Fear Inc.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I have a problem with Islamaphobic Fear Mongers who promote bigotry rather than tolerance. Their selective omission of the the actions of the majority of Muslims who are peace loving and tolerant is manipulative. These people promote religious based irrational fear and hatred. They portray 1.4 billion people collectively as evil based purely on their religion, rather than treating people as individuals.

Colpy doesn't fear people because of their religion. He identifies them because they're f_cked in the head.

A Bigot is someone who is hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religion or spirituality, nationality, language, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders.

Colpy probably doesn't know a single Muslim personally, yet he is hostile towards all 1.4 billion of them. That would make him and others like him Islamaphobic bigots. In fact this thread is full of posts by people who are irrationally hostile towards 1.4 billion people, 99.999% of who have never committed an single terrorist act. They believe that all these people are "f_cked in the head", even though they don't know a single Muslim personally. To me, that seems pretty "f_cked in the head".

Gee, suddenly there is dead silence on this thread!!!

Some more facts for you........of the 54 terrorist attacks that caused 100 or more deaths, 40 were done in the name of Allah.

List of battles and other violent events by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'd have counted the whole list, but there are about 300...........and the Ignorant Idiots of Islam add to it on a weekly basis......

You getting this EAO????

All the hundreds of causes, all the wars and rumors of wars and rebellions, and resistence movements, all the hundreds of causes that lead to bloodshed on this violent world.........

And considering the worst terror attacks, those that cause 100 or more deaths, a full 74% are done in the name of Allah.

Religion of Peace my hairy arse.

Now the relativists have kinda STFU, haven't they?

Nothing to say, boys???

Pull your heads out of the sand and look around.

Silence on a Thanksgiving weekend shouldn't be mysterious.

If 1.4 billion Muslims can be blamed for the actions of the most extreme minority in this religion, then neoconservatives can also be blamed for the Oslo and Tucson ( Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: Arizona 'Mecca For Prejudice & Bigotry' ) massacres.

Regarding Terrorism. This term has no universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition. Its primary use today is as a propaganda term to describe some attacks against some civilians. Our leaders and MSM, would have had no problems labeling the Oslo massacre a terrorist attack, if the killer was Muslim. Our news would not be trying to ignore this story if it supported their neoconservative agendas. Since he wasn't Muslim and his politics was an extreme form of neoconservativism, our MSM and neoconservative political leaders portray this massacre as a relatively unnewsworthy crime by a crazy person. The silence of our media regarding this attack speaks volumes regarding media manipulation which demonizes Muslims and ignores neoconservative motivated or rationalized attacks against civilians.

Regarding Muslims committing terrorist attacks. Just because a Muslim person committed the attack, does not prove the attack was religiously motivated. If a person's religion must always be assumed to be the primary motivation for mass murder of civilians, then the Oslo killer would be an example of a Christian terrorist, since he is a self described Christian.

Regarding religion being the primary motivation for attacks by Muslims against civilians. Most cases where Muslims are responsible for attacks against civilians, the motivation is political or at least has a important political element. Few of these attacks by Muslims against civilians are 100% religiously motivated. Most Muslim clerics oppose violence and nearly all have condemned attacks against civilians.
Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks

Regarding attempts by fear mongers who run websites like the "ReligionOfPeace.com" and other Islamiphobic hates sites to attribute every attack by a Muslim against a group of civilians as religiously motivated. In most cases the primary motivation is non-religious... overthrowing foreign occupations and corrupt leaders, resisting oppression, injustice and state sponsored ethnic cleansing, influencing foreign policies, attempts to start wars... Using the same erroneous assumption that an attacker's religion is always the primary motivation, then the bombing of the King David Hotel is an example of Jewish terrorism.
King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blaming every Jew for this attack or claiming every Jew was "f_cked in the head" as a result of this attack (and many Zionist attacks against civilians common during the British Mandate of Palestine) would be anti-Semitic in the same way that blaming every Muslim for the actions of a few extreme elements is Islamphobic.

