns carried rifles, few people would try to oppress them.

I take it you believe we should pass laws forcing all women to reveal a minimum amount of skin. The next question is how much skin should a women be forced to reveal against her will in order for us to believe she is truly free? Should Muslim women be forced to pole dance naked in a bar filled with dirty old men? Would that be free enough for you?

I support respecting the right of everyone to dress however they wish and not involve the criminal justice system unless its a safety issue or someone is being forced against their will to dress a certain way.

BTW, did you notice that Islamaphobes never had a problem with Nuns covering themselves.... Assumptions of oppression only to seems apply to Muslim women. Nuns have always dressed modestly and yet when Muslim women dress the same way more or less, Islamaphobes assume they are oppressed. They don't care or believe that some woman are so modest that they would be as uncomfortable showing a lock of hair or a bare arm in public, as most other women would feel exposing their breasts.

The whole issue of criminalizing specific clothing items worn by some Muslim women is more evidence of irrational Islamaphobic fear and hate.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I agree. Habits worn by nuns are a form of oppression. Its a good thing Nuns are heavily armed and can defend themselves:

These woman should be able to wear whatever they want and if anyone disagrees, they should shoot them. Am I right or Am I right?

Habits worn by nuns are a uniform for a job, just like a Tim Hortons visor.

There is no requirement for every Catholic woman to wear a habit when outside of her home.

Funny how your first reaction is to bring up violence. Nice to see you defending the faith.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I noticed you didn't mention the fear mongering going on about Israel...

Oops, there goes that claim of political neutrality...
That would be included in the "etc., etc. part. It was 4 am and I ran out of steam. Sometimes it is impossible to list everything or please some people.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Regarding Colpy, I asked if he knew a single Muslim personally several times and never got a response. Colpy might be a number of things, but I've never caught him in a lie, nor have I ever suspected him of being deceptive. I have to admit that I like Colpy, even though we often disagree.
I'm am not answering for Colpy he does that extremely well for himself....this is just an example of your selective reading and your blind eye for things you can't refute
Actually, I have worked closely for two and one half years with a Muslim.........she was a refugee from the wars against Islamist terrorists in Algeria, and calls her co-religionists "those barbarians", and believes that any woman wearing the burqua is either a slave, or mentally ill..
I recommend that thread. I reference three versions of the same story. One source is Chinese, another Arabic and the third US. Each version has obvious editorial slants. My second post in that thread reveals which is which. For most people its obvious which is which.

So what's your problem with that thread. Did thinking for yourself give you a headache?

That was just to show your pattern and propensity despite your disclaimers for posting anti Israel threads
Case in Point 158 thread started with 83 having to do with islamic conflicts....
Canadian Content Forums - Search Results
That is not counting threads by other people that you manage to turn into Israel versus islam....
If you were to show me some other members with a one track mind such as yours aside from a few that their posts show a deffinite anti American bias.....We might start to believe you.

As it stands now, most of what you purport to be islamophobia or anti islam posts is in response to your bullshyte....just find me someone who starts over 50% anti islam threads.

You either have a one track mind, obsessed with world government, a closet Jew hater (with the door wide open for every one to see) or you're a troll.
I favour the last option....If this were a poll;-)

You do know that the first step to recovery.....is admitting you have a problem...don't you??:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009

Still waiting for an answer from Mr. I believe in Human Rights, No torture, equality from all - That is excepting Jews of Course.


I have noted your biased conclusions time and again. For one who claims to live and breathe Human Rights and a chicken in every pot - Could you explain your comment on dropping captured Taliban in Canada's Far North - Provided with a few utensils - and tell them to get on with it.

Can ya splain that one for us (labeled by yourself) so called Right Wing nutbars, like myself as you have described me, as a person who despises the Muslim faith, splain that to me as i can be kinda slow ya know.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I'm am not answering for Colpy he does that extremely well for himself....this is just an example of your selective reading and your blind eye for things you can't refute

That was just to show your pattern and propensity despite your disclaimers for posting anti Israel threads
Case in Point 158 thread started with 83 having to do with islamic conflicts....
Canadian Content Forums - Search Results
That is not counting threads by other people that you manage to turn into Israel versus islam....
If you were to show me some other members with a one track mind such as yours aside from a few that their posts show a deffinite anti American bias.....We might start to believe you.

