Some of Those People are TOO LIE-beral even for CBC Asshats!
Cdn media whores like those at CBC , Global and City TV..............................are relentlessly pro-lieberal.......but even THEY can sometimes recognize they can go TOO FAR in their blatant LIE-beral support!
In 2015 - CBC used a LOATHSOMELY BIGOTED interpretation of "fair use" policy to ENSURE.........that NO pro Conservative view point sullied their Broadcasts!
CBC got exposed and got shamed for it.................and had to back off - to a SMALL DEGREE - from the worst of their BLATANT bigotry and deliberate censorship!
Fair use policy is designed to ENCOURAGE the sharing of political thought and order to get a better informed public and under HONEST fair use the normal limits of copyright are MUCH REDUCED!
This means that if you are a politician and make a speech - others are ENTITLED TO REPEAT AND REPRINT..................your bullsh+t and of course CBC ASSHATS are OPPOSED to that!
They want to promote LIE-berals!
They want to emphasize the mots attractive elements of LIE-beral policy and HIDE the GROSS flaws!
Naturally Cdn media whores want to DO THE OPPOSITE for Conservatives............up to and including MAKING STUFF UP to harm Conservatives !
Such as the LIE-beral/CBC CLAIM that Harper had a dangerous "SECRET AGENDA"...................THAT NEVER APPEARED!
SUCH AS the constant claims that Ford is "CUTTING EDUCATION" spite of the fact that Ontari-owe education budget is two billion dollars higher this year than under LIE-berals!
Such as the teacher HOG LIE that their main focus is on quality education................
instead of the TRUTH- that they are angry because Ford is not throwing GRAVY AT THEM as fast as they desire!
The leader of OSSTF - our Ontari-owe high school teachers union was on the news last night.........WHINING that he had been in the union biz for nearly 20 years and had NEVER DEALT with a more intransigent govt than Ford!
So what it comes down to is that LIE-berals were in power in Ontari-owe for virtually ALL the guys career.......which means the ONLY GOVT the union GOOF has ever dealt with is LIE-berals..........who ALWAYS SOUGHT TO BUY HOG TRUST - with GOBS OF GRAVY!
What the union HOG MEANS when he says he has never met a govt like Ford`s - is that he...............HAS NEVER MET A GOVT THAT WAS BEING RESPONSIBLE WITH OUR TAXES BEFORE!
This is the great LIE-beral/HOG PROBLEM!
And their world HAS CHANGED!
And just like the DINOSAURS - they DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RESPOND!
The LIE-beral/HOG Alliance has become SO ACCUSTOMED to getting their way with Fake News....................and colossal arrogance and shameless vote buying that they now do not know how to proceed!
You do write some very interesting comments STB but there is such a thing as over-emphasizing you know. :smile: