U.S. war deserter, mother of 3 must leave Canada


Time Out
Jan 9, 2009
Canada the new refugee state, where only those not from here have rights.
We do not need more of this sort, we need to keep them out. I am tired as a tax payer and Canadian of paying for this sort of people's keep. Send them home.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Canada the new refugee state, where only those not from here have rights.
We do not need more of this sort, we need to keep them out. I am tired as a tax payer and Canadian of paying for this sort of people's keep. Send them home.
Harley: Thought you moved to the DR? You would be a foreigner there. Want them to send you home?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

The Law is an Ass! You show me one person, any person, who does not break one of the hundreds of thousands of stupid laws on our books in any given day. Our legal system is so bogged down in its own sense of importance it is ridiculous.

Number two, I think war and the military is even more ridiculous and an absolute waste of time, money and life. So, screw the law and screw the military. And now that we have joined the US of Aggression in war (as opposed to peace keeping) we are open to retaliation from those we are oppressing. We now have enemies (because we are in Afghanistan) where before we had none.

Bring home our boys and girls and dismantle the military. Time to take the stance that Gandhi took and lead the world into a peaceful future. Outlaw arms manufacture and war. As far as the Yanks go, to paraphrase Cheech nad Chong, "Bailiff, whack their pee pee!"


House Member
Aug 28, 2006

The Law is an Ass! You show me one person, any person, who does not break one of the hundreds of thousands of stupid laws on our books in any given day. Our legal system is so bogged down in its own sense of importance it is ridiculous.

Number two, I think war and the military is even more ridiculous and an absolute waste of time, money and life. So, screw the law and screw the military. And now that we have joined the US of Aggression in war (as opposed to peace keeping) we are open to retaliation from those we are oppressing. We now have enemies (because we are in Afghanistan) where before we had none.

Bring home our boys and girls and dismantle the military. Time to take the stance that Gandhi took and lead the world into a peaceful future. Outlaw arms manufacture and war. As far as the Yanks go, to paraphrase Cheech nad Chong, "Bailiff, whack their pee pee!"

Uh huh, 1, we didn't join in the US war of aggression in Afghanistan, that was a war.

2. All of our peacekeeping for decades has been a war where we don't have to make our soldiers veterans.

3. We have had enemies for years and decades too. As for outlawing arms manufacture and war, how do you plan to enforce that...

oh thats right, arms manufacture and war :\


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
I believe that after Vietnam Canada signed an extradition agreement with the USA to return deserters to the USA. Case closed--unfortunate for the family


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

The Law is an Ass! You show me one person, any person, who does not break one of the hundreds of thousands of stupid laws on our books in any given day. Our legal system is so bogged down in its own sense of importance it is ridiculous.

Number two, I think war and the military is even more ridiculous and an absolute waste of time, money and life. So, screw the law and screw the military. And now that we have joined the US of Aggression in war (as opposed to peace keeping) we are open to retaliation from those we are oppressing. We now have enemies (because we are in Afghanistan) where before we had none.

Bring home our boys and girls and dismantle the military. Time to take the stance that Gandhi took and lead the world into a peaceful future. Outlaw arms manufacture and war. As far as the Yanks go, to paraphrase Cheech nad Chong, "Bailiff, whack their pee pee!"
Yes Gandi's stance.
I notice that India has laid down its arms and sent all its soldiers and sailors home.

There is no millitary in India.

By the way cliffy. Didn't you flee the draft and come to Canada via the U.S.?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
By the way cliffy. Didn't you flee the draft and come to Canada via the U.S.?

pgs,No. I was born and raised in Montreal but I have had plenty of friends who escaped, deserted or just avoided the stupidity of US aggression. I heard all kinds of horror stories about Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq etc, straight from the horse's mouth. I've had to deal with some seriously messed up people who were ordered to kill innocent women and children. So, screw the US and their murderous military. We have got to get rid of these morons in Ottawa who support this crap.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
No, no Canadian citizen NEEDS her. It may seem shocking to say, but babies actually will survive just fine without their biological parents. I see it all the time. I am actually living proof of that.

Well seeing as you can't force someone to give up their child, you are just going to see one ill treated Canadian citizen in the USA by comparison to her life here. No income, no health insurance.

And what exactly is there to gain in this? Im failing to see a gain for Canada? The case of extradition has already been voided on the US side in terms of Canadian citizens and our legal system.

So if she hasnt' done anything illegal here, can raise her kid rather than (at best) forcing us to pay the childs way..

Whats our benefit to deport her right now?


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Well seeing as you can't force someone to give up their child, you are just going to see one ill treated Canadian citizen in the USA by comparison to her life here. No income, no health insurance.

