White Privilage

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015

listen very closely Curious..........................
I think I hear the death knell of LIE-beral party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the public mood is such they will maul your slimy two faced Red Tories as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a relic of the past..................dismissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And considering the performance of your idols Ernie Eaves "of destruction' and Joe "who?" Clark...........
you are disgraced as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not a Lie-beral but don't let reality interfere with your excellent posts.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Once upon a time in the not too distant past being called a liberal was a good thing. Until the snowflakes and trudOWEs besmirched the name.
There are Big "L" Liberals and there are Small "l" liberals and they are not the same thing. The Americans have totally perverted the noun and now anybody who doesn't believe that Jaysus is a white guy who open carries and that Naygras should be sent back to Africa is a "liberal" and the term must be spat out like tarbacky juice.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
The only stupider thing than one of the beer-slopper's childish, space-hogging posts is that someone would RE-QUOTE THE WHOLE MORONIC THING in response.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The only stupider thing than one of the beer-slopper's childish, space-hogging posts is that someone would RE-QUOTE THE WHOLE MORONIC THING in response.

PITY our poor LIE-beral VIBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He comes late to the party and tries to CENSOR me.............

in that oh so TYPICAL FASHION beloved of LIE-berals everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can always tell when LIE-berals sense they are losing the argument because they start calling for censorship and moderators!!!!!!

And VIBC DID NOT LIKE the article about how LIE-berals and CBC news media whores are CONSPIRING to prohibit views hostile to LIE-berals from being publicly displayed on CBC - our ALLEGED PUBLIC BROADCASTER- that works hand in glove with LIE-berals by using a twisted and DISHONEST VERSION of "fair use policy" to restrict public discussion of political issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are of course copyright laws related to various media materials.........................but British Law and our Cdn law considers that having a public well informed on political matters is MORE IMPORTANT than copy rights so we are free to quote very extensively from various sources and to comment on and discuss those sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Naturally the author and source must also be named when using such political comment................but this IS NOT SUITABLE to LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like the Soviets..........LIE-berals CANNOT TOLERATE competing views..............because LIE-beral GREED AND BIGOTRY are too easily exposed in free and HONEST discussions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Naturally such fair use ANNOYS LIE-berals very much since they want to make their grand statements and AVOID harsh criticism or careful analysis that will expose LIE-beral failings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why Cdns have responded SO HARSHLY to LIE- beral M 103 Islamophobia garbage and why Cdns are acutely uncomfortable with LIE-beral suggestions they want to make it easier to remove so called Hate Speech and Fake News from the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE KNOW LIE-beral DECEPTION when we hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are the most prolific producers of Fake News - with their constant boasting about our allegedly "booming economy"!!!!!!!!!!!

If it is booming then why are we so deep in RECORD LEVEL debt??????????????????????

If it is booming then why are only civil service union HOGS benefiting?????????????????????

If it is booming then why did LIE-beals move to virtually DESTROY the housing market to prevent a housing "bubble"??????????????????

If it is booming then why are LIE-berals now actually talking about REDUCING interest rates again and maybe loosening up mortgage rules????????????

If it is booming then why do we have a record trade deficit?????????????????????

If our economy is booming then why is there so much economic trouble in Alberta???????????????

If our economy is booming then why are 9000 Lavalin jobs in Quebec so IMPORTANT that LIE-berals must BREAK LAWS in a desperate bid to save those jobs???????????????????

If our economy is booming then why are LIE-berals taking such desperate risks to salvage some votes in Quebec?????????????

If the economy is booming then why are LIE-beral polling numbers falling so fast??????????????????????

If the economy is booming then why are LIE-berals looking so FRANTIC???????????????????????????

I guess its all the Fake News making things look this way??????????????????

And you just know that most of that Fake News was put up by LIE-berals...............

so they can get rid of it any time they want!!!!!!!!!!!!

But they dont DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LIE-berals told us the truth for once then they would be left with NO VALID party policy and NO supporters either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the price of HYPOCRISY and Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There are Big "L" Liberals and there are Small "l" liberals and they are not the same thing. The Americans have totally perverted the noun and now anybody who doesn't believe that Jaysus is a white guy who open carries and that Naygras should be sent back to Africa is a "liberal" and the term must be spat out like tarbacky juice.
Same with conservatives. The whole libcon thing has been perverted by the extreme left. I am a fiscal conservative but I got no use for the religious extremists except that they don't vote ndpee. ANd I don't really consider them conservatives.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
Same with conservatives. The whole libcon thing has been perverted by the extreme left. I am a fiscal conservative but I got no use for the religious extremists except that they don't vote ndpee. ANd I don't really consider them conservatives.
There may be big & small "L" liberals, big/small "C" conservatives and all manner of big or small lettered ideologues. Sadly there are too few ordinary small-p people who believe in just thinking each situation through for themselves without adherence to labelled and pre-digested thought patterns.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
There may be big & small "L" liberals, big/small "C" conservatives and all manner of big or small lettered ideologues. Sadly there are too few ordinary small-p people who believe in just thinking each situation through for themselves without adherence to labelled and pre-digested thought patterns.
You've just described some sort of "ISM", I'm sure.

