Trudeau's neglect of the nation has led us to this place


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Oh that is such a bunch of hog wash!!

Court quashes Canadian approval of Trans Mountain oil pipeline

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - A Canadian court on Thursday overturned approval of the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion, ruling that Ottawa failed to adequately consider aboriginal concerns, in a blow to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s efforts to balance environmental and economic issues.

The Federal Court of Appeal ruled that the National Energy Board (NEB) regulator wrongly narrowed its review of the project to exclude related tanker traffic. Additionally, the federal government failed to adequately consult First Nations, as required by law, it ruled.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
once again proving your lights are on but nobody"s home
I know a few people that turn on the lights in the daytime as soon as they enter a room and leave them on when they leave. Not the most stable people I have ever met, know what I mean??


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
And btw Alberta has ALWAYS been a contributor to equalization payments (for those of you who don't seem to know) and has never been a receiver of funds so don't give me the BS that we're whiners. Besides which, we don't want HAND OUTS, we want to work and getting a pipeline is crucial to that end. Getting GOOD jobs helps the Canadian economy; not the part-time and/or lower paying jobs that Trudeau seems so intent on. Those are the people who depend on government hand outs don't 'cha know cuz they are lower income and thus qualify for said hand-outs. Those of us who have managed to keep the job that we have are also seeing the cost of living going ever higher because of taxes and that too has to stop!! Can't pay with what you don't have.


And the screw just keeps getting turned tighter...

Equalization payments: Quebec gets $13B, four provinces get $0, rest get combined $11B

The federal government has determined what each province will get in the next fiscal year in the form of equalization payments. But in doing so, it’s re-opened a debate about fiscal fairness. As David Akin reports, Quebec is getting a whopping boost in equalization, while four other provinces are getting nothing.

Can't pay with what you don't have.

Sorry not good enough, Quebec and the Trudeau Liberals demand that you shake out the couch cushions and dig deeper. After all, how do you expect them to pay for all those extravagant social programs. Pay up, Alberta!!

(Oh...and Francois Legault says no Energy East through Quebec, so don't even think about it.)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Guess where Quebec gets its oil
By Carl Meyer in News, Energy, Politics
November 13th 2018

Dirty Canadian oil and MAGA


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Guess where Quebec gets its oil

No, can't be....that's impossible. Quebec doesn't use oil.

At the Canadian first ministers' meeting in Montreal on Friday, Quebec premier's pitch to sell hydro surpluses made him the event's darling.

“The big advantage we have is that our energy costs less and is clean,” Legault told reporters.

On the other hand, he made no apologies for saying no to New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, who asked Legault to re-consider his refusal to consider a new pipeline across Quebec. On Thursday, Legault said pipelines are no longer socially acceptable in Quebec.

“I am not at all embarrassed to refuse dirty energy when we offer clean energy at a competitive price,” Legault said.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
It's as if you were all incapable of understanding what socially acceptable means.

How are you going to allow a pipeline when it will cost you your job in politics?

Horgan would be dead in the water is he were to allow the trans mountain. SO would any other premier.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Are the pipelines to and from your home socially acceptable?

When they flow directly from your house into the Salish Sea is it socially acceptable?

Is damming valleys socially acceptable?


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
And that raises another question.

Are we all — as citizens of this country — complicit in allowing this prime minister to go forward on his destructive path toward a post-nation state?

At what price comes his glory?

Nailed it. We currently have exactly the leader we deserve, Canadians voted for him. I guess the only question now is...have we lost our collective minds to the point where we are willing support and give this nation-loathing, globalist virtue-signalling fool another mandate? I fear there won't be much of a unified country left if he is elected for another term, and Canadians will only have themselves to blame.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The Prime Minister has nothing to do with pipelines.

The court just proved that.

Get the First Nations approval and the scientific evidence and its smooth sailing,


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The Gov could always throw the RCC under the bus. Pretty crappy Priests anyways and it would buy more than a few bonus points. Oh yeah, quit killing them.

Give it an appealing name, 'The Ant Line'.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The Gov. can push it through for the National interest order if they wanted too
Slap the 'national security' label on it and the complaints can be taken to court in the century that follows it being completed.

If this is to give the impression the Indians have some leverage it is a big fail as the cancellation came on the heels of the EU getting a big line coming from Russia, as will China as that line was built during the sanctions of the last few years.

There are enough polluted lakes just north of Prince George to show that the Govt regulations in place are not followed by the foreign businesses that were the 'miners' and they were not made to clean up anything once the mine did not produce a profit for the foreign owners. Rather than the locals being shit out of luck the Govt that failed to collect damages should pick up the bill rather that say they tried but were outlawed in a kangaroo court.
Chaff from the right plants would seem to be the best and cheapest solution. Drop it with water bombers and before it settles to the bottom to become mud it will pick up very small particles. The fluff from cattails might be the right stuff and that can be farmed and spread by small boat. One ft per year should show pretty fast if it will work or not, if it does work the Pacific could probably use some of the same when its waters show signs of a pollutant than can be cleaned up by men doing a bit of intervention.

Dead water that we make might be better off being dumped into the water below where all the plastic in the Pacific is gathering. It would be taken to the floor of the ocean and it they contain 'heavy elements' those will be staying there while the water keeps moving like always.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What about snowblowers and zambonis with nitrous and twin turbos after using surfacents to float particulate then shoot in piles to then cart of in flying sea cans that went and they went and they went and they went and they went and they 8th of my favourite colour.