WE really need to get rid of this guy


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
It appears that not a single liberal appearing before the committee has a firm grasp on the conflict of interest guideline nor what is or is not ethical whilst all the Opposition parties are well able to read the acts and understand fully what is stated therein. The liberals are also of the opinion that the actual acts are somehow open to debate on what is actually stated in them. Little wonder that they have such a difficult time doing the right thing instead of once again finding themselves for the 3RD time being hauled before a committee to answer why they don't get it.
i guess because nobody thinks Trudeau's Mommy being a paid by We meant anything at all.

Little did they know.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Little did they know that people would seize on it and consider it a conflict of interest for Trudeau himself.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Little did they know that people would seize on it and consider it a conflict of interest for Trudeau himself.
Trudeau (Justin in this case with respect to Trudeau's & WE) says he knew months ago, and that's why he dragged out the announcement of the program until into the Summer (so that it would be too late to implement in another form through another body?), but didn't recuse himself from involvement in it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Trudeau (Justin in this case with respect to Trudeau's & WE) says he knew months ago, and that's why he dragged out the announcement of the program until into the Summer (so that it would be too late to implement in another form through another body?), but didn't recuse himself from involvement in it.
I think you are just making that up.

The testimony is that he heard about the choice of WE at the same time as everyone else in that cabinet.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Little did they know that people would seize on it and consider it a conflict of interest for Trudeau himself.

The definition of conflict of interest includes family

I think you are just making that up.

The testimony is that he heard about the choice of WE at the same time as everyone else in that cabinet.

The fact that trudie didn't get the CRA or EI who are already successfully deploying funds is kinda proof positive that there was a back room deal


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
That is not even close to being a fact.

Trudeau's popularity was based on a country that is normally Liberal returning the Liberals to power after a short period of ruinous conservative rule.

It was and is more about the party than the man, while in Trump's case the opposite is true.

Normally Liberal= Here is the arrogance of Liberals and their hardcore supporters. I'm surprised you didn't say, "Naturally governing."

Short period of ruinous conservative rule= Yes, almost a decade, very short. Oh my gosh and it was ruinous. Give your head a shake.You do mean after the last Liberal scandal, which was AdScam, right?

Fact check: These guys in the Naturally Governing Liberal Party lost against Stephen Harper: Paul Martin, Stephane Dion, and Michael Ignatieff. Justin Trudeau was parachuted in on his fathers name, not experience, he never even held a portfolio. His father, love him or hate him, was a seasoned politician. Justin not so much. He is a brand now, like Trump is a brand, but when branding people, it's always best to make sure they're squeaky clean.

He was put into minority over the last scandal, and still the self-entitled twit still doesn't get it. I remember you lipping off about all those jobs he was trying to save by going to bat SNC Lavalin, after he bullied and ruined the career of the first indigenous female attorney general. Jobs, man, he was looking out for Canadians, man, in his own riding.

Call it what you will. If Harper had done the things Justin Trudeau has done during his time, you and your gang of normally naturally governing Liberal supporters would have been screaming bloody murder. For the record, here's Harper's big scandal. He made Senator Mike Duffy pay back money that he wasn't entitled too. He went about it the wrong way. He should have exposed Duffy for the self-entitled pig he was, but he tried to do it without fallout, and got caught. His exact words were, "He has to pay it back!" I believe the figure was around $100,000.

What I found hilarious about this was after Harper finally ejected Duffy, the Liberals made him their poster boy victim of mean old Steve. What a ****ing hypocritical joke.

Justin is exactly the same as Donald Trump.
Crooked, self entitled, racist, misogynistic, and inept.

Trump supporters and Trudeau supporters are exactly the same.
They both swallow the lies and regurgitate the same talking points.

Walter, should be along any moment to hit me with a thumbs down for that. LOL

Trudeau supporters, "But he was saving jobs, but those poor students, he was just thinking of us in his daily check cutting election campaign. He's really sorry!"

You can blow all of that out your rectum. Because that is the worth of the excuses.

You just can't except that you and his other defenders are dupes to this racist, misogynistic, silver spoon in mouth, unqualified phony frat boy. Maybe you'll get over it, but probably not.

