Trudeau. Is he an idiot or what?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is he the dead one or the stoner who got off on possession charges because he's a Trudeau?


Sacha Trudeau- the socialist loving life long pal of Cuban Soviet style dictator Castro is the very much alive brother of Our idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!

I do not know about Sacha and any pot possession know how LIE-beral friendly media likes to hide the warts on their chosen champions!!!!!!! It was other brother Alexander that walked in front of an avalanche.

The LIE-beral definition of democracy is badly flawed! For instance LIE-berals think it is undemocratic for Ford to cut the size of the bloated Toronto City Hall council without consulting with citizens. Yet LIE-berals think nothing of scorning us when we complain about the teeming tens of thousands of illegals LIE-berals have invited here over our many protests!

Ford asks us: “how many Cdns would want to trade in a bunch of city councillors in exchange for $25 million dollars in savings? LIE-berals do NOT want the answer to that one!

LIE-berals tell us that spending billions of dollars over a period of decades to tend to the swarms of illegals they are rounding up like stray cats is somehow good for us. But LIE-berals cannot honestly explain HOW this will be good for us!

LIE-berals insist they have the border crisis under control but how would they know? LIE-berals are currently using DNA testing on illegals in an effort to find out where the illegals came from and in hope of discovering if they might represent a national security threat- but considering that most third world countries are delighted to be rid of criminals- can we trust the security screening if third world govts refuse to give full information on a citizen?

This is not first time we have been warned about unreliable criminal records from third world countries. Twenty years ago RCMP warned Cdn govt of the unwillingness of Indian govt to help identify Indian criminals coming to Canada! Not that LIE-berals care about such things- if they did Our idiot Boy Justin wouold not have taken a convicted Sikh terrorist with him to india!

Ontari-owe LIE-berals told us three different numbers for their 2018 budget deficit- using accounting methods NEVER TAUGHT in any honest school of business, And now we have federal LIE-berals fudging the numbers on how many illegals have come here using exactly the same kind of fuzzy accounting. LIE-berals are using several lists for “illegals” and for “irregular border crossers, So how many hundred thousand illegals will we be dealing with by the time Our idiot Boy and his moronic minions are dumped from office?

WE should consider current LIE-beral immigration policy to be an unprecedented act of vandalism because so many of the illegals lack any language skills or education to survive in Canada without receiving massive amounts of ongoing govt aid that we cannot afford thanks to decades of LIE-beral debt! LIE-berals refuse either to discuss the real cost of keeping illegals or the cost of shipping them back where they came from- assuming we CAN figure out where they came from! And finding out where they came from will be so slow and costly and cumbersome that it is quite likely most of the illegals will die here of old age before any real action is taken!

LIE-beral immigration policy has burdened us with a social underclass that lacks the ability to survive without deceit and potentially criminal activity! After all if your first act upon entering a new country is to destroy all your documents and to LIE about who you are and where you came from it sets a BAD precedent for your future behaviour- doesn’t it!!!

Toronto City Hall liberals tell us that illegals who live and work in Toronto should be regarded as being part of our community and should be allowed to vote in our elections. Does that mean that I can break into the residence of John Tory and do his dishes and cut his grass when he is not home so I can become part of his family and he will then have to support me? Or will he call the cops and have me arrested for trespassing since I am not of a visible minority?

If I sneaked into Mexico from my home in Canada, would they let me vote in their elections if I wanted to?

LIE-berals insist that illegals who sneak into our country and work here illegally ARE CONTRIBUTING to our country and thus should be allowed to vote. Should we then count their vote according to what level of taxes they pay? And since illegals only pay sales tax on stuff they purchase- with NO income tax or health levy- though it does not stop them from using our health care with forged documents made by other illegals, and while sending their kids to our schools which they also do not pay for - how many thousands of illegal votes should we count up before admitting they are equal to ONE REAL full time tax payer?

LIE-berals say it is not fair that illegals work here but have no say in govt- but is it fair they get access to all manner of our services for FREE while LIE-berals look the other way?

If LIE-berals get their wish and illegals are allowed to vote- does that mean that LIE-berals will then accept a mass of Muslims swarming here and voting for Sharia Law?

Mexico has a law explicitly FORBIDDING foreigners from voting in their elections or influencing their elections in any way- how come LIE-berals do not count Mexicans as racists?

Pakistan went through a solid month of rioting in 2017 - with a hundred people killed and hundreds wounded because their Minister of Law forgot to properly thank Allah in a speech he made- and then refused to resign for slighting Allah. Does this mean that Muslims are religiously intolerant?

In 1964 a pile of 5 Yankee quarters- 25 cent pieces- contained an amount of silver that today in 2018 is worth $17.00 dollars. So which - a pocket full of those 1964 silver coins- and the LOW taxes of the time- or the current Ontari-owe minimum wage- plus the recent MASSIVE TAX INCREASES would you prefer to have? And who wants to tell me that LIE-beral meddling with our economy and the value of our money through inflation has been beneficial to ordinary people earning that minimum wage?

Considering the staggering debts being run up by our govt- and the probability of another devastating stock market crash is there any reason to save money at all?

And should we ask if investing in cheap ass GIC`s and govt bonds is a good idea? Especially considering the first thing the Greek govt did to cut costs and reduce debt was to STOP PAYING OUT for their govt bonds and GIC`s- meaning the small investors/ordinary people ate the biggest loss?

At what point do we agree that LIE-berals have proven you can steal more money with a pen than with a gun?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Dufusness personified.


All you LIE-berals may now bow down to me in honour of my intellect which is clearly so superior to yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been saying FOR MANY YEARS that Justin Trudeau is OUR idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently living in Ottawa leads to ENTROPHY OF THE BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What it comes down to is that Our idiot Boy Justin spent his whole life preparing to become prime minster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He endlessly practiced all the selfie poses in the mirror to get them just right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He carefully crafted the wording of all the promises and offers he would make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He persuaded the ENTIRE LIE-beral party that style was more important than substance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He offered up endless bribes to select groups in order to buy a useful power base!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But now he IS pm AND he is OFF THE SCRIPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy simply ASSUMED HE COULD coast ON Sunny Ways forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His remark that "budgets will balance themselves" reveals how TRULY SHALLOW is his understanding of govt influence!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is now out of play time and into the REAL WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And style no longer cuts it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has OFFENDED EVERYBODY in one way or another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has used every sort of offensive political weapon at his disposal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has broken ALL his promises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has not saved the "middle class"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our kids are still semi employed in McJobs and struggling with massive student debt that too often DID NOT buy them the better life they hoped for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has actually ADDED to the middle class tax burden- and that is without calculating the cost of his GROWING trade wars or the cost of his mad deficit financing with that debt OVER $70 billion dollars AND GROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot |Boy has let a pack of loud mouths DRIVE their cars and pickup trucks to Kinder Morgan pipeline to protest till the job was

shut down- and the hypocrisy of truck driving protestors is LOST on Our idiot PM!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy would rather PAY OUT $4.7 billion dollars of tax money to BUY AND KILL that pipeline INSTEAD of clearing protestors away and letting Kinder Morgan build the pipe- and take all the fiscal risks involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy REJECTS the BILLIONS of dollars in tax revenue that Kinder Morgan and the sale of Alberta oil would bring in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has NOT reduced Cdn oil usage by a single LITRE since he is quite comfortable with us buying oil from socialist pest hole Venezuela and from Saudi Arabia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Our idiot Boy thinks the Saudis are so awful then why not STOP buying oil from them and pipe Alberta oil EAST????????????

Has nobody told Our idiot Boy that CDN OIL is produced under much tougher and more environmentally sound laws than those in use in other countries??????

Apparently NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has not made the lives of natives better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact we can even say Our idiot Boy has made the lives of natives MUCH WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For one thing our idiot Boy has IGNORED endemic corruption on native reserves and has ended the Conservative requirement that band councils MUST POST ALL their expenses online so auditors can see what they really do with OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy can even be FAIRLY accused of exposing natives to mockery and ridicule over his handling of legal affairs such as the Coulton Boushie trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy generated massive public disgust by CONDEMNING white farmers who are growing enraged by the number of drunken

native THIEVES prowling their property!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has been INSTRUMENTAL in ENSURING that his party will forever be known as LIE-BERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy tells us fake news about the number of illegals now in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiot Boy tells us fake news about what it costs to keep the illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiot Boy has such a LOATHSOME AND TWISTED VIEW of Canada that he thinks ISIS fighters will make good citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has such a TWISTED WORLD VIEW that he thinks it is fair to pay out $10.5 billion dollars to radical Muslim bomb maker Omar Khadr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the time Our idiot Boy is dumped from office we will very likely have $100 billion dollars in NEW DEBT from 4 years of LIE-beral rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we even have various LIE-berals MOCKING Our idiot Boy in various ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And WHY are LIE-beral suddenly disenchanted with their formerly beloved leader???????????

Because they are positioning themselves to BLAME ALL ON JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is TYPICAL SOCIALIST POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PARTY IS NEVER WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good socialists are very certain that ANY FAILING of socialism is ALWAYS the result of SABOTAGE from traitors and outsiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy Justin is engaged in a MUCH BIGGER and more costly scam to make us "rich" with borrowed money- just as former NDP loon Bob Rae TRIED and FAILED to do with Ontari-owe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And lunatic Rae is convinced that his plan failed ONLY because bankers would not loan him as much money as he needed!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Rae so completely destroyed his political career by trying to make us rich with borrowed money that he had to leave Ontari-owe NDP and go join LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals are not entirely blind and stupid- they were smart enough to only let Rae be TEMPORARY LEADER of federal LI-beral party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals eventually went instead with a younger and even dumber silver spoon socialist- the idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now the bills are coming due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the public mood is VERY BAD because our Emperor has no clothes nor any clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL LIE-beral policy IS FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And diverse influences are causing entrophy in LIE-beral minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I'd rather ave Trudeau than a fascist Conservative running our country


What is this??????????????????????????????????????

Have LIE-berals BEEN SHAMED into not calling their opponents RACIST any more???????????????????????

Have LIE-berals decided to go back to that old standard and simply label those who disagree with them as Nazis????????????

Apparently so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are so bereft of new ideas to replace their old Fake News they are simply reacting like Frogs on a hot stove and jumping about while blurting out whatever comes to their teeny little minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah- and having a former Somali refugee telling us we are not proper Cdns did not go well for LIE-berals!!!!!

And of course it is also a FINE argument in favour of NOT letting foreign born immigrants from holding high office- or any govt office in Canada!

We have only to think of Italian born Aphonse Galliano- the LIE-beral Human Resources Minister at the heart of the three billion dollar adscam theft - he was never actually charged with anything but the theft occurred on his watch!!!!! And several LIE-beral bagmen DID eventually go to jail!!!!!!

Or LIE-beral Hedy Fry- the white people hating Harpy from some Carribean island who had her own shrieking meltdown in parliament- telling us that "crosses are burning as we speak in the city of Prince George" - as if we are all members of Ku Klux Klan- and of course she was forced to publicly apologize for her "intemperate" remarks!!!!

Or Maryam Monseff- the Iranian born liar who told us she was from Afghanistan- apparently because she and her parents figured being Afghan was more politically correct and sympathetic!!!! And Monseff was put in charge of the LIE-beral electoral reform scam designed to rig our elections and paralyze our parliament- and Monseff had a shrieking, insult laced meltdown in our parliament when she was told her committee was insisting on a national referendum before electoral reform might be implemented!!! Apparently Iranian BIGOTS know more about democracy than Cdns??????????

And we must not forget Iqra Khalid- the Muslim racist with her Islamophobia witch hunt!!!!! Khalid and her LIE-beral allies intend to expand her "anti Islamphobia Motion" into a full blown law that can be used to SILENCE ANY CRITIC OF ANY LIE-BERAL POLICY!!!!! So much for free speech and honest discussion of future govt policy under Muslim Rule!!!!!!!!!

And of course the utterly unrepentant racist Hedy Fry is leading the committee seeking some way around our civil rights and free speech protections so LIE-berals CAN get their Islamophobia dictatorship legally IMPOSED on us in time for the 2019 election!!!!

