Who is the creator of the Devil?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Wow, doesn't even give anybody a real chance before tossing the monkey poo.

Way to be.

Yes, this must be an atheist only web site because someone pointed out that Christians were unoriginal and most of their beliefs were taken from previous religions..... Oops.... heaven forbid someone speaks facts and actual truths. *gasp* 8O

Besides, if you think this is an atheist site, you obviously are blind towards the numerous other members who continually quote and recite various Bible and Qur'an quotes in here.

Who created the Devil?

Here's the information I found on the only "Real" devil I could find in existence:

Devil's food cake

Seems as though man is indeed the creator of the Devil, and we can make the Devil in the comfort of our own homes, sacrifice the Devil and eat his flesh too.

Mmmmmm.... sinfully good.... I'm gonna make a Devil when I get home.

Quite so. Devil's food cake tastes much better than Angel's food cake.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Satan is god's alter ego. They are one and the same dude only Satan is god having a bad hair day.

I have expressed similar thought here many times. I think God and Devil are buddies, coworkers. I can just imagine them swapping stories at the end of the day in a tavern, over a pint of beer (if they are both men) or over a glass of white wine (if they are both women).


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You are a rarity. Most Christians and Muslims I've met would dismiss anything on the site. I think DaSleep sounds more typical. I have been studying comparative religions for over 40 years and have had discussions with hundreds of people from most faiths. Most are too rigid in their beliefs to entertain the possibility of other views. I have been reading your posts for almost two years and have found that you are refreshingly different than most I have encountered.

I have also studied comparative religion (on my own, not at some school). It is difficult to study comparative religion and still believe in God. There are so many similarities between various religions, they have plainly borrowed from each other rather freely, the newer religion borrowing stuff form the older one.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Interesting how mythology has for thousands of years played a role in man's belief system.

To this day man believes the mythological existence of Lucifer to be alive and well.

Reality asks the question, that if God is the supreme power of the Universe (creator) with such precise thinking of physics and science, why would he create an adversary that would look to destroy all good created by him?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Interesting how mythology has for thousands of years played a role in man's belief system.

To this day man believes the mythological existence of Lucifer to be alive and well.

Reality asks the question, that if God is the supreme power of the Universe (creator) with such precise thinking of physics and science, why would he create an adversary that would look to destroy all good created by him?
'Cause he's schizophrenic? Since god is probably sexless, it had to entertain itself somehow.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
If I want to find out about medicine, I will ask a doctor....not a lawyer or a carpenter.
Same with religion, or a byproduct of religion...the devil..
I will ask a Rabbi, a priest, or a Mullah.....
Not an atheist web site.....:roll:
To all the atheists who don't like my statement.... if you can download and sit for 52 minutes watching and listening to a sermon by Jerry Falwell with absolutely no bias..........Then you can start throwing stones...


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
To all the atheists who don't like my statement.... if you can download and sit for 52 minutes watching and listening to a sermon by Jerry Falwell with absolutely no bias..........Then you can start throwing stones...
I couldn't listen to that clown for five minutes without throwing up. He is probably the biggest bigoted hypocrite of all the TV evangelists.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Let’s calculate the Number of the Beast

The Fingerprint of God
Phi, the Golden Ration, also called the divine proportion or divine section, is the most perfect number. It is self-similar and it represents the perfect ratio of everything in nature, in science, in art and in spirituality. Phi is the fingerprint of God. It’s evident in every aspect of the creation.

“For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable” (Romans 1:20)
Now the thinks becomes creepy
Humankind is suffering under a demonic reign, the Dark Reign of Satan. And his fingerprint is also evident, not in nature, but in his government and in all his actions and lies. He is a coward being, knowing well that he cannot reveal himself to the world, because he would loose his power. But he influences the world, imprinting his thoughts in it.

The Bible reveals his hallmark that he imprints on his human slaves, a mysterious number:
“Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” (Revelation 13:18)
The number is six hundred and sixty-six (666). Six has the symbolic meaning for imperfection. Three time six means absolute imperfection. It’s a “human number”, that means it indicates that governments reflect the fallen human condition, the mark of sin and imperfection.
Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number
That this number has a symbolic meaning is clear. Every number has a symbolic meaning, because mathematic is a language. But the apostle John wrote that someone should calculate the number. Is the number more than only a symbol for sin and imperfection? Let’s see!
A number of a incomplete cycle
Again, a year has 360 days. Two humans spend on the earth together 720 days in a year. Together they make two complete cycles.
If a day is one degree, one turn around the sun are 360 degrees. 720 degrees are made by a human pair.

666 degrees don’t completes the cycle of 720 degrees
Open your windows calculator (or get a electronic scientific calculator), choose in the view-menu the scientific mode and type 666 and press the sin-Button (red highlighted).

The result is -0,80901699437494742410229341718282. Nothing special someone would say. But double the number by multiplying it by two. The result is -1,6180339887498948482045868343656. The sine of 666 is exactly the opposite of Phi, the divine proportion. What does this mean?
It means that the hallmark of the devil imprints not only sin and imperfection on his human governments, but it imprints also opposition to God, to it’s entire creation! This insight is profoundly. How could a man like the apostle John know this?
36 Babylonian gods
The ancient Israelites was held in captivity by the Babylonians. During this time they may have learned a few thinks about the religion of the Babylonians. This great old empire was saturated with magic arts and astrology. The Babylonian Kings and leaders makes never a step without consulting their mages. They was indeed in contact with the spiritual realm of Satan.
“Do you really know why I have come to you? And now I shall go back to fight with the prince of Persia. When I am going forth, look! also the prince of Greece is coming.” (Daniel 10:20)
For every country that is lead by Satan’s realm there is one demon prince. How many demons such the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece exist is not known. But what is known is that Babylon worshiped exactly 36 gods.
Counting 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 … and so on till … 34 + 35 + 36 the result is 666.
The Fingerprint of Satan is revealed by the number 666 and can be followed back to the original sin
$atan is opposed to God. His name “Satan” means “Resister” and the other name “Devil” means “Slanderer”. All human kings under his control are also like him resister and slanderer!
Multiplying 6 x 60 x 600 the result is 216000. This number reveals a Trinity. Three times 72000 (the whole energetic pathways of one human) results in 216000. The trinity of 72000 is a blasphemous number, because it is opposed to God’s commandment for the unity of man and woman. Who suppose to be the third person?

Spiritual Science – Eternal cycles of life and the Number of the Beast | hydrogen2oxygen