With a dying white race, why are we not encouraging more white births?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Alright as crazy as it sounds we encourage white people to have more children
They are likely going to be unwanted children as people are about themselves
they don't want kids so who is going to enforce the white baby rule?
If you subsidize white families all the others rightfully so will howl blue murder.
If white people want more children they will have them and they don't.
There is too much government interference in child rearing period that is one
reason many no longer have children they get a dog instead


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
With a dying white race, why are we not encouraging more white births?


Are we perhaps concerning ourselves too much with colour of skin?

I thought they were different venues. You have them listed separately.

No need for ignorance.


That happens! :)

I do however wish I would have gotten my moms pretty green eyes cause the gals like those better than these brown ones.

No worries, Ludlow, I have brown eyes and the girls like them. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Industrialized countries can't even make replacement, so obviously the solution to global population overgrowth is for everyone to have a decent standard of living which sits at the balance point of properity verses birthrate

oh: I just watched a tedtalk where they showed 70 thousand year old man made beads
so for 69700 years witchdoctors and grandmas ran the show and we didn't extinkt ourselves:
university graduates have been running this mess for ONLY 300 years
and we are ALREADY on the edge of DOOM

so the only birthrate that has to drop has tenure

to you genocidalists out there:
more then half the black pregnancies in New York end in a planned parenthood type organ heist abortion:
don't seem to be making new york any smaller


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What a stoopid thread topic.

Sometimes, it's good to be able to have a few laughs, Walter...................life doesn't have to be all serious. We don't laugh enough today!

you made the exact same post in 3 separate sub forums within 5 minutes.

we saw/heard your little rant.

get with it or gtfo.

I guess the "Great I AM" has spoken F.P. :)

Alright as crazy as it sounds we encourage white people to have more children
They are likely going to be unwanted children as people are about themselves
they don't want kids so who is going to enforce the white baby rule?
If you subsidize white families all the others rightfully so will howl blue murder.
If white people want more children they will have them and they don't.
There is too much government interference in child rearing period that is one
reason many no longer have children they get a dog instead

You might have ended your last sentence after the word "interference". :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
its the freakin white christian missornary position man
thats the damn bottleneck
gotta take them ladies out to dinner first
treat em nice an all
get them in a happy receptive mood
show em a good time
you know
be a player
for the race...
err ...baseball game
you know, get to homeplate firstest n the mostest n'all....


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
With a dying white race, why are we not encouraging more white births?

Much has been written of how Muslim demographics will eventually make Europe and many other white nations Muslim nations in the future. They and other darker races are reproducing a lot more than the whites.

Our politicians are trying to maintain our populations through immigration and as we can see in Europe, this is not doing the white race any good at all.

Why are none of our white governments not offering more incentives for whites to have more children?

Sure, some Western governments offer small incentives in terms of baby bonuses and the odd few thousand dollars for more children but not nearly what it is costing our countries to bring in immigrants to fill our demographic needs.

Many in Europe are saying that our politicians have sold out to Muslims. Meanwhile a man like Trump can gain what seems to be a lot of support for a harder line against immigration. Canadians seem to be going in that same direction.

It seems to me, if I was a politician, my war cry, if you will, would be for my white constituents to pull up their socks, pull off their birth control devices, and do their duty to the white race by reproducing more. While at the same time, I would tax those who do not contribute babies that much more than those who do reproduce and basically transfer those funds to help those who are producing babies in a more generous way so as to encourage those parents to have and be able to afford more babies.

Many whites are feeling squeezed and seem to be becoming more anti the other race. Not too surprising as becoming a minority is something we are not used to and when we look about and see how other minorities are treated, I can see why many would not want to be in a minority.

Why are white governments not promoting more white births instead of more immigration?

Why are white people not fighting the trends that are making us a quickly disappearing race?

Are whites so self-centered that we will eventually all loose our countries to those of other colors?

I read about fertility drops years ago. People are still puzzling over it.

"Starting in Europe in the late 1800s and continuing today, birth rates have been declining in societies as they become more affluent, industrialized, and technologically advanced."

Personally, I think the planet has way too many people on it. We cannot feed everyone as it is. It would be possible if transportation of goods was easier, despots did not abscond with the goods and sell it on black markets, etc. But it is not happening and that is why I think the planet is currently overpopulated.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I read about fertility drops years ago. People are still puzzling over it.

"Starting in Europe in the late 1800s and continuing today, birth rates have been declining in societies as they become more affluent, industrialized, and technologically advanced."

Personally, I think the planet has way too many people on it. We cannot feed everyone as it is. It would be possible if transportation of goods was easier, despots did not abscond with the goods and sell it on black markets, etc. But it is not happening and that is why I think the planet is currently overpopulated.

That kind of contradicts the old expression "the more the merrier" :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The idea that White people generally have fewer offspring while not incorrect, is misunderstood. What causes this lower birth rate is the standard of living and general affluence of the population. The more affluent you are, the more likely you'll produce fewer offspring. Heck, out of 224 countries with the 224th having the lowest birth rate(Monaco) Japan is 222nd, Singapore 221st and South Korea is 220th. For those wondering what is 223rd, it's St. Pierre and Miquelon. Yeah, big shocker.

