Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
She is suppose to be the leading expert on the West?

I LOVE this!

Twitter has decided to actually flag a Liberal post! Amazing!!!

Do you think they are a little resentful about Bill C-10? LOL
…& here we are years later…Most Canadians who plan on voting for the Liberal party are more motivated to stop the Conservatives from winning the election rather than endorsing the party's vision and leader, according to a new poll released on Monday.

Meanwhile, the opposite is true for most Conservative supporters.

"While there certainly is a significant amount of distaste for Trudeau among the Canadian public, that does not appear to be the strongest motivating factor for those who intend to vote for the Conservative Party," according to the Angus Reid report.

Instead, three in five (62 per cent) Conservative supporters said they are more likely to vote because they back Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and the party's vision rather than wanting to prevent another term of government led by Justin Trudeau. These voters make up a quarter of the electorate overall.
Meanwhile, three in five (63 per cent) Liberal supporters said they are more motivated to prevent a Conservative government rather than to support Trudeau and Liberal policies.
"This means just nine per cent of the Canadian electorate is passionate about and inspired by the prospect of voting Liberal," Angus Reid wrote in the report.
However, strategic voting could be a wildcard in the election, the institute noted.
"Many NDP voters appear to be willing to support the Liberals in the event the CPC are on the track to victory," it wrote in the report.

More than one-third (36 per cent) of NDP supporters said they would likely switch their vote to Liberals and three in 10 (30 per cent) said they would consider that option. Others said it is unlikely (19 per cent) or not going to happen (15 per cent).

"This would be a catastrophic loss of support for (NDP Leader) Jagmeet Singh and his party, which increased its support from 16 to 18 per cent from 2019 to 2021," according to the report…but Jagmeet would have that pension.
From would-be Bloc Québécois voters who want to stop the Tories, 35 per cent said the switch is possible (26 per cent) or likely to happen (19 per cent).
"There are many factors in play when it comes to Canadians’ vote intentions, but this suggests that the gap between the two parties may not be as large as it currently stands," it wrote in the report.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
…& here we are years later…Most Canadians who plan on voting for the Liberal party are more motivated to stop the Conservatives from winning the election rather than endorsing the party's vision and leader, according to a new poll released on Monday.

Meanwhile, the opposite is true for most Conservative supporters.

"While there certainly is a significant amount of distaste for Trudeau among the Canadian public, that does not appear to be the strongest motivating factor for those who intend to vote for the Conservative Party," according to the Angus Reid report.

Instead, three in five (62 per cent) Conservative supporters said they are more likely to vote because they back Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and the party's vision rather than wanting to prevent another term of government led by Justin Trudeau. These voters make up a quarter of the electorate overall.
View attachment 20830
Meanwhile, three in five (63 per cent) Liberal supporters said they are more motivated to prevent a Conservative government rather than to support Trudeau and Liberal policies.
View attachment 20831
"This means just nine per cent of the Canadian electorate is passionate about and inspired by the prospect of voting Liberal," Angus Reid wrote in the report.
View attachment 20832
However, strategic voting could be a wildcard in the election, the institute noted.
View attachment 20833
"Many NDP voters appear to be willing to support the Liberals in the event the CPC are on the track to victory," it wrote in the report.

View attachment 20834
More than one-third (36 per cent) of NDP supporters said they would likely switch their vote to Liberals and three in 10 (30 per cent) said they would consider that option. Others said it is unlikely (19 per cent) or not going to happen (15 per cent).

"This would be a catastrophic loss of support for (NDP Leader) Jagmeet Singh and his party, which increased its support from 16 to 18 per cent from 2019 to 2021," according to the report…but Jagmeet would have that pension.
From would-be Bloc Québécois voters who want to stop the Tories, 35 per cent said the switch is possible (26 per cent) or likely to happen (19 per cent).
View attachment 20835
"There are many factors in play when it comes to Canadians’ vote intentions, but this suggests that the gap between the two parties may not be as large as it currently stands," it wrote in the report.
Maybe Pierre had parking tickets that could lead to Fed charges?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Desperation has definitely set in at the Langevin Block, home of the Prime Minister’s Office on Parliament Hill. You can see it in how they act and who and what they attack as they try to convince voters they are relevant.