Regarding the narrow list of attacks against civilians as per Colpy's referenced list. This list completely ignores context. Many attacks on that list were in the context of war. The UK and Spain joined the US in an unprovoked war against Iraq which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and made millions more homeless refugees. Some estimates peg the number of civilian casualties at over one million. The civilian casualty rate of this one neoconservative war alone exceeds the total casualty rate of every single terrorist act ever committed.
Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Understandable, starting an unprovoked war (justified by lies and deceptions regarding Iraq's non-existent WMD stockpiles and non-involvement in the events of 9/11) which causes death and destruction on that scale is going to make millions of people angry regardless of their religion. Yet our MSM and political leaders label attacks against the US, UK and Spain by resistance sympathizers as religiously motivated terrorism, when they are really part of politically motivated resistance.

Regarding the deliberately manipulative Islamaphobic websites which were referenced by the Oslo killer and embraced by many people here on this forum. If you read that trash all the time and you are going to wind up being just a "f_cked in the head" as the Oslo killer.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I have a problem with Islamaphobic Fear Mongers who promote bigotry rather than tolerance.
By reporting facts?

Given you think what you post is a factual representation of Israel. How do you differ?
These people promote religious based irrational fear and hatred. They portray 1.4 billion people collectively as evil based purely on their religion, rather than treating people as individuals.
Holy crap!!!

That's exactly what you do to Israeli's!!!

You do realize, you're burying yourself with your own words right?

A Bigot is someone who is hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religion or spirituality, nationality, language, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders.
Besides your own obvious bigotry towards |Jews, you support groups that do all that. In some cases, resulting in death and genocidal policies.

Colpy probably doesn't know a single Muslim personally, yet he is hostile towards all 1.4 billion of them. That would make him and others like him Islamaphobic bigots. In fact this thread is full of posts by people who are irrationally hostile towards 1.4 billion people, 99.999% of who have never committed an single terrorist act. They believe that all these people are "f_cked in the head", even though they don't know a single Muslim personally. To me, that seems pretty "f_cked in the head".
I know several Muslims, probably more than you. and I think Islam has a problem. Not Muslims in general.

Silence on a Thanksgiving weekend shouldn't be mysterious.
I kind of figured that.

Regarding Terrorism. This term has no universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition.
Neither do the bulk of your claims and citing of international law, but you keep posting them. No matter how many times I prove them erroneous.

Regarding the deliberately manipulative Islamaphobic websites which were referenced by the Oslo killer and embraced by many people here on this forum. If you read that trash all the time and you are going to wind up being just a "f_cked in the head" as the Oslo killer.
And your opinion of the same list on wikiality?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Regarding the deliberately manipulative Islamaphobic websites which were referenced by the Oslo killer and embraced by many people here on this forum. If you read that trash all the time and you are going to wind up being just a "f_cked in the head" as the Oslo killer.

You have yet to disprove any of the data about terrorist attacks by Islamist extremists that is posted on religion of peace dot com.
As for the rest of your bovine fertiliser in your post....read my sig...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I have a problem with Islamaphobic Fear Mongers who promote bigotry rather than tolerance. Their selective omission of the the actions of the majority of Muslims who are peace loving and tolerant is manipulative. These people promote religious based irrational fear and hatred. They portray 1.4 billion people collectively as evil based purely on their religion, rather than treating people as individuals.

Yep. less than one quarter of the world's population.....responsible for three quarters of the world's terrorist murder.

A Bigot is someone who is hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religion or spirituality, nationality, language, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders.

Colpy probably doesn't know a single Muslim personally, yet he is hostile towards all 1.4 billion of them. That would make him and others like him Islamaphobic bigots. In fact this thread is full of posts by people who are irrationally hostile towards 1.4 billion people, 99.999% of who have never committed an single terrorist act. They believe that all these people are "f_cked in the head", even though they don't know a single Muslim personally. To me, that seems pretty "f_cked in the head".

Damn right I'm a bigot. I don't like Nazis, the oppressors of women, fascists, the enemies of western civilization, Jew-haters, and other assorted scum...........

Islam is all those things....a lunatic death cult of hatred disguised as religion. I would no more tolerate an Islamist than I would tolerate a Nazi.

That means I have some standards. The threat is not those that actually believe in something good, the threat is the relativists that can't tell the difference between right and wrong.....

Actually, I have worked closely for two and one half years with a Muslim.........she was a refugee from the wars against Islamist terrorists in Algeria, and calls her co-religionists "those barbarians", and believes that any woman wearing the burqua is either a slave, or mentally ill..