As it stands now, most of what you purport to be islamophobia or anti islam posts is in response to your bullshyte....just find me someone who starts over 50% anti islam threads.

You either have a one track mind, obsessed with world government, a closet Jew hater (with the door wide open for every one to see) or you're a troll.
I favour the last option....If this were a poll;-)

You do know that the first step to recovery.....is admitting you have a problem...don't you??:lol:
I noticed you went back to 2006 looking for dirt on me. Please do keep looking. You only have about 5000 posts to search. Let me know when you find something. By the way, I bet you are including my threads regarding the Iraq war as being related to Islamic conflicts. If you go back to March 2003, you should find a bunch pointing out obvious deceptions regarding Iraq's alleged WMD stockpiles and Hussein's alleged involvement in 9/11.

During the Apartheid era when many Canadian leaders supported keeping Nelson Mandela locked up indefinitely, I was just as determined to fight that injustice as I am now regarding Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Millions of people just like me wrote letters to the editor and asked politicians tough questions during election campaigns. We boycotted South African goods and services and marched in protest. Eventually our efforts convinced our government to stop supporting injustice and oppression in South Africa. Later Canada imposed sanctions against South Africa. Eventually international political pressure forced the Apartheid South African government to free Nelson Mandela, grant all South Africans the same rights and finally hold free and fair elections. I'm proud of that work too, just like my efforts to liberate Palestinians from oppression and injustice.

Ignoring injustice and oppression doesn't make it go away. People who are aware of injustice and oppression and do nothing are part of the problem.
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Sure they do. Regarding woman's rights in the middle east, I'm on the record here on this forum on many threads.

For example, see post #9, 19, 26 in this thread

Here are some erroneous assumptions Islamaphobes and Israeli war criminal apologists often make about someone who supports Palestinian freedom and justice and opposes religious based fear and hatred.

1) Because I oppose Israeli war crimes and war criminals, does not mean I support Palestinain war crimes and war criminals.

2) Because I oppose irrational fear and hatred toward any religious group including Muslims, does not mean I support the way some Muslim men and Muslim majority countries treat their women.

I would agree that many Muslims are where most of the rest of the world was during the middle ages. I support universal suffrage everywhere.

You might be interested to know which Muslim majority countries do and do not have universal suffrage:

This wiki entry concerns women in Islam:
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
During the Apartheid era when many Canadian leaders supported keeping Nelson Mandela locked up indefinitely, I was just as determined to fight that injustice as I am now regarding Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Millions of people just like me wrote letters to the editor and asked politicians tough questions during election campaigns.

What Canadian leaders are you referring to?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I noticed you went back to 2006 looking for dirt on me. Please do keep looking. You only have about 5000 posts to search. Let me know when you find something. By the way, I bet you are including my threads regarding the Iraq war as being related to Islamic conflicts. If you go back to March 2003, you should find a bunch pointing out obvious deceptions regarding Iraq's alleged WMD stockpiles and Hussein's alleged involvement in 9/11.

I see you're still blowing smoke out your south end..the search function in this forum is good but it can't search anything about you in 2003 since you started posting in 2006
General Information
Join Date: Jan 5th, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I noticed you went back to 2006 looking for dirt on me.

Thread Isreal the Right to exist - You also voted unsure - DUFUS - Try harder next time as I am sure other have your quotes that are Anti Jew -
Post 42 EAO - Your Posts - Jewish Cabals controls the Media - I was surprised how you let that slip out - .

The Native American "holocaust" happened before the media could latch onto it, not to mention the fact they dont own the media like the jews do. Every time the Israels do something or someone speaks out against them they play the holocaust get out of jail free card.