The Trudeau Liberals are flailing so badly that they are attacking Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre for an event that he wasn’t at, wasn’t part of and didn’t help organize. They are now accusing him of “Quebec bashing” for daring to criticize politicians in Montreal and Quebec City for getting in the way of new housing construction.
We even have the sight of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacking a Conservative candidate in a byelection that has yet to be called.

The Liberals last held a lead in any poll back on May 29, 2023 and last held a significant lead on June 16, 2022. To make matters worse, Trudeau’s personal popularity is at an all-time low, which is exactly why they are lashing out.
After spending months comparing Poilievre to Donald Trump, a laughable comparison, this week they are demanding Poilievre condemn an appearance by Tucker Carlson in Alberta. Carlson, the former Fox News host-turned-independent media sensation stateside, had two sold-out speaking engagements in Calgary and Edmonton where he took aim at the Trudeau Liberal government.

We had four ministers out denouncing Carlson’s visit, saying it is the MAGA-style conservatism of Trump that is not welcome and not acceptable in Canada and then linking Poilievre to it. They have been running ads linking Poilievre and Trump and sending the same message.

Essentially, the Liberals are trying to call Poilievre and his supporters unCanadian, a rather divisive statement, and then accuse them of being divisive.
As for the PM calling Jamil Jivani, a former Postmedia colleague and current Conservative candidate in Durham, a “twofer,” it simply shows the Liberals are worried. A sitting PM taking on a candidate like Jivani who isn’t even elected isn’t a good sign for the Liberals.
That Trudeau stooped to insulting Jivani, and according to some used a racist dog whistle while doing so, is telling on the lengths Trudeau is willing to go to hold on to power at any cost.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
As progress on some measures in the Liberal-NDP confidence-and-supply agreement continue to play out publicly, the two parties (Liberal/NDP & NDP/Liberals) have quietly been in talks to table electoral reform legislation before the next federal vote.
Leading these negotiations on the political front, are Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc, and NDP MP and democratic reform critic Daniel Blaikie.
"I think people on both sides (Liberal & NDP) are keen to try and hammer out those final details and have a product that can be tabled in the House of Commons…
1706370823938.jpegI'm optimistic that we will have a bill that certainly includes ways of implementing what was in the [deal]," Blaikie said.
What remains to be revealed if, and when, the legislation comes to fruition, is how far the two parties (NDP & Liberals) agree to go, whether directly advancing voting accessibility reforms, or enacting some sort of process to further study expanding voting access…because of this:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
As progress on some measures in the Liberal-NDP confidence-and-supply agreement continue to play out publicly, the two parties (Liberal/NDP & NDP/Liberals) have quietly been in talks to table electoral reform legislation before the next federal vote.
View attachment 20893
Leading these negotiations on the political front, are Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc, and NDP MP and democratic reform critic Daniel Blaikie.
View attachment 20891
"I think people on both sides (Liberal & NDP) are keen to try and hammer out those final details and have a product that can be tabled in the House of Commons…
View attachment 20890I'm optimistic that we will have a bill that certainly includes ways of implementing what was in the [deal]," Blaikie said.
View attachment 20892
What remains to be revealed if, and when, the legislation comes to fruition, is how far the two parties (NDP & Liberals) agree to go, whether directly advancing voting accessibility reforms, or enacting some sort of process to further study expanding voting access…because of this:
View attachment 20894
Yup he liked our system when winning .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We even have the sight of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacking a Conservative candidate in a byelection that has yet to be called.
As for the PM calling Jamil Jivani, a former Postmedia colleague and current Conservative candidate in Durham, a “twofer,” it simply shows the Liberals are worried. A sitting PM taking on a candidate like Jivani who isn’t even elected isn’t a good sign for the Liberals.
So what’s a twofer?