I don't have a problem with people unfortunate enough to have been born in a Muslim family....I have a problem with Islam. There may be moderate Muslims, but by definition there is no such thing as moderate submission (Islam).

If 1.4 billion Muslims can be blamed for the actions of the most extreme minority in this religion, then neoconservatives can also be blamed for the Oslo and Tucson ( Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: Arizona 'Mecca For Prejudice & Bigotry' ) massacres.

Relativism of the worst sort. How many terror attacks in the name of Christianity???????? As if Tucson had the slightest thing to do with Christianity, the guy appeared to be a Satanist.........

Regarding Muslims committing terrorist attacks. Just because a Muslim person committed the attack, does not prove the attack was religiously motivated. If a person's religion must always be assumed to be the primary motivation for mass murder of civilians, then the Oslo killer would be an example of a Christian terrorist, since he is a self described Christian.


The Oslo Killer did not go into the island singing Jesus Loves Me, or Onward Christian Soldiers.

The guy at Fort Hood was screaming Allah Akbar.

Even if political, Islam inspires murder. It is that simple. Mohammed, the example, spread Islam by the sword and murder.

Pull your head out of the sand

I've dealt with as much of this ridiculous post as I can handle.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yep. less than one quarter of the world's population.....responsible for three quarters of the world's terrorist murder.

Damn right I'm a bigot. I don't like Nazis, the oppressors of women, fascists, the enemies of western civilization, Jew-haters, and other assorted scum...........

Islam is all those things....a lunatic death cult of hatred disguised as religion. I would no more tolerate an Islamist than I would tolerate a Nazi.

That means I have some standards. The threat is not those that actually believe in something good, the threat is the relativists that can't tell the difference between right and wrong.....

Actually, I have worked closely for two and one half years with a Muslim.........she was a refugee from the wars against Islamist terrorists in Algeria, and calls her co-religionists "those barbarians", and believes that any woman wearing the burqua is either a slave, or mentally ill..

I don't have a problem with people unfortunate enough to have been born in a Muslim family....I have a problem with Islam. There may be moderate Muslims, but by definition there is no such thing as moderate submission (Islam).

Relativism of the worst sort. How many terror attacks in the name of Christianity???????? As if Tucson had the slightest thing to do with Christianity, the guy appeared to be a Satanist.........


The Oslo Killer did not go into the island singing Jesus Loves Me, or Onward Christian Soldiers.

The guy at Fort Hood was screaming Allah Akbar.

Even if political, Islam inspires murder. It is that simple. Mohammed, the example, spread Islam by the sword and murder.

Pull your head out of the sand

I've dealt with as much of this ridiculous post as I can handle.
Either post faster or edit less, I can only give you one thumbs up dammit!!!!

Thanx to the sites post merging ap.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
You Islamaphobes obviously don't get how propaganda works. These websites selectively ignore all facts which don't support the author's agenda. These websites ignore the 99.99999% of Muslims who have never committed an act of "terrorism". These websites ignore the actions of Muslims who promote peace and tolerance. They ignore the condemnation of terrorist acts by the overwhelming majority of Muslim clerics. These websites use images and slogans to deliberately manipulate your emotions. They ignore the 95% of terrorist attacks that have nothing to do with Islam.

If you embrace the trash from these Islamphobic fear mongering websites, then your perceptions are quite different than reality. I could debunk your misperceptions, but its already been done. rather than re-inventing the wheel....

All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.”

Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.”
But perception is not reality.

The data regarding terrorism does not support the conclusions that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims. Here is a link to the FBI’s official website, which lists all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).

Pie Chart based on the referenced FBI list of terrorist attacks:

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist!

The Islamophobes claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that’s not quite true. More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these right wingers ought now to conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos (or Jews). Let them dare say it…they couldn’t; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions.

The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world where everyone is supposedly too “politically correct” to criticize Islam and Muslims. Yet, the reality is the exact opposite: you can get away with saying anything against the crescent. Can you imagine the reaction if I said that Latinos should be profiled because after all they are the ones who commit the most terrorism in the country? (For the record: I don’t believe in such profiling, because I am–unlike the right wing nutters–a believer in American ideals.)

