Drunken Breast Feeding

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've always been in favour of "motherhood" courses and community based suport groups for moms and dads who aren't knowledgable and those who "think" they are so facts are known to women and their mates not "old wives tales and myths".


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
It seems odd that alcohol use is subject to discussion on where we place the bar of acceptable standards of consumption by infants. I don't really know what to say to you on that Unf, if you think there's wiggle room there, then I've gotta wonder just where YOU would place the bar.

Nothing odd about discussion on a discussion board Zanamaniac.
Booze and kids, why not. :lol:

There is alcohol in all sorts of stuff, some made for babies. Most of us babyboomers had plenty while growing up for cough due to cold to mouthwash to zit remidies.
I don't seen any evidence that it put us in mortal danger. Now it's that some percentage might be in breast milk that we need to arrest mothers, haul the kiddies off to the emergency room just to be on the safe side.

It's not that someone is giving babies shots of hard liquor, no one advocates that here I'm sure. But that a mother gets three sheets to the wind if that is in fact the case, and has to feed her baby. We know that the baby didn't die because she got the baby back. Fact is she was taking care of her baby and tried to feed it that got the police all up in arms due only to their opinion.

Remember there isn't any clinical evidence showing the affects of alcohol in breast milk ingested by babies.

I was generalizing in my comment - I don't know the specifics of the case, I'm simply observing that it seems pretty obvious that this is an avoidable type of harm - and the benefit to risk ratio doesn't quite pan out in favour of the child imo, so therefore it should be avoided.

Oh you broads and your generalizing. heh heh heh

It great that you have an opinion. If I were to say to you that being a woman and driving in harmful to both the woman and everyone else on the road, is that enough that you stop all driving until we have some clear clinical evidence, just to be on the safe side?

I hope that sounds crazy to you. Because the suggestion we should stop something that isn't harmful other than in our mind is silly.

no one being a perfect parent, you're right. It's impossible - that doesn't mean we shouldn't do the best job we can. When it comes to alcohol abuse with children, we know a hell of a lot more about the harmful effects than we did 20 years ago - so what's the point of acquiring knowledge about what's harmful for us and what isn't if we aren't going to apply that knowledge?

No we don't, not in this situation. FAS is a whole other story, but this isn't some slam dunk. The research simply isn't there. And when it comes to the police arresting someone, scaring the hell out of them and threatening to not only take their kid away but have them put on a list of people dangerous to children, well I am quite confident of the position I take on this. Remember we're not talking about some seriously misguided mom leaving her kid to go out drinking or someone putting cigar butts out on them. And clearly 6 weeks of parenting leaves any parent with an abusive boy friend prone to making a couple of mistakes.

That's a far cry from swathing a kid in bubble wrap and shielding them from all types of harm that can occur in the course of everyday life. Making the leap into the realm of the ridiculous for the sake of argument seems like an illogical direction to take here...

Much like making generalities about something based on emotion and expecting them to fly. At the very worst, this woman should have been told to go sleep it off and the baby dropped off at gramma's house. Barring that the hospital could have stepped up and the community could graciously provided some advice and a schedule of parenting workshops. That should have been the end of it.

Now this, you might be right about. I don't think my original comment in any way advocated for this mother to lose custody of her children, nor acquire a record. I simply felt that the comment that feeding a baby booze is different than assault doesn't make sense. Harm is harm. How that harm is delivered still seems like a strange distinction to make.

Would you choose to be subjected to a test of breast feeding from a lovely drunk volunteer, then move on to one round with
, then let the crowd decide which was an asault? I think the two are quite different.

There was no intent to harm the baby. Poor judgement that resulted in no harm to the baby and a huge mess for the Mom.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
8O Sounds like a right good tasering is needed to show that drunken mother.......right from left.....er, wrong.........that is..........

And the charge was; "breast assault"? "boob badness"? tit tempest?

So, suck on that.........well,er, don't. could contain booze.

:lol: NOT funny. Kid won't be able to crawl straight.:snorting:
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Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Nothing odd about discussion on a discussion board Zanamaniac.

that's right, I'm a maniac ... A MANIAC I tells ya!....so don't cross me! especially when I'm generalizing! :lol:

I'll try to get back on line later and see if I can make more sense of your post. First skim through has me shakin' my head thinking surely to gawd Unf is just bored out of his skull and needs to shake things up a l'il... ;-)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That's assault. That's different.

I know lot's of people that spank their kids and none have been arrested....and shaking a baby is only a crime if it harms the baby. Either one may or may not be assault so how are they different?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I've no idea, and this (following) occurred about 40yrs ago...but my Mother
was told by her Doctor to drink a beer a day (& she hated the stuff) in order
to increase here milk production while breast feeding.

Well, alcohol does increase pregnancy so it follows naturally that it would increase milk production.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I think most moms always knew if it had alcohol in it. When it still had booze in it was around the same time that people would dip soothers in whiskey for baby's sore gums. Gripe water here now has all the active ingredients it did before, minus the alcohol. My kids used it.

Many moms pour gravol, baby tylenol, and a host of other chemicals into their kids on a regular basis. A bit of alcohol in gripe water, or a drink in breastmilk isn't a huge issue.