Oh, and for the few idiots that keep insisting Israel is committing genocide on Palestine, Palestine has the 35th highest birth rate on the planet while ethnic Palestinians are one the fastest growing demographics on the planet, ranked at 25th IIRC.

If you look at the list of sovereign states by birth rate, you can see a general trend from the most affluent country to least although some of countries may seem skewed due to a variety of factors like their ethnic culture, immigration, etc. In many 3rd world countries the birth rates are high because in many instances, it's the only way of ensuring your genes survive to continue your line.
What's making a noticeable difference in population sizes is the drop in infant mortality rates in those countries, the fact they have been peopled for millennia and that it's only been recently (for them) that infant mortality rates have dropped so the inherent drive to reproduce as much as they can is still there.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Genetically speaking, whites are the most diverse of all the colors

That is actually an incorrect statement. Genetically, the most diverse group are the Black Africans. We whites come from a few genetically narrower groups. Some of our ancestors were so isolated for so long that recessive traits like blonde hair and blue eyes became widespread. The genome mapping of the various peoples of the planet are also showing that the Black Africans are not only the most diverse group but that they are the newest as well. The Black Africans around today are the most recent version of our species, the Australian Aborigines, New Guineans, some Southern Indians are the oldest continuous line and Europeans and Asians like the Han Chinese are somewhere in between. Both of those latter groups were literally shaped by the last ice advance to the point that some of them may have been cut off from the mainstream of human genes for considerable periods, hence all of the recessive traits being so common.


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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
With a dying white race, why are we not encouraging more white births?

Well, with a systematic campaign under way right now by Western governments and their supporters in the media to destroy the Christian white race, such a thing would not be allowed.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

Well, with a systematic campaign under way right now by Western governments and their supporters in the media to destroy the Christian white race, such a thing would not be allowed.

Given what Jesus taught about being a neighbour,why would a Christ's care about something as superficial as skin colour.

And given that had Jesus,interacted only with Christans, no Christian would have ever walked this earth, why would a Christian want to cut contact with non-Christians?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Given what Jesus taught about being a neighbour,why would a Christ's care about something as superficial as skin colour.

And given that had Jesus,interacted only with Christans, no Christian would have ever walked this earth, why would a Christian want to cut contact with non-Christians?

I don't understand your point. I'm talking here about the systematic attempt which is underway right now by Western government to erase the white Christian race.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Population stats show there are over one billion whites world wide (Europe, North America, Aus-NZ) and that doesn't include many South Americans such as Argentinians, Chileans, and Uruguayans (Uruguay = the most white nation in the Americas) or North African/Mid Easterners such as Lebanese, Syrians, Tunisians, or Central Asians such as the many Caucasian ethnic groups many of which are also white. With close to 1.5 billion whites it clearly proves there is no logical basis for the claim that whites are a dying race. Were it not for the near three billion non-whites in China and India, whites would not be a minority in this world. By the way, I don't see any group demanding more non-white births.

With about 1.5 billion whites world wide, how soon do you expect to see that mystical "extinction" take place?

I did not do the calculation but the pie chart in the O.P. goes to 2060 and shows us down by 2/3.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I don't understand your point. I'm talking here about the systematic attempt which is underway right now by Western government to erase the white Christian race.
I don't understand your complaint, it is the white's desire that it should happen. Why do you think 'we' have been acting the way we have??

I did not do the calculation but the pie chart in the O.P. goes to 2060 and shows us down by 2/3.

the chart is upside down, it says 3/2

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
I only use it to stay in touch with my family,,especially my kids.

If you mean that things change, that's true. Humans have been changing since the dawn of time.

Yes and if we have or are losing our natural will to reproduce, it would not bode well for us.

If it is our sociological systems and city life that is causing that loss, we would have to make drastic changes. Perhaps we are not meant for hive living and need a more tribal lifestyle.

I personally think country life is a lot more rewarding than city/hive living.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I don't understand your complaint, it is the white's desire that it should happen.

Why would white people - apart from a few odd self-hating liberals like what we have posting on here - want that to happen?

It is the nefarious left-wing establishments which run Britain, Canada and America today which want the erasing of Christian white culture. They hate it and want it gone.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Millions of Muslims are white.

In fact the majority of converts to Islam in Europe are white women.

Indeed. That is what I hear but that does not alter the fact that the white human is slowly going extinct.

White will likely never hit 0, but it looks like it will become a minority.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
That's why we get told that Christmas is "offensive"; that marches in which white people show how proud they are of being white are labelled "racist"; and why governments now are fully committed to flooding our lands with brown and black non-Christian peoples. And when, of course, people speak out against it, heroes like Ukip, EDL and Trump, they get labelled "racist", too.

It's all happening, this deliberate destruction of white Christian culture, right before our eyes. It's so blatant now that it cannot be denied.