The moral of the story is that Americans ought to calm down when it comes to Islamic terrorism. Right wingers always live in mortal fear–or rather, they try to make you feel that way. In fact, Pamela Geller (the queen of internet Islamophobia) literally said her mission was to “scare the bejeezus outta ya.” Don’t be fooled, and don’t be a wuss. You don’t live in constant fear of radicalized Latinos (unless you’re Lou Dobbs), even though they commit seven times more acts of terrorism than Muslims in America. Why then are you wetting yourself over Islamic radicals? In the words of Cenk Uygur: you’re at a ten when you need to be at a four. Nobody is saying that Islamic terrorism is not a matter of concern, but it’s grossly exaggerated.

All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 94% that Aren't | loonwatch.com
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You Islamaphobes obviously don't get how propaganda works.
Not that I'm an Islamaphobe. (And if I was sensitive at all, I would take offence to that unsupportable accusation).

I know full well how propaganda works. You're posts are an excellent example.

These websites selectively ignore all facts which don't support the author's agenda.
Just like you.

If you embrace the trash from these Islamphobic fear mongering websites, then your perceptions are quite different than reality.
Are you saying wikiality is an Islamaphobic website?

Interesting. We cite global, you narrow it to just US soil.

It is true that not all terrorist are Muslim, nor are all Muslims terrorists.

But the overwhelming majority of terrorist activity, GLOBALLY, is committed by those that follow Islam.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You Islamaphobes obviously don't get how propaganda works. These websites selectively ignore all facts which don't support the author's agenda. These websites ignore the 99.99999% of Muslims who have never committed an act of "terrorism". These websites ignore the actions of Muslims who promote peace and tolerance. They ignore the condemnation of terrorist acts by the overwhelming majority of Muslim clerics. These websites use images and slogans to deliberately manipulate your emotions. They ignore the 95% of terrorist attacks that have nothing to do with Islam.

If you embrace the trash from these Islamphobic fear mongering websites, then your perceptions are quite different than reality. I could debunk your misperceptions, but its already been done. rather than re-inventing the wheel....

All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.”

Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.”
But perception is not reality.

The data regarding terrorism does not support the conclusions that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims. Here is a link to the FBI’s official website, which lists all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).

Pie Chart based on the referenced FBI list of terrorist attacks:

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist!

The Islamophobes claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that’s not quite true. More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these right wingers ought now to conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos (or Jews). Let them dare say it…they couldn’t; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions.

The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world where everyone is supposedly too “politically correct” to criticize Islam and Muslims. Yet, the reality is the exact opposite: you can get away with saying anything against the crescent. Can you imagine the reaction if I said that Latinos should be profiled because after all they are the ones who commit the most terrorism in the country? (For the record: I don’t believe in such profiling, because I am–unlike the right wing nutters–a believer in American ideals.)

The moral of the story is that Americans ought to calm down when it comes to Islamic terrorism. Right wingers always live in mortal fear–or rather, they try to make you feel that way. In fact, Pamela Geller (the queen of internet Islamophobia) literally said her mission was to “scare the bejeezus outta ya.” Don’t be fooled, and don’t be a wuss. You don’t live in constant fear of radicalized Latinos (unless you’re Lou Dobbs), even though they commit seven times more acts of terrorism than Muslims in America. Why then are you wetting yourself over Islamic radicals? In the words of Cenk Uygur: you’re at a ten when you need to be at a four. Nobody is saying that Islamic terrorism is not a matter of concern, but it’s grossly exaggerated.

All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 94% that Aren't | loonwatch.com


They've been looking in the mirror......

So when was the last time a Jew hijacked an aircraft, much less flew it into a public building or four, killing 3,000 people.....?

When was the last time a Jew started shooting in Fort Hood?

In fact, when was the last time anyone was so much as BRUISED in these so-called acts of Jewish terrorism???

Come ONE EAO, this is ****ing STUPID, and you know it.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

They've been looking in the mirror......

So when was the last time a Jew hijacked an aircraft, much less flew it into a public building or four, killing 3,000 people.....?

When was the last time a Jew started shooting in Fort Hood?

In fact, when was the last time anyone was so much as BRUISED in these so-called acts of Jewish terrorism???

Come ONE EAO, this is ****ing STUPID, and you know it.

