Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It also isn't our fault if men aren't taught self control.

Neither are women. When was the last time you and your girly mates all attended a self-control class?

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

It is not woman’s fault. It is God’s for creating her as is.

Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Neither are women. When was the last time you and your girly mates all attended a self-control class?

Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too.
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.

Way-heeeey smarter, too.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.

There are dead people more open minded them him Sal. He is seemingly quite incapable of making a single solitary statement without denigrating someone or something. He is, at best, a troll and, at worst, a petty small minded little man.


Nominee Member
Dec 28, 2013
Let us all remind some like yourself~ "men" come from WOMEN, not the other way around. Although a man has a "limited role" in procreation, the great strengths of both men and women must be honoured. Not possible if there is prejudice or age old indoctrination at work in manners as you have sadly represented.

Now we all suffer(ed, both men and women, the repercussions of patriarchal regimes and government or cultures who denied women rights for so long. When women finally got out of that oppression (only the last 60 years or so) , it seemed that many women became more like "men" to be accepted in a mans world. Which in turn is sad too.
Let us learn about balance and what God (both male and female or perhaps more than one God) has designed. The problem is not women, the problem is the denigration of a woman to limit her to sexual organs only. Men and women should learn to evolve and become all they can be. If anyone really read what Jesus says on the matter, one would see he was for all people ( including women) to reach their full potential. Remember well, no man even created Jesus. It was God and a woman who created Jesus. Men had no part in it. It is amazing that men kept women down for so long, when the CO-CREATOR of life - human life, is a woman ~ women. But the great strengths of both men and women must be honoured. Because of the simple fact they exist and are born that way.

This is not possible if there is prejudice or age old indoctrination at work in manners as you have so sadly presented. I believe most women want to retain their strong female qualities and strengths, while still managing in a predominantly male dominant world. Let us collaborate. When you see women as real people, you will see differently. Until then, the thoughts you presented are in need of soul searching and growth.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There are dead people more open minded them him Sal. He is seemingly quite incapable of making a single solitary statement without denigrating someone or something. He is, at best, a troll and, at worst, a petty small minded little man.

No, SLM, that would be one of his good qualities!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Old doesn't mean closed minded nor does it mean uninformed. Mid 70's here.
Christianna, you are right it doesn't and I hope to keep growing and learning until the day I die..however for me, age does allow an excuse for many things ...when the ladies in my building fail to understand why people need to text, I use such an excuse. In their generation such quick communication was not available thus they don't comprehend the need for it and in their world they don't likely "need" it. They also have held beliefs about some things when a quick google would clear up the ignorance and give clarity to other issues.

They don't want to have a computer and they like their opinions just as they are thank you, oh, and by the way, their opinions are right.

On the other hand I taught one of the oldest guys in our building on his new computer. He lives on it now. Can't understand how he lived without it. It's about personality for sure but I do find people of a certain age more likely to hold certain opinions. Not always but I live with a lot of seniors. lol...does it show...lol


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
Frenchie: Once again you turn the truth and Word of God into a monstrous mud pie.

Here is a worthwhile thought to contemplate.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Ye must be reborn. Sinful man has NO ability to discern or comprehend the Word of God, unless the Holy Spirit teach you. Let me guess, you will throw this back at me to prove that God is the author of evil. I will disagree and the banter will continue.

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Frenchie, maybe reconsider the way in which you trample the Word of God. God is a forgiving God. Maybe ask Him if you have perhaps misunderstood and ask for the truth. God is good. He knows I'm a complete blockhead yet he is patient and kind toward me.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Baked more Christmas cookies for more family get-togethers in the next few days. The house smells great.
Last edited:


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
Have you ever made press cookies - those buttery cookies with frosting or decoration? They are most excellent.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The French Patriot seems to ignore the law of polarity. The miracle of life requires the good and the bad, they are not separate things, and life as a meat bag is not the end product of genesis, it is the beginning. The good requires the bad, this is how we grow. A heap of dung is home for delicate flowers.


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
Neither are women. When was the last time you and your girly mates all attended a self-control class?

Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too.
You have quite the ambassadorial qualities, BlackLeaf. Maybe a run for office would suit you well. Perhaps you could use the following campaign slogan.

Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too. Vote for me. I'll put the ladies back where they belong.

Not sure what is with the font font font
It was your quote and I added, Vote for me, I'll put the ladies back where they belong.


Nominee Member
Dec 28, 2013
Yes, there might be more than one side to consider regarding modern technology. It is not necessary for "life" to own a personal home computer, to text or even to have a cell phone. Some may, or may not, be afraid of technology when they make such a choice, but many function just fine without it in their homes. btw, texting can be one of the most overused and useless tools in our modern society if one approaches it from a "gotta" put all my thoughts in other peoples minds". Because while it can be a good "tool" to text at times, it can also be a huge distraction and time waster for many. The older generation lived quite well without texting.
In fact they may have met the needs of many people better because they did not invade with "thoughts", but instead showed up at friends doors when they were sick, or they needed soup. The "old fashioned way".
Now, in saying that, some are quite prejudiced about conveniences of modern technology and they are afraid, and it is harder to learn as one gets older some concepts. But they have their reasons and it should never be judged.
It might make our lives more inconvenient to deal with such people who do not have the technology, but they choose keep their lives simple and in the manner they are entitled.
I happen to know several people in my circle who do not have a computer, or cell phone ~ both young and old. My daughter did not have a cell phone for the last few years. She does use my laptop and just started using her ipod for email when she was overseas.
My niece never had a computer or cell phone when growing up. She never went to school either. (Home schooled). At age 16 she studied and became a full pilot at age 19. Which requires tons of knowledge, math, physics, and managing modern technology. But she still does not have a home computer or cell phone. Land line yes.
Just my thoughts on what you brought up. It is not only the elderly who eschew use of computers or cell phones at times. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Have you ever made press cookies - those buttery cookies with frosting or decoration? They are most excellent.
Mom used to make those. She would put differnt metal forms on the front of her hand crank meat grinder and instead of putting scrap meat in the top she'd put in cookie dough. I'd get to turn the crank and the machine would extrude the dough in the shape of the template. Mom would put the extrusions on the cookie sheet and into the oven the cookies would go. Thanks for triggering the memory.



Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
Mom used to make those. She would put differnt metal forms on the front of her hand crank meat grinder and instead of putting scrap meat in the top she'd put in cookie dough. I'd get to turn the crank and the machine would extrude the dough in the shape of the template. Mom would put the extrusions on the cookie sheet and into the oven the cookies would go. Thanks for triggering the memory.

Your mom is smart and industrious - that is the kind of thinking that is all but lost these days. She sounds like a person that can get the job done even if she doesn't have the right equipment.

Life is a Meatbag.....Now that would make a fantastic Hallmark Greeting Card.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Your mom is smart and industrious - that is the kind of thinking that is all but lost these days. She sounds like a person that can get the job done even if she doesn't have the right equipment.

Life is a Meatbag.....Now that would make a fantastic Hallmark Greeting Card.
Thanks, she was. She has dementia now and is an invalid but that's the way it is sometimes


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
Walter, I wish you and your mom the best. Vitamin B1 helped my mom some - with dementia. No miracle cure, but it seemed to help her thought processes.
I will pray for you & your mom.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mom used to make those. She would put differnt metal forms on the front of her hand crank meat grinder and instead of putting scrap meat in the top she'd put in cookie dough. I'd get to turn the crank and the machine would extrude the dough in the shape of the template. Mom would put the extrusions on the cookie sheet and into the oven the cookies would go. Thanks for triggering the memory.

I remember those, there was a star a half moon a ginger bread man a deer.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Mom used to make those. She would put differnt metal forms on the front of her hand crank meat grinder and instead of putting scrap meat in the top she'd put in cookie dough. I'd get to turn the crank and the machine would extrude the dough in the shape of the template. Mom would put the extrusions on the cookie sheet and into the oven the cookies would go. Thanks for triggering the memory.

That brings back old memories.