Yes- we have been very well served by foreign born members of parliament- JUST SO LONG AS YOUR POLITICAL FOCUS IS GETTING MORE GRAVY FROM GOVT THAT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of us are figuring the WRONG PEOPLE are running things in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Quite often! :)


Yes our shiny prancing pony Justin Trudeau is an IDIOT of the first rank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But even an idiot can sometimes smell trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why Our idiot Boy Justin is going to keep his mouth shut when Doug Ford brings down the hammer on Toronto city council!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DIG DOUG FORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doug teaches loser LIE-berals the OLD SCHOOL WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spare the clause and spoil the LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Silly Hall council is truly as dis-functional as Ford says!!!!!!!

Where is the Down Town Relief Subway line they have been talking ABOUT FOR FORTY YEARS???????????????

The Downtown Line will NEVER be build unless somebody GIVES Toronto about $20 billion dollars-no strings attached!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When will the Shepard subway line be completed???????????

NEVER- because the Shepard line has NO supporters currently in council and why should they support Shepard Line anyway since it is USELESS until the Downtown Relief Line is built- and that aint happening!!!!!!!!!

Currently Shepard Line ONLY makes it easier for people to travel west to further overload the current Young St Line- thus exposing council sloth and arrogance !!!!!!!!!!!

When will TCHC cease to be the biggest slum lords in Canada?

Just as soon as a fairy god mother gives council $15 billion dollars to make repairs!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS it is now- Toronto council will let the “affordable housing “ FALL DOWN before finding the money for repairs!!!

And what of the over $10 billion dollars- and climbing rapidly- cost to repair Toronto Schools???????????????

Apparently city council is thinking they can tap into SEVERAL fairy god mothers- as needed!!!!!! And the need is OVERDUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what of all our antiquated plumbing? All those storm drains that overflow raw sewage with every heavy rain -flooding buildings and blocking roads??????

Oh well- council seeks yet another fairy god mother with $8-10 billion to give away for drainage updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what of the news report from a few years back were water in a number of Toronto houses was tested and HIGH levels of lead were found??????????

City Hall KNOWS there is still LOTS of toxic lead water pipe in use- not just in Toronto but in EVERY TOWN IN ONTARI-OWE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lead pipe has a service life of 100-150 YEARS- and govt was still INSTALLING lead pipe up until the 1970`s!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless some fairy god mother steps forward it will be LATE in the TWENTY SECOND CENTURY BEFORE Toronto disposes of ALL its lead pipe!!!!!!!!

And what of the disintegrating roads in Toronto??????????????

Oh well- lots of people drive SUV`s with 4 wheel drive and off road capacity so they will be able to manage the Toronto roads disintegrating into something from the third world- council HOPES??????

And since Silly Hall has its war ion cars going full force- should we assume that HUGE potholes are the PREFERRED WAY to control traffic???????

After all- there is NO NEED for city Hogs to spend their gravy on installing potholes which install themselves - unlike speed bumps that cost real money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- its seems Silly Hall is counting on potholes to make us STOP DRIVING!!!!!

And what of Gardiner Expressway???????????????

AS things are going there- Lakeshore Road will one day be BLOCKED with COLLAPSED Gardiner Rubble- until such time as somebody gives city council the cash to haul the rubble away!!!!!!!!!!

City council currently DOES NOT HAVE the $6-8 billion dollars it would need to dismantle Gardiner in any sensible way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anybody spare a fairy god mother - flush with cash OF COURSE- to help council in its war on cars???????????????

And we have long ago given up hope that Silly Hall might recognize the NEED to REPAIR Gardiner and keep it in use!!!!!!!!!

After all- WHY would a city of 2.75 million people NEED a major transportation artery for heavy delivery trucks in the otherwise virtually inaccessible southern half of the city anyway??????????

And what of all the teeming tens of thousands of illegals????????? There are so many that LIE-berals are systematically LYING about how many there are here now!!!!!