Loonwatch didn't come up with the stats. The FBI did. If "thereligionofpeace" web site is an acceptable site because THEY don't come up with the stats, then so is "Loonwatch". Works both ways.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
These websites aren't about promoting a rational, tolerant or balanced viewpoint regarding Islam. If you knew nothing about terrorism and Islam except for the "facts" given by websites like the religionofpeace.com , then you would likely have an irrational fear and hate Muslims.... which is the entire point of these websites.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You Islamaphobes obviously don't get how propaganda works. These websites selectively ignore all facts which don't support the author's agenda. These websites ignore the 99.99999% of Muslims who have never committed an act of "terrorism". These websites ignore the actions of Muslims who promote peace and tolerance. They ignore the condemnation of terrorist acts by the overwhelming majority of Muslim clerics. These websites use images and slogans to deliberately manipulate your emotions. They ignore the 95% of terrorist attacks that have nothing to do with Islam.

If you embrace the trash from these Islamphobic fear mongering websites, then your perceptions are quite different than reality. I could debunk your misperceptions, but its already been done. rather than re-inventing the wheel....


Have you lost your mind???

Here is a bulletin for you......

A simple list of the most deadly terror attacks offered without comment IS NOT propaganda.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Loonwatch didn't come up with the stats. The FBI did. If "thereligionofpeace" web site is an acceptable site because THEY don't come up with the stats, then so is "Loonwatch". Works both ways.
You are correct.

The big difference being in the premise and content.

While thereligioofpeace . com has a tally of global Islamic terrorism, loonwatch . com's article is a detailing of terrorism on American soil.

It's a ridiculous comparison.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Loonwatch didn't come up with the stats. The FBI did. If "thereligionofpeace" web site is an acceptable site because THEY don't come up with the stats, then so is "Loonwatch". Works both ways.

I repeat:

when was the last time anyone was so much as BRUISED in these so-called acts of Jewish terrorism???


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
These websites aren't about promoting a rational, tolerant or balanced viewpoint regarding Islam. If you knew nothing about terrorism and Islam except for the "facts" given by websites like the religionofpeace.com , then you would likely have an irrational fear and hate Muslims.... which is the entire point of these websites.
So that's the entire point of your postings here?

Jew hatred?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I repeat:

when was the last time anyone was so much as BRUISED in these so-called acts of Jewish terrorism???

So, the deciding factor in whether or not an act is terrorism or not is if someone was hurt in the commission of said act. Is that correct?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Jewish Defense League Unleashes Campaign of Violence in America

By Donald Neff

It was 29 years ago, on Aug. 29, 1970, that the Soviet government newspaper Izvestia protested repeated attacks by members of the Jewish Defense League against Soviet diplomats in New York and demanded better U.S. protection.1
A series of harassments, demonstrations and physical attacks against Soviet offices and personnel in New York had been launched by the JDL at the end of 1969 and continued over the next two years. The militant JDL actions included forcefully occupying some offices, spray painting Hebrew slogans proclaiming “the Jewish nation lives,” disrupting public meetings and even bombings and shootings. JDL co-founder Meir Kahane, a rabid Jewish activist from Brooklyn, later publicly admitted the JDL “bombed the Russian mission in New York, the Russian cultural mission here [Washington] in 1970, the Soviet trade offices.”2
The aim of the campaign was to draw attention to the 2.1 million Jews living in the Soviet Union. Unknown to the public was the fact that the anti-Soviet actions were being orchestrated by several militant Israelis, including the Mossad spy agency; Yitzhak Shamir, later Israel’s prime minister, and Guelah Cohen, a leader of the extremist Tehiya Party and member of the Knesset. The Israelis persuaded Kahane to wage the anti-Soviet campaign. The goal was to strain U.S.–Soviet relations, calculating that Moscow would ease the strain by allowing increased numbers of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel.3
A 1985 FBI study of terrorist acts in the United States since 1981 found 18 incidents initiated by Jews, 15 of the acts by the JDL.4 In a 1986 study of domestic terrorism, the Department of Energy concluded: “For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States....Since 1968, JDL operations have killed 7 persons and wounded at least 22. Thirty-nine percent of the targets were connected with the Soviet Union; 9 percent were Palestinian; 8 percent were Lebanese; 6 percent, Egyptian; 4 percent, French, Iranian, and Iraqi; 1 percent, Polish and German; and 23 percent were not connected with any states. Sixty-two percent of all JDL actions are directed against property; 30 percent against businesses; 4 percent against academics and academic institutions; and 2 percent against religious targets.”5
The JDL was suspected in two high-profile murders over the years. One came in 1972 when a bomb exploded in impresario Sol Hurok’s Manhattan office on Jan. 26. The explosion killed his receptionist, Iris Kones, 27, while Hurok and 12 others were injured. The JDL was suspected because Hurok was bringing Soviet performers to the United States.6
The next year, Jerome Zeller, an American JDL member, was indicted on charges of planting the bomb at Hurok’s office. He had since moved to Israel and his extradition was requested. Israeli authorities arrested the American expatriate but released him on $1,200 bail. He later was wounded in the 1973 war. Afterwards, the U.S. again requested extradition, but the response was, said U.S. Attorney Joseph Jaffe, who prosecuted the case, “You can...hold your breath until you die cause you ain’t going to get him because he’s a national hero.” Zeller was later reported living in the occupied West Bank among militant settlers.7