The orange Koolaid taste very much like the red Koolaid.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The definition of conflict of interest includes family
The fact that trudie didn't get the CRA or EI who are already successfully deploying funds is kinda proof positive that there was a back room deal

And here we have it they were to busy handing out money to out of work Canadians to deal with handing out money to students so WE made sense to help them dole money out.

Employment minister says millions of Canadians will be 'seamlessly' transitioned from CERB to EI by month's end

Qualtrough also spoke to the House of Commons Finance Committee on Wednesday about the WE Charity controversy, in which she distanced herself from the initial decision to seek out a third party to administer a student support program.

The minister said she did not know why a scheduled discussion about the soon-to-be Canada student service grant (CSSG) program was pulled from the agenda ahead of a May 5 cabinet meeting, which has since become a central focus in the controversy.

“I was not involved in any discussions about why this was pulled from the agenda, [nor] the prime minister’s request for due diligence, as this wasn’t my file,” she said.

She said she was aware that the prime minister and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, had taken on speaking engagements with the WE organization, but had no further knowledge about any connections between the Liberal members and the charity.

Qualtrough also repeated her defence as to why the Liberal government used a third party to administer the $900-million CSSG program, saying the public service at the time was too preoccupied with major COVID-19 programs like CERB.

“There was massive public service bandwidth issues, we were asking them to do so very much at that time,” she said.....More


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
You know the Block must have strong Quebec internal polling to come straight out and say get out or we will get you out. Not a good sign for Trudie in Quebec

Singh again trying to coddle Trudie and holding on tight to his coat tails

Trudeau, Morneau, Telford must resign, or trigger an election: Blanchet

OTTAWA — Bloc Quebecois Yves-Francois Blanchet said Wednesday his party will force a confidence vote against the Liberal government this fall unless Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his finance minister and his chief of staff resign.

But the New Democrats don't seem ready to back the effort and with 24 MPs, they have enough seats in the House of Commons to be the deciding factor in whether Canada moves toward a fall election in the middle of a pandemic.

Blanchet first made his threat Wednesday morning before a planned sitting of the hybrid House of Commons in Ottawa. He reiterated it later in the Commons, expressing disgust Trudeau hadn't even bothered to show up.

Trudeau is on a two-week summer vacation with his family. Blanchet said in French that he had also been on vacation but chose to end it in time to be able to attend, and that Trudeau's absence sealed the deal on pushing for a fall election.

"We have to ask, is this government still worthy of our confidence and they just gave us the answer," Blanchet said in French, before storming out of the chamber in a dramatic huff. He later returned for the rest of the question period.

Blanchet earlier told reporters the revelations around the WE Charity controversy — as well as new details about a contract for the commercial rent-relief program that went to a company employing the husband of Katie Telford, who is Trudeau's chief of staff — prove the Liberal government is no longer trustworthy.

Blanchet said even though the country is still grappling with COVID-19, keeping people in office who are "mismanaging" the government would be more dangerous than sending Canadians to the polls in a pandemic.

Liberal Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne shrugged it off as he arrived for Wednesday's session.

"I'm not concerned about threats," he said.

Champagne said Canadians are focused on their health and safety and the economic recovery and are not looking to head to the polls during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Liberals, with 156 seats, are 14 votes shy of a majority in the House of Commons. Blanchet, with 32 MPs, would need the Conservatives' 121 seats, and either all three Greens and two Independent MPs or at least some of the NDP's 24 votes to pass a motion of no confidence.

He said he had not yet consulted the other opposition leaders on the matter.

The NDP is not on board at this point.

New Democrat Leader Jagmeet Singh said in a written statement Wednesday that the government can earn confidence by working with the NDP to fix employment insurance and improve child care so people can go back to work.

"Those are the things we will be fighting for and be looking for as we continue to try to make Parliament work," he said. "Just like we have been throughout the minority Parliament."

The Conservatives are set to elect a new leader later this month, so a decision on what to do this fall will depend on who wins that race. Alberta Tory MP John Barlow said Wednesday that from his perspective, an election this fall isn't a good idea.

"Honestly, I don't think Canadians are ready for an election right now," he said.

Barlow said the government has a lot to answer for and needs to do a lot to show a strong economic recovery plan this fall, but he said next spring, if the virus is more under control, seems more logical to him for election timing. Having thousands of volunteers going door to door right now does not seem safe, Barlow added.