Be kinder to your fellow man as we are hard wired to find patterns in the world around us and create mental templates to make sense of it all.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
You've just described some sort of "ISM", I'm sure.
Be kinder to your fellow man as we are hard wired to find patterns in the world around us and create mental templates to make sense of it all.
I believe there's truth in what you say; but there are plenty of tendencies, ostensibly hard wired in the human animal, that we hope to short circuit in a civilised society.

I suggest that there is no such thing as an 'ism' except in the heads of folks who like to use labels. I prefer to avoid using labels as much as I can. Referring to avoidance of 'isms' as an 'ism' involves a type of verbal gymnastics that no doubt has an actual name & definition in linguistics but I don't know what they are.

As for being kind to my fellow man I hope and think I don't do too badly. I do try and I'm surprised if you believe you know otherwise.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I believe there's truth in what you say; but there are plenty of tendencies, ostensibly hard wired in the human animal, that we hope to short circuit in a civilised society.
I suggest that there is no such thing as an 'ism' except in the heads of folks who like to use labels. I prefer to avoid using labels as much as I can. Referring to avoidance of 'isms' as an 'ism' involves a type of verbal gymnastics that no doubt has an actual name & definition in linguistics but I don't know what they are.
As for being kind to my fellow man I hope and think I don't do too badly. I do try and I'm surprised if you believe you know otherwise.
It's hard to discern the last point from one post.

I'm trying not to engage in too much Presumptuism.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
It's hard to discern the last point from one post.
I'm trying not to engage in too much Presumptuism.

Haha, it's hard (for me) to discern the meaning of this last point with its reference to 'one post.' Can you clarify? If you're making presumptions about me I'd be glad to let you know whether I think they're valid :).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There may be big & small "L" liberals, big/small "C" conservatives and all manner of big or small lettered ideologues. Sadly there are too few ordinary small-p people who believe in just thinking each situation through for themselves without adherence to labelled and pre-digested thought patterns.
Mostly those are titles given by the adherants themselves. Many do not really fit. Also our whole system has been perverted by "the party" where one is expected to not only toe the party line but vote for "the Party" rather than your individual representitive. I just want to see everyone healthy wealthy and wise.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
Mostly those are titles given by the adherants themselves. Many do not really fit.
Yes. Remember when the USSR broke up and some old-style Russian Communists were being called Conservative?
"He calls himself Conservative but what does he think he's conserving?"

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Haha, it's hard (for me) to discern the meaning of this last point with its reference to 'one post.' Can you clarify? If you're making presumptions about me I'd be glad to let you know whether I think they're valid :).
It would be preumptuistic of me to presume presumptuivism from another poster.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
Are they running out of Server space?

"Tone it down so my readership may RISE?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?


That is really funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The people who like my stuff tend to do their own shouting at LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he ones who most strongly resent my "shouting" ARE LIE-BERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK???????????????????????????????????

And the REALLY FUNNY part about my LONG posts - which LIE-berals regularly tell me are "too long and boring to read" - ARE ALWAYS READ IN THEIR ENTIRETY BY LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-berals read every post I make- looking desperately for some flaw in my logic or some mistaken fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why- earlier today that nasty closet LIE-beral Curious Cdn QUOTED from a LONG post I had made the previous day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Curious made reference to a Toronto Sun article I had talked about regarding a Yankee marine who would regularly cross the border and pick up his Cdn welfare cheque in Windsor Ont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ONLY WAY Curious could have seen my reference- buried deep as it was in the post - was if he had READ the entire post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHOUTING IS WHAT LIE-BERALS UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

If you talk quietly and calmly to them then they quickly decide the matter under discussion IS NOT ONE YOU FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT AND THUS CAN BE IGNORED BY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you curse and swear then they dismiss you as an inarticulate yokel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT IF YOU ARE LOUD AND LOGICAL AND FIRM- IT FRIGHTENS THEM BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

LIE-berals Fake News is NO DEFENSE AGAINST FACTS AND LOGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Their fragile little little egos are like soap bubbles among thorns when logic is employed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

A harsh and logical word sends them into SHOCK AND AWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frankly I like seeing LIE-berals looking just as shocked by harsh public opinion as the public gets every time they calculate how deep in debt LIE-berals have dug them with that shameless vote buying BULLSH+T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!"
Not so far as I know.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Mostly those are titles given by the adherants themselves. Many do not really fit. Also our whole system has been perverted by "the party" where one is expected to not only toe the party line but vote for "the Party" rather than your individual representitive. I just want to see everyone healthy wealthy and wise.
Guards, I think I found an anti-Semite. Do your thing.