You are not a guardian over them!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have spoken to many people, Muslims with their sects, Christians, Arab, Non-Arab .. but almost none responded as should be; some of them merely conceded, others were the hypocrites .. but in fact almost none received the admonition so as to believe in God and His religion: the pure monotheism and the compliance to His commandments and His Quran.

Therefore, I have become sad for such non-responsiveness of most people..

And so I consulted God Most Gracious, by means of the Quran, and this is the aya of the Quran 39: 41, which has come to me in the consultation:

It means:
(Surely We have sent down upon you [Mohammed] the Book [: the Quran] for [teaching and guiding] mankind with the [religion of the] truth.

Then whosoever is guided, is only guided to his own gain
a, and whosoever goes astray, it is only to his own detriment b; you are not a guardian c over them.)

41 a i.e. the reward will be for his own gain.

41 b i.e. his sins will be against himself.

41 c The meaning: You, Mohammed are not any guardian to save them of the chastisement, so that you may try hard to save them, but your duty is only to warn them.

Therefore, I have been confirmed and assured by this aya, that the guidance is only up to God: if He pleases, He can guide them; and if He does not like to guide them, He will misguide them, because they are wrong-doers who do not deserve the guidance.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Jews think they are preferred by God, and that God loves them more than His other servants .. but they are deluded by this belief.
God - be glorified - disapproved their delusion, and said in the Quran 2: 94-96 which mean:
(94. Say [Mohammed to the Jews]: 'If the abode of [Paradise in heaven in] the Next Life, in the neighborhood of God, is solely for you to the exclusion of the [rest of] people [who are Muslims],

then long for death [to go to Paradise in heaven and prosper there] if you are truthful [in your claim that Paradise is solely for you to the exclusion of others.]

95. But they will never long for [death], because of [the large number of sins and crimes] that their hands have forwarded;
God is All-Knowing of the wrong-doers [so He will admit them into Hell instead of Paradise.]

96. You will find [Jews] the greediest among [all] people [of the heavenly religions] for life;
and [even greedier] than those [idolaters and Magians] who associate [others with God];

a [Each] one of [Jews] wishes to be granted a life of a thousand years.

But to live [any long life] will by no means [hardly] remove him [even a little bit] away from the doom [of Hell]
for God is All-Seeing all that they do [so He will accordingly punish them in the Next Life.])

96 a [Then God explained how they covet to live long life in the World.]

96 b It means: giving man a long life will not save him from the punishment, but it is the God-fearing and the righteous deeds that save man from the doom.

And if anyone of them stays in the World for one thousand years, thinking about any way to save him from God's punishment, then he will not find any way other than the belief in God and the compliance to Him.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Christians are also deluded thinking that Jesus Christ redeemed them and so they will go to Paradise in heaven because they love Jesus Christ and even God Himself loves them, as the father loves his children .. and both of Jews and Christians think that they are God's children .. but God disapproved their claim and He said in the Quran 5: 18, which means:

(Jews and Christians say: "We are the sons of God and His beloved ones." a

Say [Mohammed, to them]: "Why then does He punish you b according to your sins?

Not so, you are only mortals: [some] of those whom He has created c:

He forgives to whom d He pleases and chastises whom e He pleases.

God's is the ownership of the heavens and the earth f and all g that is between them, and the final resorting will be to Him [following your death.] h)

18 a i.e. they are so close to God as is the son to his father, because God loves them according to their claim.

18 b In the life of the World by the hand of your enemies, and in the Next Life by Fire to anyone of you disbelieves, as is it in your Book … if God truly loves you apart from other people.

18 c With no difference between you and them.

18 d i.e. who repents and who deserves the forgiveness.

18 e i.e. who deserves the punishment.

18 f i.e. the ownership of the planets including the earth.

18 g The moons, meteorites, meteors, comets and thunderbolts... by which He destroys, in one minute, whomever He wants to destroy.

18 h It means: your souls will go to him and then He will deal with you according to your acts.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Muslims have also followed in the footsteps of the past nations of Jews and Christians .. so that Muslims are deluded that Prophet Mohammed will intercede before God for their behalf, and they will be admitted to Paradise in Heaven; some also believe that Imam Ali will intercede for their behalf and they will be admitted to Paradise.

While God said in the Quran 82: 19, which means:
([That is] the day when no soul can control any [intercession] for any soul; for on that day the authority will [absolutely] be God's [authority.])

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So any man who wants to be saved, should know that neither Jesus, nor Moses nor Mohammed or others can save them, unless God Himself decides this .. and that these prophets cannot do anything to save or guide anyone unless it is God Himself that decides this.

As in the Quran 2: 55, which means:
(Who is he that intercedes with Him [on the Judgment Day] except only by His leave f [on behalf of monotheists only]?)