The Conservatives and Bloc focused much of their time during 95 minutes of questions Wednesday on the government's various ethical issues. Conservative House Leader Candice Bergen at one point said Trudeau had set the lowest bar for ethical conduct of any prime minister in Canadian history.

The NDP stuck mainly to questions about the pandemic response, including asking when Canadians will get all the details about what will happen when the Canada Emergency Response Benefit ends later this month. Manitoba NDP MP Daniel Blaikie said Canadians need to have information on what they will receive in September, which he noted is a little more than two weeks away.

The government's plan is to transfer those on CERB to employment insurance, as well as caregiver and sick leave benefits. Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough said the details will be coming very soon.

Trudeau and Morneau are under investigation by the federal ethics watchdog for possible conflicts of interest arising from the government's decision to hand administration of a student grant program to WE Charity.

Both Trudeau and Morneau have close family connections to the WE organization and have apologized for not recusing themselves from the decision.

Trudeau's office points out that the prime minister has already testified at length about the controversy before the Commons finance committee, as have Morneau, other ministers and senior bureaucrats.

Morneau attended the House of Commons sitting virtually and responded to a question from Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer about his political future by saying the government will remain focused on the needs of Canadians in the pandemic.

Wednesday marked Scheer's final day in the House of Commons as his party's leader. His successor will be named later this month before the next sitting.

The chamber normally does not sit at all during the summer. Under special procedural rules adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government agreed to have the Commons sit twice in July and twice in August. A confidence vote is not possible during this period.

The House of Commons is currently supposed to resume in full on Sept. 21, which would be Blanchet's first expected opportunity to raise a motion of no confidence.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Normally Liberal= Here is the arrogance of Liberals and their hardcore supporters. I'm surprised you didn't say, "Naturally governing."

Short period of ruinous conservative rule= Yes, almost a decade, very short. Oh my gosh and it was ruinous. Give your head a shake.You do mean after the last Liberal scandal, which was AdScam, right?

Fact check: These guys in the Naturally Governing Liberal Party lost against Stephen Harper: Paul Martin, Stephane Dion, and Michael Ignatieff. Justin Trudeau was parachuted in on his fathers name, not experience, he never even held a portfolio. His father, love him or hate him, was a seasoned politician. Justin not so much. He is a brand now, like Trump is a brand, but when branding people, it's always best to make sure they're squeaky clean.

He was put into minority over the last scandal, and still the self-entitled twit still doesn't get it. I remember you lipping off about all those jobs he was trying to save by going to bat SNC Lavalin, after he bullied and ruined the career of the first indigenous female attorney general. Jobs, man, he was looking out for Canadians, man, in his own riding.

Call it what you will. If Harper had done the things Justin Trudeau has done during his time, you and your gang of normally naturally governing Liberal supporters would have been screaming bloody murder. For the record, here's Harper's big scandal. He made Senator Mike Duffy pay back money that he wasn't entitled too. He went about it the wrong way. He should have exposed Duffy for the self-entitled pig he was, but he tried to do it without fallout, and got caught. His exact words were, "He has to pay it back!" I believe the figure was around $100,000.

What I found hilarious about this was after Harper finally ejected Duffy, the Liberals made him their poster boy victim of mean old Steve. What a ****ing hypocritical joke.

Justin is exactly the same as Donald Trump.
Crooked, self entitled, racist, misogynistic, and inept.

Trump supporters and Trudeau supporters are exactly the same.
They both swallow the lies and regurgitate the same talking points.

Walter, should be along any moment to hit me with a thumbs down for that. LOL

Trudeau supporters, "But he was saving jobs, but those poor students, he was just thinking of us in his daily check cutting election campaign. He's really sorry!"

You can blow all of that out your rectum. Because that is the worth of the excuses.

You just can't except that you and his other defenders are dupes to this racist, misogynistic, silver spoon in mouth, unqualified phony frat boy. Maybe you'll get over it, but probably not.

The orange Koolaid taste very much like the red Koolaid.
Ok we'll just ignore the history of Canada and go with the way you would like things to be


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
WE lobbied government 43 times in months leading up to cancellation of $543 million volunteer grant program deal

OTTAWA – The WE organization lobbied no less than six different ministers’ offices and federal departments a total of 43 times in the six months leading up to the end of the deal with the government to administer the Canada Student Service Grant.

