US oil settles at $49.63 a barrel; up more than 8% for the week

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
There is no way that I can comment on Israel or Saudi or any other nation regarding Harper.

My original response to you was that oil trades on a global market and as such, it is not possible for the Middle Eastern producers to single out Canada and impact their prices.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm extremely comfortable as is... Now is a fine time to shop for production

The only people hedging at this low price are major, vertically integrated oil companies that have refining capacity and own production.

Precisely... Now that you understand that geopolitics is a major variable in this current pricing environment, you can appreciate that the price will 'right' itself once the political ends has been achieved

Of course it will but will you be in the game on the winning side?
The Oil Showdown is Approaching!

The price of oil remains below $50 per barrel, the lowest since the 2009 financial crisis. Oil prices have stayed low throughout 2014 and 2015. The reason for the drop in oil prices is the massive…

The oil export ban has always had a single exception, allowing US oil firms to export to Canada, the country’s northern neighbor, which has always been dependent on US energy corporations. Current US oil exports to Canada are fourteen times higher than in 2007, showing how desperate US oil is to reach markets beyond the border.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Who's going to buy your synthetic and gritty goop at the price you need when they can get it for a $47/bbl market price or even cheaper from an outlaw? They didn't have to single out Canada to crash the market. Then Canada sided with their enemy. What have they got to lose?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Therein lies your failure. If you're going to tell me how to think or reply to that which you can only wish I said so you'd have something to counter, there's no point talking and you're just a time wasting troll. Do try and keep up....

Now do you have anything to counter my guesstimate that OPEC nations are angry with Harper support for Israel or not. Yeah - I know, I said it in the name of an Israeli wine - but that would require thought on your part to figure out - an unlikely event

OPEC is mad at Harper and dragging the entire world including themeselves into ruin? What did Haper do to them?

Who's going to buy your synthetic and gritty goop at the price you need when they can get it for a $47/bbl market price or even cheaper from an outlaw? They didn't have to single out Canada to crash the market. Then Canada sided with their enemy. What have they got to lose?

Everything. The synthetic crap is the best oil for petro chemials, pharmaeuticas and plastics.

Fuel is far from being the goal of sourcing oil.

Who is the enemey?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I really don't give a flying frig what set of letters you want to recognize as the governing body. Market follows the lower price or the commodity doesn't sell. It's all about profit to money people. Is marketing 101 too tough for you?

Coincidence that the cheap stuff wipes out interest in your guck right at the same time Harper pledged allegiance to Israel? Maybe. Maybe not. You have all the answers. Petros will feed you more of then. Hey ... that's undeniable credibility.

Have another. Make yourself look even more stupid. You could try reading with your eyes open and your mouth shut.

$46.60/bbl today.....
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