Kahane became an outspoken advocate for the “transfer” of all Palestinians.

The other high-profile murder came in 1985, on Oct. 11, when Alex Odeh, 37, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in Santa Ana, California, was killed by a bomb planted at his office. Odeh had appeared the previous night on a television show and called Yasser Arafat a “man of peace.” The Jewish Defense League praised the bombing but denied involvement, its usual practice in such incidents.8
One of the suspects was Robert Manning, 36, of Los Angeles, a JDL member. He and his wife, Rochelle, moved to Israel, where he joined the Israel Defense Forces. FBI agents said Manning and others were also suspected of being involved in a year-long series of violent incidents in 1985 including the August house-bomb slaying of Tscherim Soobzokov, of Paterson, N.J., a suspected Nazi war criminal; the Aug. 16 attempted bombing of the Boston ADC office in which two policemen were severely wounded; the September bombing at the Brentwood, Long Island home of alleged Nazi Elmars Sprogis, in which a 23-year-old passerby lost a leg, and the Oct. 29 fire at the ADC office in Washington, DC, which was called arson.9
By December 1985, FBI Director William H. Webster warned that Arab Americans had entered a “zone of danger” and were targets of an unnamed group seeking to harm the “enemies of Israel.”10
Manning and his wife lived in the radical Kiryat Arba settlement in Israel’s occupied West Bank until March 25, 1991 when, after two years of pressure, Israel acceded to U.S. extradition demands.11
The case caused critics to charge U.S. media bias against Arabs, noting that a week earlier the killing of American Jew Leon Klinghoffer aboard the hijacked Achille Lauro received heavy media coverage. They pointed out The New York Times devoted 1,043 column inches to Klinghoffer while devoting only 14 inches to Odeh’s death.12
Israeli police finally arrested the Mannings on March 24, 1991. Although strongly suspected in the Odeh murder, they were charged in a separate suit involving the 1980 letter-bomb murder of California secretary Patricia Wilkerson.13 Robert Manning, but not his wife, was eventually extradited to the United States on July 18, 1993, and was found guilty on Oct. 14, 1993, of complicity in the Wilkerson murder.14
On Feb. 7, 1994, Manning was sentenced to life in prison.15 His wife died of a heart attack on March 18, 1994, in an Israeli prison while awaiting extradition.16
Meanwhile, Kahane had moved to Israel in 1971 and immediately became an outspoken advocate for the “transfer” of all Palestinians. His unabashed public voicing of a subject that Israelis had spoken about only privately for so long earned him instant popularity among the most radical of Israelis. He founded the Kach Party. Kach in Hebrew means “Thus!” and Israelis understood that the party’s name referred to the use of violence to ethnically cleanse the land. By 1984 Kahane was popular enough to win a seat in the 120-seat Knesset under the Kach banner.17
At the same time Kahane retained his U.S. passport, which he used frequently to keep in touch with his followers in the JDL in America.18
In October 1985, the State Department declared Kahane was no longer a U.S. citizen based on his acceptance of a Knesset seat and his statement that he had retained his citizenship only as a matter of convenience.19 However, Federal Judge Leo I. Glasser ruled in 1987 that Kahane could not be deprived of his U.S. citizenship since Americans are allowed dual citizenship.20