The Oxford English Dictionary says twofer means “a cigar sold at two for a quarter; hence, any cheap cigar.”

Merriam-Webster says it is “two articles available for the price of one or about the price of one.”

Webster’s says twofer means “an offer or arrangement in which a single expense or amount of effort produces two returns.”

American Heritage explains twofer as “one who belongs to two distinct demographic groups and can be counted, as by an employer, as part of two quotas.”

Collins Dictionary says twofer describes “a person who belongs to two minority or underprivileged groups and can satisfy two quotas or appeal to two political constituencies.”

Whatever it means, it’s probably not the best idea for a prime minister to be calling fellow Canadians names of any kind — namely one who has apologized for wearing blackface himself.

In fairness, Jivani did not suggest Trudeau was slinging a racial slur at him. He made it clear he was “not exactly sure” what the PM was getting at by calling him a “twofer,” but since he did he thought “I would introduce myself” to a public who may not know him.
But using perfect turnspeak, Trudeau fought back Friday – saying he was actually the victim of nasty politics here.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I think the conservatives might’ve gone down in Quebec, as Poilievre did question a couple of Quebec mayors about housing…but overall went up elsewhere.
Not quite time for the NDP/Liberals to pull the plug, so it’s still looking like October 20 2025 at this point.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I think the conservatives might’ve gone down in Quebec, as Poilievre did question a couple of Quebec mayors about housing…but overall went up elsewhere.
View attachment 20924
Not quite time for the NDP/Liberals to pull the plug, so it’s still looking like October 20 2025 at this point.
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The NDP are starting to question the wisdom of being hitched to the liberal wagon . We may see some movement on that front .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Liberals have been accusing the Conservatives of "turning their backs on Ukraine," and now the party is making that argument in attack ads running in more than a dozen Prairie ridings that are home to large Ukrainian communities.
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(The Liberals…or NDP/Liberals with their non-coalition coalition…that has recently been endorsed by…wait for it…Hamas???)
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The newspaper ads appearing in 18 Conservative-held ridings say Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre and his party are abandoning the war-torn country because they voted against a bill to implement a “modernized” Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement….The Canadian-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement Brought in by the Conservatives…under Harper.

"The Conservatives would like to vote against anything that includes the word 'carbon,' and that was just caught in that file,"

Poilievre has repeatedly defended his party's track record on Ukraine in the House of Commons, arguing that his party pushed for Canada to send Ukraine lethal weaponry even before Russia launched its full-scale invasion early last year and promising that "we will stand for Ukrainians."

So what’s different now in Trudeau’s “modernization” of this already existing Canadian-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement?

The Liberals have been trying to make hay out of the Tories' position on the Ukraine trade deal for weeks.

With their new campaign, they are explicitly linking the Conservative MPs to what the newspaper ads describe as "far-right politicians" in the United States -- and not for the first time.

Against that backdrop, Trudeau has accused Poilievre of playing into the Kremlin's hands.

His government House leader, Karina Gould, claimed in a recent interview with The Canadian Press that in a way, it's a "gift" for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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Wow…that seems…wow.
This will backfire on Trudeau.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
When are we gonna have an election? I really don’t know, but yesterday couldn’t be soon enough.

I’m still leaning towards October 20th, 2025, but with the tailspin the liberals are in and the stench attached to it…maybe Jagmeet will pull the plug to try and preserve the NDP’s Fraction of seats instead of driving the NDP into extinction….& hope like hell he (Singh) gets reelected.

I’m very curious to see what the numbers look like on Monday with which takes all the polls and factors them all in.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
When are we gonna have an election? I really don’t know, but yesterday couldn’t be soon enough.