The information, suddenly disclosed by WE Charity in the federal Commissioner of Lobbying’s public registry on Thursday, shows the previously unknown extent to which the Toronto-based organization lobbied the federal government leading up to the signing of a $543.5 million contribution agreement.

“It’s an incredible coincidence that your organization has suddenly registered to lobby, all of these months after all the lobbying happened,” Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre said to WE Charity executives testifying during a Finance committee meeting Thursday.

The new data shows that WE spoke to government officials, political staffers, and even three ministers on a variety of topics a total of 21 times between January 29 and May 5, 2020, the date at which the Canada Student Service Grant (CSSG) deal came into effect.

The program promised to pay eligible students up to $5,000 for volunteer hours done over the summer. The CSSG was originally outsourced to WE in June, who pulled out of the deal one week later amidst growing controversy about the prime minister’s close ties to the organization.

Part of the new information dumped on the commissioner’s website is a February 7 discussion between WE and the Minister of International Development Karina Gould on the topic of “international development”, records show.

Then, two months later on April 7, WE employees communicated with Minister of Small Business Mary Ng on the topic of “education”. That is the same day WE said they sent government an unsolicited proposal for a social entrepreneurship program that was never put in place.

Lobbying records also show the extent to which WE communicated with Rachel Wernick, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), who oversaw the Canada Student Service Grant. Lobbying records show 21 communications by WE between April 24 and July 5.

But those numbers may be higher. Meetings in which the government reached out to WE are seemingly not reported, considering that there are no traces of an April 19 call between Wernick and WE co-founders Craig and Marc Kielburger that she disclosed to the Finance committee in mid-July. Neither Kielburger is part of the list of nearly 20 WE representatives newly registered to lobby.

WE also had at least eight communications with Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s senior policy advisor, Amitpal Singh. All but two of those communications occurred before the CSSG contribution agreement came into effect in early May.

Both Morneau and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are currently under investigation by the Ethics Commissioner for having failed to recuse themselves from the government’s decision to outsource the CSSG to WE. This, despite the close ties between themselves and their families to the Toronto-based organization.

Up until now, WE has argued that it did not feel that it met the requirements that would make it necessary to register as a lobbying organization and its subsequent communications with government.

Conrad Black: WE scandal shows government's true character
'Highly unethical': Someone paid nearly 200 people to promote positive WE Charity stories on Google
Chris Selley: It’s time to disentangle WE from the Canadian state
“We support and adhere to all accountability rules, including lobbyist registration requirements. However, not all communications with public officials constitute lobbying or need to be registered,” an unnamed WE spokesperson wrote in a July 17 statement, adding that they are confident of their “compliance” to federal lobbying laws.

WE Charity Executive Director Dalal Al-Waheidi suddenly announced the new lobbying registration while testifying in front of Finance committee on Thursday.

She said it was done despite considering they did not meet the legal requirements that would oblige WE to register.

“For the past few years, our engagement with the government was about one to three per cent of our overall budget. We thought engagement at the time was minimal. And if I thought that registration was required, we would have done it and it would have occurred,” Al-Waheidi said.

Earlier in the day, she announced in a statement that WE would be laying off dozens of employees in Canada and the United Kingdom, repatriating its WE Charity UK operations to Canada, and selling off some of its Toronto real estate.

“WE Charity UK will remain a charitable entity, with a board presence and no UK-based staff after the transition,” the statement explained.

During her testimony, Al-Waheidi said the fallout from the “firestorm” surrounding the organization and its deal with the Trudeau government, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic, had been “devastating.”

“It is easy to tear things down. But I can tell you from personal experience that it is not easy to build,” she told MPs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
You know the Block must have strong Quebec internal polling to come straight out and say get out or we will get you out. Not a good sign for Trudie in Quebec

Singh again trying to coddle Trudie and holding on tight to his coat tails

Trudeau, Morneau, Telford must resign, or trigger an election: Blanchet
Maybe the bal ance of power in the next parliament will be two separatist parties . Won’t that be fun ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Trudeau accuser much younger than 17:

Yes news that was not covered by his bought and paid for press .