Let us think now - the guy who shot and killed 22 people in El Paso?
Arrested without incident.
And why do you think that was? Was the shooter black?
Let us think now - the guy who shot and killed 22 people in El Paso?
Arrested without incident.
Hazards of being in a place where violence is occurring.
Protect & Serve Walter.....Protect & Serve. It sounds sooo familiar but I just can't recall where I've heard the phrase before?Hazards of being in a place where violence is occurring.
Many police forces use that slogan. But if you're pissing into the wind you might get wet.Protect & Serve Walter.....Protect & Serve. It sounds sooo familiar but I just can't recall where I've heard the phrase before?
I believe it is serve and protect. Have to ask TB what the penalty is for getting it wrong.Protect & Serve Walter.....Protect & Serve. It sounds sooo familiar but I just can't recall where I've heard the phrase before?
You get your neck knelt on for eight minutes. See if you can survive it.I believe it is serve and protect. Have to ask TB what the penalty is for getting it wrong.
Many police forces use that slogan. But if you're pissing into the wind you might get wet.
As the report says the restraint contributed to the death.
Got some wood out of it, didn't ya, ya dirty boy?But the strange thing: some white and black women about naked coming before the police and among the mob.. why naked .. what they expect and what they want :lol:
I believe it is serve and protect. Have to ask TB what the penalty is for getting it wrong.
You get your neck knelt on for eight minutes. See if you can survive it.
It's both. I think "protect and serve" is the more common, but that's just an impression.
It's a motto, ferfoxsake, not a law or a blood-oath.
Think it'll make any difference the next time he gets a call on a scary black man?
Dude, everybody's Jewish.Trump is not Jewish. What is with your Jew hatred anyway?
Neither one of us are medical examinators, etc....but in your opinion, if the above didn't happen, would this George Floyd have died minutes later?
Looks lke fun and I could use a boxful of new shoes that arent my size.