To the first three: so what? To the fourth: no.Don't you see that to the south of the border buildings are taller, salaries are higher, cars are more expensive and people are just more pleasant and full-hearted?...
To the first three: so what? To the fourth: no.Don't you see that to the south of the border buildings are taller, salaries are higher, cars are more expensive and people are just more pleasant and full-hearted?...
Curio read the article I posted about Knowing Canadian History you need a laugh and this article will crack you up. I'm Canadian because I was born here, my ancestors chose to immigrate here and raise their families and pass on their traditions. I'm Canadian by choice as are those who come here and settle into Canadian life in the 21st Century.
Even this topic - which had a great start - praising things about Canada and being a Canadian.....
....morphed into yet another anti-American thread..... with the exception of the two who had a few criticisms of Canada - which I guess isn't allowed either. "Either yer with us or agin us eh?"
Has a familiar sound to it.
Even this topic - which had a great start - praising things about Canada and being a Canadian.....
....morphed into yet another anti-American thread..... with the exception of the two who had a few criticisms of Canada - which I guess isn't allowed either. "Either yer with us or agin us eh?"
Has a familiar sound to it.
If you want to know my "beef" with canada, it isn't so much a "beef" but a disharmony. However, that disharmony is a matter of degree. Sure, there are specific "canadian" things that are incongruent to me, but the majority of inconguities are with the masses of humanity itself.
Well written, Dexter!
I do travel outside Canada, and when it's time to go back I have this feeling that all good is going to be finished now, and I have to go back to my little prison with streets and coffee shops, work and leisure times, fake smiles of people around and nothing that touches your soul. Here you get used to survive, because everyone is just for yourself. Here you get used to fight back, because those around you won't miss a moment to remind you that they are Canadians, and you are not. Well, it mostly means that they don't have anything except for the feeling of belonging, that's why they cling so much to it. All the intelligence left for other countries, and mostly in Southern direction. All the talents are in Hollywood or New York. They do call themselves proud Canadians, but it's just a trick to attract more attention by exposing yourself as being different....
Don't you see that to the south of the border buildings are taller, salaries are higher, cars are more expensive and people are just more pleasant and full-hearted?...
Are you kidding? I counted 5 or 6 posts offering comparative commentary.
I never have to "look very far" for anti-American writing when you are present on a forum Juan. Your biased views have become commonplace in our cyber community. It is expected of you at every opportunity you find a place to insert your opinions. The "I was born an American" is getting a bit old.... as if it makes you "better" than a Canadian?
Are you kidding? I counted 5 or 6 posts offering comparative commentary.
I never have to "look very far" for anti-American writing when you are present on a forum Juan. Your biased views have become commonplace in our cyber community. It is expected of you at every opportunity you find a place to insert your opinions. The "I was born an American" is getting a bit old.... as if it makes you "better" than a Canadian?
Actually travelling south of the border, I see more poverty, a lot of people with little to no education, segregation, loads of crime, mean streets and extremely rude and corrupt police officers
Taller buildings? Of which cities are you talking about?
More expensive cars? Where did you see this... Beverly Hills?
Salaries are higher.. Can't argue with that one; but I would prefer a society where income levels are not so highly concentrated among the upper-elite class.
Where did you find people were more pleasant? I'd love to know that one... I won't argue about Toronto, though; that city is rude.
Well, I've been all over New York State several times... Chicago (drove through Michigan and saw Detroit on the way), Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tuscon, Los Angeles, San Francisco... been through Vermont (when I lived in Montreal.. nice people in Vermont) and many small and medium-sized cities inbetween each mentioned.
I gather by your English and the fact that you know Scarborough well enough that you are probably a "refugee" [of some kind], god knows how lucky to have made it to the First World and just want something to complain about. It also sounds like you've never even been to this 'paradise' of a country you are talking about and just take joy in spending your time, paid for on the doll, posting on Internet forums trying to get rise from people.