Why would she have no income? Her dad can't work? Plus, you should know if you have no income in the US, you actually get free health insurance. Most of the babies I've looked after down here have it. If it is so terrible down here, the dad could always stay in Canada with her and the other kids. Then she'd get all the benefits of being a Canadian citizen. I never said the child would have to go to the US.

And what exactly is there to gain in this? Im failing to see a gain for Canada? The case of extradition has already been voided on the US side in terms of Canadian citizens and our legal system.

So if she hasnt' done anything illegal here, can raise her kid rather than (at best) forcing us to pay the childs way..

Whats our benefit to deport her right now?

Our benefit? How about telling people they don't have any right to illegally enter Canada and have a baby to avoid being deported back to their own country. You don't have a right to immigrate to Canada under any circumstances. It's a real slap in the face to people who come legally and actually go through all the required work to do so to just let this lady stay cause she popped out a baby on our side of the border. We've already sent back other deserters. It isn't fair to let this one stay. It's wrong.

Plus, immigration considers what this person can contribute to the country. Does she have special skills we need? Is she in a profession that's in demand in Canada right now? Does she have the capital to start a business? Those are things they consider. They don't tend to look highly on people charged with criminal offenses before they enter.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Did you view the clip I posted above?

Maybe you have been in California too long. You sound like a Republican.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005

Did you view the clip I posted above?

Maybe you have been in California too long. You sound like a Republican.

No, I sound like someone who has experience dealing with immigration officials. I don't have the right to live in the US. I'm Canadian. She doesn't have the right to live in Canada. She's American. I'm about as far politically as you can get from being a Republican, but being a liberal doesn't mean you can't look at things fairly.

There is no benefit to Canada in keeping her in the country. All it does is say if you don't want to face jail time in the US, come to Canada and have a baby. It is not in Canada's best interest to encourage that. Plus, I'm one for gender equality. They wouldn't dream of letting a man who deserted stay in Canada. They've already deported men who deserted or refused to return to Iraq. What does it say about us if we value their lives and their moral beliefs less because they're men?

This woman chose to sign up with the US military. There's no draft. I think the war in Iraq was a HUGE mistake. I can't understand why anyone would want to go there. I wouldn't. That's one of the many reasons I didn't sign up for the military. If you want to have the benefits of the military it comes with a price, like not being able to decide where you work or what kind of work you do. I'd respect this woman if she said "No, I won't go and participate in that illegal war" and then accepted the consequences for it. She didn't. Instead, she ran away and then tried to hide behind her children. Her jail time would probably have been less than her deployment time so I don't see how she can say it's cruel or inhumane to separate her from her children. She chose a career that she knew would see her separated from her children for over a year at a time.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
By the way cliffy. Didn't you flee the draft and come to Canada via the U.S.?

pgs,No. I was born and raised in Montreal but I have had plenty of friends who escaped, deserted or just avoided the stupidity of US aggression. I heard all kinds of horror stories about Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq etc, straight from the horse's mouth. I've had to deal with some seriously messed up people who were ordered to kill innocent women and children. So, screw the US and their murderous military. We have got to get rid of these morons in Ottawa who support this crap.

Oh sure...that is the first thing we are ordered to do...kill the women and children!

Just like John Kerry's "Winter Soldier Investigation"... LOADS of BS and fabrication.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Marine Smack-Oh sure...that is the first thing we are ordered to do...kill the women and children!--you are flying a Canadian Flag -your passport is USA or Canadian?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Oh sure...that is the first thing we are ordered to do...kill the women and children!

Just like John Kerry's "Winter Soldier Investigation"... LOADS of BS and fabrication.

Soldiers are there to take orders not question the morality of those orders. If a commanding officer say blow something up because there are Gooks or Islamo-fascist terrorists, you blow it up. If there are no terrorist but instead, women and children - Ooops! Happens all the time.

The US supports Israel slaughtering women and children, in some cases knowingly, so they are guilty by association. It's not rocket science we're discussing here, it is war and war is hell. Only the insane participate and support such garbage.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
And what exactly is there to gain in this? Im failing to see a gain for Canada?

We are adhering to the treaties we signed. While you may feel your word is meaningless, I think some others may see that doing what you say you are going to do is very important.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I'm not sure what this guys opinions have to do with the topic at hand.

Let's see... the guy is a conscientious objector who refused to go back to Iraq and came to Canada and is trying to get Canadians to support conscientious objectors. This woman we are talking about is a conscientious objector. I think the clip is perfectly on topic.

All this stupid talk of her coming here so that her child could be a Canadian so she could stay is nonsense if she was pregnant when she left the US. She probably wanted to raise her kid free from US politics of aggression. It really doesn't matter to me what her reasons are. If she doesn't want to fight in this sick and demented war, I say let her stay.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Cliffy states-Soldiers are there to take orders not question the morality of those orders. (Only if you win the war.)
That is not what the Nuremberg trials concluded. You quack without knowledge on this issue.