Trump Draining the Swamp


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
There are still people out there who seriously believe that Trump is "draining the swamp"? ... populating the swamp with compliant sycophants, more like.

Republicans Don’t Just Want to Win—They Want to Rig the Game

For 140 or so years, both parties mostly agreed on the rules. Yes, there was FDR’s court-packing scheme, which most of his fellow Democrats did not support. But after that, a broad consensus held for a long time. Then, the Republicans started behaving a little differently. They started challenging the rules. Democrats did too, a little, especially on judicial nominations, but it was Republicans who drove this change.

The shutting down of the recount in Florida in 2000. The aggressive gerrymandering, first engineered by Tom DeLay. The Hastert Rule, holding that bills could pass the House only with a majority of Republicans, and not with bipartisan support. The attacks on voting rights—straight-up attempts to make it hard or even impossible for certain citizens to vote.

There have been other efforts that are less well-known because they haven’t gained much traction, but they’re pretty devious all the same. Remember a few years ago how Republicans in Pennsylvania wanted to award presidential Electoral College votes by congressional district? That is, the winner in each district would get that district’s electoral vote, instead of the winner of the whole state taking all.

If you did the math, you’d see that this would have given Mitt Romney the majority of the Keystone State’s electoral votes in 2012—a large majority, in fact—instead of the zero he got according to the rules that have existed since the beginning of the republic. If every state did this, it’s unlikely that any Republican would ever lose a presidential election again.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How about them Democrat Super Delegates eh? The ones that stole the Democrat Primary from Bernie. The DNC Super Delegates are TO THIS DAY trying to prevent the DNC for removing their preferred status. Lets not forget the states that refused to allow people to vote in the Democrat primaries. Talk about voter suppression.

I live in a state that is very gerrymandered and 100% controlled by the Democrat Party. But it is not that they've gerrymandered the GOP out, they tried to gerrymander African-American communities out.

Massachusetts Speaker of the House pleaded guilty to obstruction charges. He was obstructing he role in gerrymandering African-American communities so a White Liberal could keep his seat.

Finneran pleaded guilty in 2007 to giving false testimony in a 2003 lawsuit over a legislative redistricting plan that diluted the clout of minority voters.
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Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
How about them Democrat Super Delegates eh? The ones that stole the Democrat Primary from Bernie. The DNC Super Delegates are TO THIS DAY trying to prevent the DNC for removing their preferred status. Lets not forget the states that refused to allow people to vote in the Democrat primaries. Talk about voter suppression.

Do republicans have open primaries and superdelegates?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Do republicans have open primaries and superdelegates?

They do not have Super Delegates. That was a creation of the DNC when Sen. Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democrat Primaries. It was not his turn... it was her turn!

"Unpledged delegates (Super Delegates) exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don't have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists," ~ Debbie Wasserman Schultz (while Chair of the DNC)

And of course we all know the Obama Campaign was a Grassroots Campaign, a populist candidate.

Ex-DNC chair reveals how Clinton ‘rigged’ Dem primary
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Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
Not only are you the second most humourless hooman on here, you are one of the most ignorant. Trump is there to dismantle the Yankee Empire. He and his cronies will suck it dry and spit you out.

This is Swampy. Doesn't look good in a supreme court judge.

Senator Feinstein, Senator Leahy, And Senator Durbin: Documents Indicate That Kavanaugh Misled Senate; Make Them Public

Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) Thursday asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) to join a request for Judge Kavanaugh’s Staff Secretary records and to publicly release the documents now.* Feinstein is the Judiciary Committee’s Ranking Member, and Leahy and Durbin are also senior members of the committee.*

The senators emphasize the fact that documents that are currently “committee confidential” contain information indicating that Kavanaugh misled the Senate during his 2006 nomination hearing.

They write, “We firmly believe that Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination cannot be considered unless these documents are available, including to the public and the Senate as a whole.”**The senators strongly urged Chairman Grassley to support their “request for Judge Kavanaugh’s Staff Secretary records and to publicly release documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s time in the White House in the same manner as was done for all previous Supreme Court nominees. The truth should not be hidden from the Senate or the American people.”


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Same Old Libs doing the same old things.

He will be confirmed. Democrat Sen. Harry Reid ensured that when he used the nuke option against the GOP when they were in the minority.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Bomb threat made at Boston Globe after editorial condemning Trump

A bomb threat was reported at The Boston Globe on Thursday, the same day the newspaper spearheaded a campaign to publish coordinated editorials at multiple papers condemning President Trump's attacks against the press.
Officials from the Boston police told Boston 7 News that they do not believe the threat was "super serious" but that they have increased patrols around the building.
The station noted that the FBI is conducting an investigation.
A building manager at the Globe's headquarters said the paper received "several threats via phone call" on Thursday, according to an email obtained by Axios.
"Based on this threat the local and federal authorities have recommended some additional security measures for the property," the email read, according to the report. "For the remainder of the day you will see uniformed Boston Police officers in the lobby and around the property."
A spokesperson for The Globe confirmed the development to Axios, adding "that alarming turn of the president’s rhetoric — the specific labeling of the press as an 'enemy of the American people' and the opposition party — does cause us concern about media outlets and the stories we have heard around the country."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
There is no valid reason for revoking that clearance.

Poop Stain threw a tantrum.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Naw, being a demented, dishonest, crook had nothing to do with why he was let go...

It's because he helped run a failed coup!

...and like with the CIA's good buddy castro, and like with their not so good buddy, ASSAD...
they failed!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
He was let go?

I think maybe you came in late and missed the first reel.


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
That is Trump's way. He is the world class liar and his tweets prove he is emotionally all over the board. Kinda like you, Danny Boy.

No, sorry. Danny boy is rock steady compared to Trump.

Think of the clarity of Danbones posts.

... compared the Trump's tweets.
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