The silliness is people buying into the media hype that claims that breastfeeding is all that's at issue in this case. They want to rile people up, sell the story, make it as sensational and infuriating as possible.
That's their job, Karrie. lol My Dad says that the mainstream newsmedia now is on about the same level as media like the National Enquirer used to be when he was young. Sensationalism sells.
A few months ago my husband took his mother to the hospital for some test or other, as he was sitting in his truck, he saw a minivan pull up and what looked like a girl and her mother got out puffing like chimneys. He didn't think much about it till the daughter reached in and extracted a baby from a carseat. That was a bit too much for him, so he stepped out and asked if the women had any concern for the child. Of course, it was "none of his business", you know. I can imagine if a reporter was there and saw it, those women would be in the news.
I think it's kind of a good thing that this woman is in the news, though. It may be that it might make her smarten up and it might make an impression on other mothers.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
How close of attention did you pay to sugar or caffeine intake during that time?

What is more dangerous to an infant? A drunk woman's milk or one who just ate a cake?
An entire cake?
It would depend on what the cake was, wouldn't it? Alcohol inhibits cellular activity in babies. Does cake?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I've always been in favour of "motherhood" courses and community based suport groups for moms and dads who aren't knowledgable and those who "think" they are so facts are known to women and their mates not "old wives tales and myths".
Yeah. Reliable knowledge is definitely beneficial.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Well then allow me.

Mother Faces BWI Charge - April 28, 2009
Mother Faces BWI Charge - April 28, 2009

It's not even stated in the police report who called the police.
Nothing at all about having a problem getting the baby to the breast.
According to the police report, they thought she was drunk and though there isn't any clinical evidence to go on, they called the local hospital, talked to someone who works the graveyard shift who said after the police also told them about her prescription medication, to transport the baby to the hospital. No word on how the baby is.

They then charged her with criminal neglect for nothing other than breast feeding while she was what they considered drunk.

As for pleading guilty, the police over looked the knee to the chin and the smack in the face that the boy friend did and went whole hog on busting her for breast feeding her newborn at 4 in the morning. Nice that they managed to get her to plead to a lesser charge and not get listed as a danger to children.

It doesn't matter what oped pieces say, it's what in the police report that counts. And there is nothing in there showing her blood alcohol level was normal or not.

I submit that if she had a lawyer handy and the money to pay for it, she would have been out of jail before lunch time.

Nope I smell a rat here and I bet it's a pal on the police dept.
Who says the police didn't/aren't investigating the bf? You seem to be making a lot of your own assumptions here, and then squawking at Karrie for posting her opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Nothing odd about discussion on a discussion board Zanamaniac.
Booze and kids, why not. :lol:

There is alcohol in all sorts of stuff, some made for babies. Most of us babyboomers had plenty while growing up for cough due to cold to mouthwash to zit remidies.
I don't seen any evidence that it put us in mortal danger. Now it's that some percentage might be in breast milk that we need to arrest mothers, haul the kiddies off to the emergency room just to be on the safe side.

It's not that someone is giving babies shots of hard liquor, no one advocates that here I'm sure. But that a mother gets three sheets to the wind if that is in fact the case, and has to feed her baby. We know that the baby didn't die because she got the baby back. Fact is she was taking care of her baby and tried to feed it that got the police all up in arms due only to their opinion.
It was gross stupidity if she was drunk. Definitely neglectful.

Remember there isn't any clinical evidence showing the affects of alcohol in breast milk ingested by babies...............
Perhaps you should do a little research, Mr.

Here, I'll help you out:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, NCBDDD, CDC

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, birth defects at NOFAS

MedlinePlus: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Parenting and Child Health - Health Topics - Alcohol - effects on unborn children

Alcohol Effects on Unborn Babies - What do we Know so Far?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fact Sheet

I'll stop quoting you now, because its apparent you have no idea about motherhood and babies.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
that's right, I'm a maniac ... A MANIAC I tells ya!....so don't cross me! especially when I'm generalizing! :lol:

I'll try to get back on line later and see if I can make more sense of your post. First skim through has me shakin' my head thinking surely to gawd Unf is just bored out of his skull and needs to shake things up a l'il... ;-)
Funny. The same thought just occurred to me. lol


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I know lot's of people that spank their kids and none have been arrested....and shaking a baby is only a crime if it harms the baby. Either one may or may not be assault so how are they different?
Apparently if attention is brought upon their activities. BTW, shaking a kid is quite possibly child endangerment. People can have effects of whiplash show up months after the fact. A swat on the behind is a bit different than shaking a child.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Wow, I must be the only person left interested in this thread.
I also just noticed my mailbox is plugged solid with notices from CC about replies in every thread I posted in. Whoever designed this thing to do that needs their head examined. How do I make it stop?

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB

You can change your email notifications - and many other preferences - by clicking on the word Settings at the top of the Canadian Content window. Then click on preferences. From there you will be able to choose your preferences. Email notifications are set there. There's several other features you can access from that same location at the top of the screen - you might enjoy exploring around in those for a bit.

and welcome again to the forum - I'm sure enjoying your posts.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Ron just tried explaining this. He said to go to the bottom of one email and do the link thing to unsubscibe. It didn't work. lol
Thank you. I hope I've been informative here. :) I love helping people.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
that's right, I'm a maniac ... A MANIAC I tells ya!....so don't cross me! especially when I'm generalizing! :lol:

I'll try to get back on line later and see if I can make more sense of your post. First skim through has me shakin' my head thinking surely to gawd Unf is just bored out of his skull and needs to shake things up a l'il... ;-)

Which one?



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Who says the police didn't/aren't investigating the bf? You seem to be making a lot of your own assumptions here, and then squawking at Karrie for posting her opinion.

Then there would be a refference number added to the police report indicating that there was another investigation going on related to this on. As for squawking, I squawk at Kerrie all the time here and else where. What the hell is it to you?:-|
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