Post 42 EAO - Your Posts below - Jewish Cabals controls the Media - I was surprised how you let that slip out - .
I would have expected the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz to get far less coverage than the 65th anniversary of D-Day, the end of WW II or even the second anniversary of Israel's ongoing Gaza blockade/crime against humanity. The holocaust gets more news coverage now than when it was happening.

You made this comment when world leaders were at the memorial events - It appears there was to much coverage for you - Well the press does that when leaders of many countries attend ceremonies - But as they were remebering Jews Murdered that does not sink into your thick head.

I would agree that the holocaust is an important historical event, but that's not why it gets so much news coverage. I'm inclined to agree with Canaduh's and Finklestein's observations regarding the constant and overwhelming Holocaust news coverage. Its being used as cover for Israeli atrocities.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Thousands of webpages and blog entries and nothing but negative facts regarding Islam. You don't think that the cynical "TheReligionOfPeace" author has an anti-Muslim agenda?

Try finding a single entry on this website which says something positive about Muslims in general. Surely out of 1.4 billion Muslims there must be at least one person who isn't a terrorist or an extremist jihadist wannabe. Can you find any references on that website which portrays even a single Muslim as peaceful or tolerant? I know several Muslims and not a single one has ever threatened to kill me if I didn't submit to Islam.
TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Forced Conversion

I'm pretty sure most of them would laugh at the ridiculousness of the suggestion.

I referenced LGB because it was one of the websites referenced by the Oslo killer. ...and assumed it was more Islamaphobic ranting.

LGB links referenced in the Oslo killer's manifesto
Little Green Footballs - WAMY Runs Jihad Camps in Ontario
Little Green Footballs - EU Ostriches
Little Green Footballs - Germans Negative on Islam, Poll Shows

I noticed its a lot harder to find an online copy of the nutjob's manifesto now than it was a week after the massacre. I support that since the last several chapters contain bomb making recipes and other information which could be used by someone wanting to commit a similar atrocity.

Here is a breakdown of the Oslo neoconservative extremist's references to Islamaphobic hate sites:

your silly condemnation of them as sites that " promote irrational Islamaphobic hate and fear" means absolutely SFA.

If you wish to be taken seriously, you'll have to do better than that.

Show them to be liars, refute their claims of Islamist misdeeds, discredit them........as I would a Holocaust denier's site or a pro-gun control site.

Otherwise you're wasting my time.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So true. People with agendas have always used fear and hate to manipulate the masses.
Agreed, that is EXACTLY what you do.

Speaking of embedded assumptions, regarding CB's last post, "And yet you defend Hamas?"

In response: CB, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
1, I can prove you have defended Hamas.
2, You can not prove I have ever hit my wife.

BTW: Have you stopped raping your kids EAO?

Aside: I will admit that your slander techniques are effective CB. Just ask GerryH about me...
I'm flattered that you think I'm that powerful, but Gh is his own man.

As result of your constant smears and slanders, he thinks I'm an anti-Semitic joo-hating Nazi.
Blame yourself for the shoe fitting nicely.

That would be included in the "etc., etc. part. It was 4 am and I ran out of steam. Sometimes it is impossible to list everything or please some people.
Not when you claim neutrality.

Ignoring injustice and oppression doesn't make it go away.
Yet you ignore and defend Hamas' oppression of Palestinians.

People who are aware of injustice and oppression and do nothing are part of the problem.
I've been proving that for years, about YOU.
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Canada's record regarding South African Apartheid:
AfricaFiles | Review: A class act - Canada's anti-apartheid record

Taking the Colpy Challenge:

TheReligionOfPeace.com claims that since 9/11, Muslims extremists have committed 17,000+ terrorist attacks.
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

The author of this website seems to be the authoritative source for these numbers. He gives minimal details and a lot of spin. He provides no references or way to verify his claims that these attacks, they were religiously motivated and not robberies, crimes of passion, revenge, war, legitimately resisting a foreign occupation.. . We have to take the author's word that these attacks occurred and the people responsible were motivated by Islamic beliefs.

2011.10.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Muslim gunmen shoot an elderly Christian and a woman.robbery?

