Then get out.
(ps. You're bright. It took you 12 minutes to compile 3 poorly constructed sentences).
And you are so "civilized"
Then get out.
(ps. You're bright. It took you 12 minutes to compile 3 poorly constructed sentences).
And you are so "civilized"You just need to tell to the world that you do indeed know the city like Berlin.... Uhh, culture, civilization!
Actually I know Toronto better than I do Berlin.
Well there was only two references to USA before Katrina injected the highly polarizing remarks. I'll grant that one was a blatant slam pointed at the politics down south, compared to D.S. who had the choice to be either, and he weighed the pros and cons before he made his decision.
As to Katrina being banned, I don't think it was censorship as much as it was the lack of respect she showed, at least that is my opinion of her contribution here.
I'll tell you all what makes me Canadian. The access to free health care, without which I would be dead by now. Funny now how I'd like to see more privatized services! I am very active outdoors, and spent lots of time recouperating in the hospitol as a result. I still play hard, that's just my way.
I pay medical insurance at $40 per month - and $10 each for prescriptions required for breathing assistance which generally cover three months of use. I have never waited to see any doctor for any reason longer than a half hour except to have my broken arm X-ray'd. The techs were at lunch.
Hahah, I wasn't really serious about the medicare making me Canadian. I would have survived in any other democracy in the western world, though perhaps with less money in my pocket.
I have no reason to say anything about the US when talking about what makes this nation great, or what this nation has instilled in me. I can see where others who have had to make choices can include that. The whole America is the greatest nation on earth, or Canada is, or whatever nation you're from reminds me of those childish arguments about whose Dad could beat who up.
To me Canada is the greatest nation on Earth, you won't catch me arguing that against someone who believes otherwise. I'll never know, because I have no reason to leave this country. It provides me everything I need. What trully makes me Canadian is my love for my country, my love for our ways, my love for every single Canadian out there, regardless of what they think of me.
Since under current laws, the average California family will spend $2788 in 2006 for health. insurance premiums and health services., you must be very lucky. Your employer obviously pays most of your medical
Good thoughts. Thanks for the reply, I understand where you're coming from.
To liberate one's self from your national "boundries" and ideologies is important - agreed. In fact, with some of the posts herein, it is obvious that many have not ventured far beyond the nest. And in my opinion, perhaps they should never have ventured so far. Openmindedness comes from seperating yourself from your frame of reference, and resisting the urge to speak before actually hearing and listening.
I feel that disharmony and intense incongruity when I go to Walmart. To use another member's phrase, there certainly are alot of people that seem to have fallen off the turnip truck.
P.S. Cool avatar - why did you pick it? (On a completely un-related or enlightened thought)
Hah, you think that Toronto has less crime? Go to Scarborogh...
Where do you go in the States if you visit such dumps with cheap cars and rude people? Treat yourself to a nice place. Then you'll see a difference. And people are really much nicer in the States, they are happy, not like those depressed Canadians...