When Kahane appeared in the Knesset to take his oath, 2,000 demonstrators protested and a number of lawmakers denounced him.21 Within a year, however, Kahane was described by The New York Times as the most talked-about political figure in Israel whose popularity was soaring, especially among young voters.22A September 1985 poll showed that Kahane’s popularity had increased to the point that if elections had been held at the time, his party would have received 10 seats in the Knesset, making Kach a significant political force.23
Such popularity of Kahane’s racist views was disturbing to liberal Israelis, and particularly to their U.S. supporters, who for so long had portrayed Palestinians as racists out to get rid of Jews. Now Kahane was giving Zionism’s critics powerful proof that Israel was a racist state. On Oct. 17, 1988, Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled that Meir Kahane’s political party was ineligible to take part in elections because it was “racist” and “undemocratic.”24 It was the first time in Israel’s history that a political party had been outlawed. Polls at the time showed that Kach would have likely received three to four seats in the coming November elections.25
Kahane’s end came in 1990 at the age of 58. He was shot dead on Nov. 5, 1990 in New York City in a midtown hotel.26 The suspect was El Sayyid A. Nosair, 34, an Egyptian-born Muslim who was a naturalized American living in Cliffside Park, N.J. He was a graduate of Egypt’s Hilwan University and worked as an air conditioning repairman for New York City. Police said Nosair had been under psychiatric care and taking anti-depressant drugs.27
Nosair was acquitted by a Manhattan jury on Dec. 21, 1991, but on Jan. 17, 1996 he was sentenced to a life term after he was convicted in a new trial of involvement in the assassination and also of conspiracy to commit terrorism with Egyptian Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the alleged mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing.28
As many as 30,000 mourners attended Kahane’s funeral in Brooklyn on Nov. 6, 1990, hailing him as “a pillar of Zion” and “a prophet who has fallen for the sacred land.” They carried placards reading “Death to all Arabs” and “Revenge.” Said Sol Margolis, president of Kach International, the U.S. arm of Kahane’s party in Israel: “There will be revenge. We believe in revenge.” 29
The next day in Jerusalem, on Nov, 7, some 15,000 persons held a four-hour funeral procession, shouting “death to the Arabs.”30
In mid-November, 10 persons received letters threatening violence in revenge for Kahane’s death. They included Columbia University Professor Edward Said, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Clovis Maksoud, former U.N. ambassador of the Arab League.31
Kahane’s supporters in Israel also vowed revenge, adding: “Whoever thinks that Kahane and the Kach movement have been destroyed has made a great mistake.” Said Kach member Yoel Ben-David: “I promise you there will be a river of Arab blood.”32
During his years, Kahane had succeeded well beyond most expectations in changing the political landscape of Israel. New York Times correspondent John Kifner reported that Kahane had been successful in the sense that many of his ideas “had crept into the mainstream” in Israel. Dr. Ehud Sprinzak, an Israeli expert on far right activities in Israel, wrote: “Where he has succeeded is in changing the thinking of many Israelis toward anti-Arab feelings and violence. He forced the more respectable parties to change. In the 1970s Kahane was in the political wilderness, but by the 1980s the center had moved toward Kahane.” Today Kahane’s policy of “transfer” is openly discussed as never before and one political party, Moledet, with one Knesset seat, has ethnic cleansing as its single issue. Observed the Jewish Telegraph Agency: “Rabbi Kahane could die satisfied that his message has impacted deeply and widely throughout Israeli society.”33