2011.10.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 A Buddhist woman is shot to death in her own house by Muslim militants.We have home invasions here in Toronto too. Do they also count as Muslim terrorist attacks?

2011.10.03 Iraq Anbar 6 13 At least six people are killed in a bank siege by a suicide squad from the 'Islamic State of Iraq'.Sounds like a bank robbery gone wrong

2011.10.03 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 A tea seller and customer are shot at point blank range by local Islamists. Another robbery?

2011.10.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A pharmacist is murdered in his store by Boko Haram Islamists. another robbery?

2011.10.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Terrorists shoot a truck driver to death near a tea shop. another robbery?

2011.10.01 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A 60-year-old Christian is shot to death by Muslim assassins. Besides the victims religion, what other other indication supports the author's claim this was religiously motivated?

2011.10.01 Iraq Buhriz 3 5 Two family members are among three killed during an al-Qaeda home invasion. Another home invasion, which was religiously motivated and not a robbery?

2011.09.28 India Batmaloo 1 0 An Islamist shoots a police officer to death in cold blood. Criminals shoot police officers here in Canada too. Can we also classify them as Muslim terrorism if the attacker is Muslim?

2011.09.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 48-year-old trader is shot to death at a market by Muslim 'insurgents'. Someone murdered in a market. Did they capture the attackers. How do they know the insurgents were motivated by religion and not common thieves trying to rob a merchant?

2011.09.26 Iraq Kirkuk 3 1 Holy Warriors take down three civilians traveling in a car. I heard the roads are dangerous in Iraq. Is it possible that this was highway robbery? Maybe they didn't pay protection money and bribe local officials.

2011.09.26 Iraq Diwaniya 1 1 An imam nearly loses his life to Religion of Peace rivals, who do manage to kill his companion. this is a good one, even when both the victim and the perpetrator of a violent attack are both Muslims, its still Islamic terrorism???

2011.09.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 'Insurgents' shoot a man twice in the head and then set his body on fire. Were the "insurgents" even Muslim?

2011.09.08 Somalia Coast 1 2 Muslim 'pirates' shoot an unarmed French sailor on his own yacht. Apparently religion and not greed was the primary motivation???

2011.09.06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban are suspected of killing a U.S. citizen. Apparently suspecting the Taliban were responsible is enough to confirm this as an act of Islamic terrorism

That's enough of my time wasted on this unverifiable list, much of which seems to be regular murders and robberies. BTW, I'm not saying that every violent act in the author's list weren't motivated by religious intolerance. Some obviously were. But given the lack of references and supporting information,....

If you want to see what a real verifiable body count looks like, I suggest you visit this site, where you can actually verify the source(s).
Iraq Body Count

If the author of thereligionofpeace.com was able to determine all these crimes were religiously motivated, then he should be a police detective. Our police often take months or even years to determine what exactly happened during a crime and who was responsible. This guy solves dozens of crimes from around the world from the comfort of his American home every day.

Also, I found this:

17,000 “Islamic terrorist” attacks exist in fevered Islamophobic brains

by Sheila Musaji

Robert Spencer objects to an MSNBC News Report by Michael Isikoff which discussed an increase in right-wing attacks over the past several years. Spencer claims In this one, Isikoff claims that there has been a “surge” of “right wing attacks” in the last couple of years—since Obama has been president (racism implication noted). This is sheer Leftist fantasy; meanwhile, Isikoff and NBC completely ignore the very real and readily documented surge in jihad plots in the U.S. over the last two years.

Of course, any recognition that we face a serious problem from EXTREMISTS no matter what their ideological or religious underpinnings is an argument that Spencer must attempt to refute because it gets in the way of his paranoid delusion that all or most terrorists are Muslims.

In a number of recent articles we can clearly see Spencer (and the rest of his Islamophobic cohorts who endlessly repeat each others anti-Muslim memes) newest meme. Spencer makes the claim (as have others) that there have been 17,000+ Islamic jihad terror attacks since 9/11. (He provides a link to a Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time). Spencer then says: Two non-Muslim terrorists: Tim McVeigh and, sixteen years later, Anders Breivik. And Scott Shane suggests that the “focus of counterterrorism efforts” should be shifted from Islamic jihadists to “the subculture of anti-Muslim bloggers and right-wing activists.”

