His sources are valid , as our yours . How they are spun is the question .Don't encourage Walter.
He finds sources that may as well have come from the White House spin machine.
His sources are valid , as our yours . How they are spun is the question .Don't encourage Walter.
He finds sources that may as well have come from the White House spin machine.
Or gets to renovate.182 more days until Trump is forced out of the White House!
If he lives that long .Let's face it. Biden is going to destroy him on November 3.
Prog shit.Artists install anti-Trump living statues around DC
Living statues were installed around Washington, D.C. on Friday depicting President Trump as a "destroyer of civil rights and liberties."
A group of artists known as the Trump Statue Initiative is behind the installations, including one that depicts Trump holding up a Bible while Black Lives Matters protesters are beaten and another showing him telling a masked child to "go back to school" while holding a golf club.
"The concept is that the history he's painting of himself right now, where his narcissistic or racist or self-serving moments abound, this is what he's leaving us with," filmmaker Bryan Buckley told The Hill. Buckley, who was nominated for an Oscar this year, curated the three installations that went up around D.C. on Friday.
The initiative spent the morning depicting Trump atop a stand that reads "destroyer of civil rights and liberties" at Liberty Plaza. That "statue" was inspired by police violently clearing protesters out of Lafayette Square, near the White House, in June before Trump posed for photos in front of St. John's Episcopal Church holding up a Bible.
Buckley called it "his defining moment as president."
"That sort of spurred on the concept," he said. He noted that statues are also "top of mind" at the moment, due to the national conversation around tearing down those depicting Confederate leaders and other figures associated with slavery.
More: ttps://thehill.com/homenews/news/507877-artists-install-anti-trump-living-statues-around-dc
Plus four more years at the helm. With luck the country will look nothing like it did when Obummer finally got the boot.182 more days until Trump is forced out of the White House!
No they are not. They are responding to Trump's orders. They are a bunch of unmarked goons. The local governments are upset that Trump order this invasion into their duristiction. Like I said, pull yer head out of your ass before you choke on yer own bullshit.They're responding to prog violence.
Soldiers wearing uniforms are unmarked. (Jurisdiction)No they are not. They are responding to Trump's orders. They are a bunch of unmarked goons. The local governments are upset that Trump order this invasion into their duristiction. Like I said, pull yer head out of your ass before you choke on yer own bullshit.
God only knows why Trump waddled into the middle of the thing in Portland.Oregon will sue federal police agencies, open criminal investigation into use of force
Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum announced late Friday that her office would sue several federal law enforcement agencies over their response to Portland protests and launch a criminal investigation into an incident of force by federal officers.
Rosenblum is seeking a temporary restraining order to stop federal officers from detaining Portlanders, arguing federal agencies seized and detained Oregonians without probable cause. She said the state’s lawsuit in federal court will name the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protection Service as defendants.
“The federal administration has chosen Portland to use their scare tactics to stop our residents from protesting police brutality and from supporting the Black Lives Matter movement,” Rosenblum said in a statement. “Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening. If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere.”
More: https://www.oregonlive.com/news/202...criminal-investigation-into-use-of-force.html
You are right , they should just let the whole city burn , starting with the governor’s and mayor’s houses , moving on to the movers and shakers gated communities.God only knows why Trump waddled into the middle of the thing in Portland.
Virtue signalling the magahats i suppose.
These next hundred days will set Trump up for a big re-election in November. MAGA