255 f i.e. they intercede only for the behalf of the monotheist who devotes himself to God alone: they intercede only for the one whom God permits them to intercede for;
while the one for whom He does not permit them to intercede, they will not intercede for him even though he be their brother.

Therefore, neither can Noah intercede for his son, nor can Abraham intercede for his father.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
When Prophet Mohammed was denied, God revealed to him in the Quran 35: 4, which means:
(But if they have [now] denied you [Mohammed]; as such had [many] messengers been denied before you; and souls [after death] will return to God f.)

4 f Who will recompense them according to their acts, and punish them according to their deeds.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Dexter, your ancestors opposed Jesus Christ and the other prophets in the same way.
They were atheists and blasphemers like you, but they were frustrated and defeated.
I'm not Dexter. I am not an atheist, and I don't go around throwing my beliefs at people like you do. My god doesn't judge or condemn anybody because we are all children of god and real parents don't punish the children for being what they were created to be. You are judgemental as hell and you will probably end up there. "Judge not lest ye shall be judged".


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm not Dexter. I am not an atheist, and I don't go around throwing my beliefs at people like you do. My god doesn't judge or condemn anybody because we are all children of god and real parents don't punish the children for being what they were created to be. You are judgemental as hell and you will probably end up there. "Judge not lest ye shall be judged".
Read what you just wrote when not stoned and try and tell us again you don't push your deist shit or judge.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You wanna hear something funny? A little bit a go some religious dude got all moralizing about walls and said God doesn't believe in walls. My mind immediately shot to two things. A) Vatican City, and B)If Heaven has no walls, what are the Pearly Gates attached to? Not only that but Heaven is pretty exclusive, you can only get in by invitation. Whereas Hell will take anyone.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
lol says the purveyor of twenty year old memes hisself
gawd, even cliffy would be embarrassed to be you.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Therefore, I have been confirmed and assured by this aya, that the guidance is only up to God: if He pleases, He can guide them; and if He does not like to guide them, He will misguide them, because they are wrong-doers who do not deserve the guidance.
Then maybe you should just admit that there's nothing you can do about it and stop trying to guide us all to your version of truth and light.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Then maybe you should just admit that there's nothing you can do about it and stop trying to guide us all to your version of truth and light.

I cannot guide anyone, unless God Himself wants to guide him.
I may try to convey the truth to people in general, and it is up to God to guide or not.
So by explaining the truth, many may be guided and many will be misguided.

[When God in the Quran said some parables about the fly and the spider, some of the idolaters objected and said: "This can't be from God because He speaks about the fly and spider; therefore, such Quran is certainly from Mohammed himself!"

Therefore, God revealed this aya, which means:]

(Quran 2: 26. Surely God is not ashamed to give an example whatsoever, even of a tiny mosquito and anything superior to it.

As for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord [and these parables are not from Mohammed, but from God Himself];
while as for those who disbelieve, they say: 'What is it that God means by this [insect] as an example?

He misleads many thereby [by the ambiguous ayat],
and thereby [by the plain ayat] He guides many

He misleads only evildoers thereby.

[Then God started to describe the evil-doers, and He said:]
27. Those who
>> break God's covenant after ratifying it,
>> and sever that [kinship] which God ordered to be joined,
>> and make mischief in the earth [by sedition, road robbery and barring those who believe in Mohammed]:

Such are the losers [who lost themselves and their families for that they exchanged Prosperity for Hell.]

More valuable explanation is in the link
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Therefore, I should not strive to guide the disbelievers, but only to convey the truth for my own benefit, and that God may guide whomever He wants to guide.

And recently, so frequently when I intend to say something in this forum, I consult God in the Quran, and so frequently God forbids me from telling them anything because they are stubborn deniers and disbelievers, which indicates their bad outcome, alas! Or I shouldn't be sorry for the stubborn blasphemers.

The implication of the previous aya is:
God does not want to guide some people .. therefore, He says some ambiguous ayat and parables

.. so that the disbeliever will not accept such ayat doubting and wavering about them thinking they are invented by Mohammed,

while the believer will accept the same ayat and parables and it will increase his faith.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
More explanation by Abu Abd-Allah:
The disbeliever will leave [and disregard] the plain ayat and will object to the ambiguous ayat, .. so he will lose;
while the believer will stick to the plain ayat, and leave the ambiguous ayat to God's knowledge, .. so he will be saved.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
More explanation by Abu Abd-Allah:
The disbeliever will leave [and disregard] the plain ayat and will object to the ambiguous ayat, .. so he will lose;
while the believer will stick to the plain ayat, and leave the ambiguous ayat to God's knowledge, .. so he will be saved.
You get weirder every day.