Spencer also posted what he calls a “demonization roundup” in which he once again brings up this fake number of 17,000 Muslim terrorist attacks, but this time has upped his non-Muslim number to 4 - That’s four white male terrorists, versus 17,000+ jihad terror attacks since 9/11 committed by Muslim males (many of whom were white, by the way) and a handful of females. To the LA Times, the existence of those four is sufficient to refute the commonsensical call for the TSA to address the actual source of its troubles and reason for its existence.

Lies upon lies. No matter how you define terrorism - Breivik and McVeigh are certainly not the only non-Muslim terrorists. If this is the extent of Spencer’s research abilities, then any claims he makes to being a serious scholar of anything are pretty much undermined.

Spencer could go to legitimate sources to obtain factual information from which to make an informed decision about extremist and terrorist threats.

As Stephen Walt notes ... according to the EU’s 2010 Terrorism Situation and Trend Report, the total number of terrorist incidents in Europe declined in 2009. Even more important, the overwhelming majority of these incidents had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. The report is produced by Europol, which is the criminal intelligence agency of the European Union. In 2009, there were fewer than 300 terrorist incidents in Europe, a 33 percent decline from the previous year. The vast majority of these incidents (237 out of 294) were conducted by indigenous European separatist groups, with another forty or so attributed to leftists and/or anarchists. According to the report, a grand total of one (1) attack was conducted by Islamists. Put differently, Islamist groups were responsible for a whopping 0.34 percent of all terrorist incidents in Europe in 2009. In addition, the report notes, “the number of arrests relating to Islamist terrorism (110) decreased by 41 percent compared to 2008, which continues the trend of a steady decrease since 2006.”

Spencer could go to FBI — Homepage which is the site of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you can access a great deal of information about terrorism in the U.S. You can check out the FBI’s most wanted domestic terrorists. There are 7 listed right now, and none seem to be Muslims. You can check out their Domestic Terrorism In the Post-9/11 Era report.

Spencer could check out numerous existing reports and surveys about terrorism, radicalization, and strategies to counter these that have been produced by respected governmental and academic organizations that clearly paint a very different picture of the facts.

Spencer could check out the ADL or SPLC data bases on terrorism and extremism.

Spencer could check out our TAM collection of information on the topic titled Claim that all terrorists are Muslims ignores history.

Spencer could - but facts get in the way of propaganda. Robert Spencer cites a rabidly anti-Muslim site called the Religion of Peace for his number of 17,000 terrorist attacks worldwide since 9/11. That would be somewhat like citing a KKK or White Supremacist site for their information about Jews or African-Americans. This site lists acts commited around the world - some in wars, some having nothing to do with Islam, but to do with nationalist or political struggles, some in civil wars. No links are given. No sources for any of this just a list of supposed attacks carried out by “Islamic terrorists”. All of my suggestions for Spencer to check out contain lots of links and sources.

Spencer is entering this most recent meme into the anti-Muslim blogsphere, and it will be repeated by all the other Islamophobes, and they will quote each other as “experts” who agree with this number. And, voila, another lie will become just one more “fact” that everyone “knows” about Islam and Muslims.

The Islamophobes regularly make such statements about the only danger being “Islamic terrorists” and then when faced with any evidence to counter their claims respond with the same tired arguments over and over - McVeigh is the exception that proves the rule, these Islamic supremacists will make the most out of this one Huttaree case, of course there is no moral equivalence as their terrorism is more dangerous, etc.

The truth is that the list of non-Muslim individuals and groups involved in extremist or terrorist acts is extensive. There are hundreds of exceptions that prove the rule. We know that Europol says that most terrorism in Europe is carried out by non-Muslims. The same is true in the United States. Attempting to focus only on one possible source of terrorism and excluding the others shows nothing except Islamophobic bigotry, and it makes none of us safer.

The American Muslim (TAM)
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