I’m still leaning towards October 20th, 2025, but with the tailspin the liberals are in and the stench attached to it…maybe Jagmeet will pull the plug to try and preserve the NDP’s Fraction of seats instead of driving the NDP into extinction….& hope like hell he (Singh) gets reelected.
View attachment 21071

I’m very curious to see what the numbers look like on Monday with which takes all the polls and factors them all in.
Can't be soon enough!
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Justin Trudeau is single-handedly accomplishing what all his ministers and bureaucrats failed to do after years of toil and millions of dollars piffled away — he is saving the mainstream Liberal media.


By keeping those scribes writing about when he will be leaving office.

In so many publications across the land, we have been treated to an onslaught of praise about his “major accomplishments”:

— $10-a-day daycare (hardly to be found — ask moms).

— Tens of billions for battery plants for a clean world (don’t bet on it).

— Dental care (only if you are over 87 years old and penniless).

— Pharmacare (go to a government washroom for men and get your free tampons).

But the list of these so-called successes, touted by those who contend that the rock bottom polls are just due to voter fatigue after eight years, is not nearly as long as that of his own miscalculations.

— Numerous Caribbean Island holidays with super-rich friends.

— SNC-Lavalin.

— Firing a principled, female, indigenous attorney general because she stood up to his improper wishes.

The list goes on for pages.

Yup, the lowest polls ever are not due to voter boredom, but are because Canadians have had it with the mismanagement of even the most basic of tasks (remember the passport failures?) and the corruption (for example, $360 million up in smoke for a plant never built in the Quebec riding of the minister of Public Works).

Add to that deplorable record his divisive attempts to convert a generous, sustainable, proud, and upstanding society into a woke, government-controlled band of sheep, and you have the grounds for a “toss those buggers out” revolt.

Except that Trudeau will not call an election before he must (the perks of being PM beat the loneliness of a loser), and the rules are such that he can stay until Christmas of 2025 — 22 more months.

What to do?

Just accept the fact that nothing good will be forthcoming from your federal government and get on with life as best you can until this Trudeau government scatters from your sight.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Justin Trudeau is single-handedly accomplishing what all his ministers and bureaucrats failed to do after years of toil and millions of dollars piffled away — he is saving the mainstream Liberal media.


By keeping those scribes writing about when he will be leaving office.

In so many publications across the land, we have been treated to an onslaught of praise about his “major accomplishments”:

— $10-a-day daycare (hardly to be found — ask moms).

— Tens of billions for battery plants for a clean world (don’t bet on it).

— Dental care (only if you are over 87 years old and penniless).

— Pharmacare (go to a government washroom for men and get your free tampons).

But the list of these so-called successes, touted by those who contend that the rock bottom polls are just due to voter fatigue after eight years, is not nearly as long as that of his own miscalculations.

— Numerous Caribbean Island holidays with super-rich friends.

— SNC-Lavalin.

— Firing a principled, female, indigenous attorney general because she stood up to his improper wishes.

The list goes on for pages.

Yup, the lowest polls ever are not due to voter boredom, but are because Canadians have had it with the mismanagement of even the most basic of tasks (remember the passport failures?) and the corruption (for example, $360 million up in smoke for a plant never built in the Quebec riding of the minister of Public Works).

Add to that deplorable record his divisive attempts to convert a generous, sustainable, proud, and upstanding society into a woke, government-controlled band of sheep, and you have the grounds for a “toss those buggers out” revolt.

Except that Trudeau will not call an election before he must (the perks of being PM beat the loneliness of a loser), and the rules are such that he can stay until Christmas of 2025 — 22 more months.

What to do?

Just accept the fact that nothing good will be forthcoming from your federal government and get on with life as best you can until this Trudeau government scatters from your sight.
So what happens when NATO goes to war in the few days or weeks?

100,000 fully equipped troops with full air support currently haning out in Poland arent there for a weiner roast. What do people think the emergency NATO meeting Trudeau attended was all aboot? Photo opp?

Wakie wakie, hands off snakie. Its time to wake up.