Middle East History: Jewish Defense League Unleashes Campaign of Violence in America

Teitel indicted for murder, attempted murder

Shvut Rachel settler dubbed 'Jewish terrorist' indicted for murdering two Palestinians, attempted murder of Prof. Zeev Sternhell, teen from Ariel, Palestinian from West Bank village. Indictment includes 14 offenses. 'God is proud of my actions,' Teitel says upon entering courtroom
Teitel indicted for murder, attempted murder - Israel News, Ynetnews


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
So, the deciding factor in whether or not an act is terrorism or not is if someone was hurt in the commission of said act. Is that correct?

Not quite.

Acts of terrorism by definition are acts intended to instill terror, with no other purpose.

Personally, I am not terrorized by nasty words thrown out at ten feet, or by threats, or by dirty looks, or by anything other than overwhelming violence aimed at myself or my allies.......


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Not quite.

Acts of terrorism by definition are acts intended to instill terror, with no other purpose.

Personally, I am not terrorized by nasty words thrown out at ten feet, or by threats, or by dirty looks, or by anything other than overwhelming violence aimed at myself or my allies.......

So, the FBI's list is bullshyte?

Jewish Defense League Unleashes Campaign of Violence in America

Get off the fu ckin "jewish" crap. Why pick a 7 percentile? Why not pick the group that the FBI say's is the largest perpetrator? You really do enjoy shooting yourself in the foot, don't you.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
So Just posting a list like this one is propaganda???? OKAY

2001 (40 bombings)

Netanya centre bombing

January 1, 2001


60 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Tayibe Bridge bombing

January 30, 2001


2 injured

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Beit Yisrael bombing

February 8, 2001


2 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Mei Ami junction bombing

March 1, 2001

Vadi Ara


Hamas claimed responsibility.

Netanyah bombing

March 4, 2001



Hamas claimed responsibility.

Talpiot industrial zone bombing

March 27, 2001


7 injured

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Egged bus 6 bombing

March 27, 2001

French Hill, Jerusalem

28 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Mifgash Shalom attack

March 28, 2001

Mifgash Shalom gas station, Kfar Sava


Hamas claimed responsibility.

Kfar Sava bombing

April 22, 2001

Kfar Sava


Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Or Yehuda bombing

April 23, 2001

Near Ben Gurion Airport

8 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Nablus school bus bombing

April 29, 2001

Nablus, West Bank


Hamas claimed responsibility.

HaSharon Mall suicide bombing

May 18, 2001

HaSharon shopping mall, Netanya


Hamas claimed responsibility.

Hadera Mall bombing

May 25, 2001



Hamas claimed responsibility.

Hadera bus station suicide bombing

May 25, 2001

Central bus station, Hadera

65 injured

2 Palestinians within a car bomb. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Jerusalem Center bombing

May 27, 2001



PFLP claimed responsibility.

Jaffa Road bombing

May 27, 2001


30 injured

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Netanya school bombing

May 30, 2001


8 injured

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing

June 1, 2001

Tel Aviv


Hamas claimed responsibility.[4]

Dugit bombing

June 22, 2001

Gaza Strip


Booby trapped car's explosion. Hamas claimed responsibility.

Yehud suburb bombing

July 2, 2001

Tel Aviv

6 injured

Explosion of two separate bombs. PFLP claimed responsibility.

Kissufim bombing

July 9, 2001

Southern Gaza Strip crossing point


Explosion of two separate bombs. Hamas claimed responsibility.

Binyamina train station bombing

July 16, 2001



Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Moshav Beka'ot bombing

August 8, 2001

Northern Jordan Valley

1 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing

August 9, 2001

Downtown Jerusalem


Carried out by Hamas together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Wall-Street Restaurant bombing

August 12, 2001

Kiryat Motzkin

21 injured

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Russian Compound bombing

August 21, 2001

Downtown Jerusalem

1 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Jerusalem car bombings

September 3, 2001


3 injured

Series of car bombs.

Hanevi'im street bombing

September 4, 2001


20 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Nahariya train station suicide bombing

September 9, 2001

Nahariya train station


Suicide bomber was an Arab Israeli citizen. Hamas claimed responsibility.

Beit Lid junction bombing

September 9, 2001

Near Netanya

17 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

Talpiot neighborhood bombing

October 1, 2001



Hamas claimed responsibility.

1st Erez Crossing attack

October 7, 2001

Erez Passage near Gaza


Hamas claimed responsibility.

Kibbutz Shluhot bombing

October 7, 2001

Kibbutz Shluhot


Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

2nd Erez Crossing attack

November 26, 2001

Gaza Strip

2 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.

1st Egged bus 823 bombing

November 29, 2001

Wadi Ara Junction


Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

Ben Yehuda Street Bombing

December 1, 2001

Downtown Jerusalem


Hamas claimed responsibility.

Haifa bus 16 suicide bombing

December 2, 2001



Hamas claimed responsibility.

Hilton Mamilla bombing

December 5, 2001

Mamilla, Jerusalem

11 injured

Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Hamas.

Check Post Junction bombing

December 9, 2001

Check Post Junction in the direction of Tel Hanan (Haifa area)

30 injured

Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Neve Dekalim bombing

December 12, 2001

Neve Dekalim

4 injured

Hamas claimed responsibility.