Abortion is not Immoral


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
JLM, apology is accepted and appreciated.

Sorry for all the misspells in my post(s) but this topic gets me rather sensitive and prone to errors which are the results of raised emotions.

So, I have FEELINGS!! Call me a liberal!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM, I have lots of friends. At my age I am not particukarly vconcerned about influencing people.

I only raised a question, which - not surprisingly - no abortion advocate ever eager or even willing to answer. Would you care to put your 2 cents' worth in?

BTW, I talked to Lemon Beagle a few minutes ago - not loudly, just by winking an eye - when I shaved this morning.

The first six words of your question were excellent, you could have saved ink by stopping there. :lol::lol::lol:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Religion has nothing to do with it.

Perhaps the answer is not to have adaption records available.... and yes I have a great value system :p
Another opinion. Of course, being self-substantiating leaves room for a LOT of doubt about the accuracy. eannasir does the same thing, he uses the Quran to substantiate itself and calls it fact. Freakin hilarious.

Adaption? roflmao


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Risus and Tyr,

aren't you glad that your mothers - unlike you - were decent and loving people and not some pro-abortion, selfish and irresponsible no-good louts?

Aren't you glad that YOUR fathers did not pull out prior your totally misbegotten conception?

YukonJack, had my mother been pro-abortion, which she was, and had be aborted I would not be here typing. As an embryo I would have had some pain, I would imagine, for a few minutes and my life would have terminated.

If my father would have pull out prior it would not have been an abortion.. I would not have felt anything and who cares as It may have happened mady times before I was conceived.

Now that said, I personally do believe there are few exceptions where abortion is acceptable. It beats having kids on the street, drugged up, freezing to death, stealing, beaten and sexually abused to make money to survive.

That said I have always took it upon myself to be responsible and "planned" my kids birth. I also took in a child to ensure she did not end up n the streets as one I listed above. Not every one can afford or have the patience, time or skill to do so.

The fact is the Church wants people to have more and more kids ( don't believe in protection, only procreation ) and no abortion yet government has no assistance for those who have issues, kid problems or death of parents. Your on your own baby after that kid is born with no mention of medical problems and job losses and school issues your kids face. It's funny when your rich how everyone runs to your aide to bend over backwards and kiss you a$$ to help you but if your mid class or poor your one your own if you have a problem child.. I know as I have been doing it for 16 years now..


Electoral Member
Jun 30, 2008
Ohau, Hawaii
seriously now, having safe sex is one of the simplest and easiest responsabilities you'll ever have to take care of, especially when you are given free condoms and birth control at planned parenthood and a few other places. People are dumb! Which is why there are even arguments like this in the first place......just sayin'


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Everyone is anti-abortion until there 14 year od daugher comes home pregnant. I know of a family whose daughter did exactly that. The Christian family had two choices. Face church ridicule for having a pregnant daughter or have an abortion in quiet and avoid the pressures.

This topic is a double edged sword.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Everyone is anti-abortion until there 14 year od daugher comes home pregnant. I know of a family whose daughter did exactly that. The Christian family had two choices. Face church ridicule for having a pregnant daughter or have an abortion in quiet and avoid the pressures.

This topic is a double edged sword.

Yep, that's another aspect of the issue. The Bible preeches understanding and compassion but most regular church goers (that I've met) seemed to have skipped that chapter. I'm not sure if there is anything in the Bible about "minding your own business", but they could brush up on that too.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

That means no rumour mill and talking **** behind someones back.


Electoral Member
Jun 30, 2008
Ohau, Hawaii
don’t forget, "judge not lest ye be judged."
and "thou without sin shall cast the first stone."
ppl forget those ones too!
oh and "thou shall not covenant thy neighbors wife."
that's a big one ppl forget!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
don’t forget, "judge not lest ye be judged."
and "thou without sin shall cast the first stone."
ppl forget those ones too!
oh and "thou shall not covenant thy neighbors wife."
that's a big one ppl forget!!

"Covenanting" the neighbour's wife was one I wasn't aware of.
That must be another word for fornicating.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
For all those who argue that every human life is sacred from the moment of conception on, etc etc, I ask a question: how do you justify eating meat, fish, or even eggs? What about vegetables and grain?

How can you argue that life is sacred, if you're quite willing to kill other living creatures?

And to JLM: the moment you start railing against Trudeau in this sort of discussion, you lose pretty much every bit of credibility you'd ever hope to have. You sound like a wingnut, left behind 25 years ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
For all those who argue that every human life is sacred from the moment of conception on, etc etc, I ask a question: how do you justify eating meat, fish, or even eggs? What about vegetables and grain?

How can you argue that life is sacred, if you're quite willing to kill other living creatures?

And to JLM: the moment you start railing against Trudeau in this sort of discussion, you lose pretty much every bit of credibility you'd ever hope to have. You sound like a wingnut, left behind 25 years ago.

OK Tencents- I guess about the same way, you do, it's either that or starve to death - that would be the perfect example of a question I'd expect a "wingnut" to ask. Obviously our opinions of Trudeau differ and that's your perfect right, and if you like repaying the several hundred billion $ worth of debt he accrued, that's also your perfect right- others who stick the unsuspecting public with so much debt get charged with fraud and spend several years in durance vile.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I thought we live in a democracy where decision are made by the popular consensus? On that line of thinking and blame, every last PM would be a dictator on a 4 year option.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
OK Tencents- I guess about the same way, you do, it's either that or starve to death - that would be the perfect example of a question I'd expect a "wingnut" to ask. Obviously our opinions of Trudeau differ and that's your perfect right, and if you like repaying the several hundred billion $ worth of debt he accrued, that's also your perfect right- others who stick the unsuspecting public with so much debt get charged with fraud and spend several years in durance vile.
You have no idea what my opinion of Trudeau is.

I just don't understand why you're personalizing our constitution, as if one person alone was responsible for the whole thing and all of its implications. I think you need to step back from your hatred, and be a bit rational.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I think it'd be cool to get back to the topic.
As I said, morality is dependant upon a range of factors including even geography. Climate is probably a factor, for the love of Mike/Michelle. :D Is it moral to condemn abortion and support market speculation (that affects millions of lives and probably kills indirectly)? People's priorities really baffle me.


May 24, 2006
Tracy, my wife was adopted at birth, because her family could not afford raising her. She was the ninth child. Her dad lost an arn at his job and was fired. But her mom took the responsible thing and put her up for adoption.

57 years later she found seven living siblings, who embraced her with all the love to be afforded to a sibling you have known all your life.

If it had not been for her Mom's courageous decision, I have no idea who my wife would be now, but I am sure I could not have found a more gracious lady than she. She is the best example - as far as I am concerned - that no matter how difficult things might look, no matter how inconvenient being a mother might be, ABORTION IS NEVER AN OPTION.

I DO hope your story ia as happy as my wife's.

YukonJack, good post!