Many of those illegals have ended up in Quebec- but Quebec has control of it own immigration system and QUEBEC CAN AND WILL DUMP their share of illegals onto Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly- Quebec has used the infamous “not withstanding clause” to DECREE that any student who has never attended English language school MUST attend French language school- NO exceptions!!!!!!!!!!!!

And illegals who ONLY speak Arabic, or Swahili, or Spanish will be shovelled into French Schools- and they DON’T want that!!!!!!!!!

Illegals KNOW that there are 350 million English speakers in North America and only 10 million French speakers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Illegals will NOT wish to limit themselves economically by learning ONLY French!!!!!!!!!

In addition- illegals KNOW that access to premium jobs in the tourist business is RESERVED for English speakers- illegals are not blind to the reality they might end up being deported back home- and they prefer to come back home to Guatemala or Nigeria or etc, with USEFUL ENGLISH SKILLS- if nothing else can be had!!!!!!!!!!

And again- what of the Quebec language requirement??????????

Quebec law dictates that an immigrant MUST PASS a literacy test after 3 years residence in Quebec!!!!!!!!!!

An illegal that FAILS the Quebec French language test has DEMONSTRATED A FAILURE to Assimilate properly and can be DEPORTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illegals who fail the Quebec language test will SURELY make a beeline to Ontari-owe- so we end up with them ALL here one way or another!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Silly Hall REFUSES to spend its gravy on repairs to essential infrastructure but it sees NOTHING WRONG with raising our taxes to pay for illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At every turn- Toronto council has demonstrated that GRAVY for city Hogs is far more important than fixing anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Toronto Hogs want to live in a rotting and decaying city- I guess that is their business!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what makes Toronto Council ONTARI-OWE GOVT BUSINESS is the ugly fact that Toronto currently gets TEN TIMES MORE MONEY PER CITIZEN in transfer payments from Ontari-owe provincial govt than any other Ontari-owe municipality and Toronto has displayed systematic disregard for OUR money!!!!!!

Toronto council- along wioth an unholy cabal of special interest groups- is DELIBERATELY holding the ordinary tax payers of Toronto and Ontari-owe to RANSOM!!!!!!!!!!

And we all know who the Hogs are- all the civil servants who have enjoyed a fine game of propping up greedy LIE-beral govts in exchange for MORE GRAVY and too b ad it’s a HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST that would be halted immediately by screaming LIE-berals if a Conservative govt set up such a deal!!!!!

And we must not forget all the bigots such as Black Lives Matter. OCAP, and Idle no More natives- all of whom want various CRIMINAL LAWS BENT or erased just for their CONVENIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These bigots insist that it is RACIST to jail certain ethnic groups in large numbers- yet they are SILENT about WHO IS COMMITTING CRIMES!!!!!!!!!

These anti white BIGOTS want “get out of jail free” cards for their criminal pals!!

And LIE-beral who lust for power at any price are WILLING to hand out such cards to hate filled racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why some many criminal cases are now plea bargained!!!!!!!!!!!

With plea bargaining- major crimes are reduced to minor crimes and minor crimes are FORGOTTEN ENTIRELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With LIE-berals proclaiming it is A VIRTUE to plea bargain- because it saves valuable court time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like ALL virtues claimed by LIE-berals- the plea bargaining is NOT saving court time since the lack of REAL DETERRENT to criminals from our lax and sloppy “catch and release” legal system means we end up with BRAZEN criminals who commit MULTIPLE offenses; secure in the knowledge there will NEVER be any real punishment for their crimes!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral handling of the legal system is so lax that in summer 2017 they actually RELEASED SEVEN ACCUSED KILLERS without the bother of a trial- since they were so SHORT of legal resources they could not try the killers!!!!!!!!!! Talk about getting away with MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!

Or the 4 men connected with two separate fraud cases- with one man stealing $30 million dollars and the other 3 stealing $14 million dollars- with all 4 released WITHOUT TRIAL- as LIE-berals had the usual shortage of legal resources!!!!!!!!

And of course- our LIE-beral overlords- who constantly talk of their dedication to open and transparent govt have decided that we should NOT be told when criminals are released without trial under such circumstances - as criminals have MORE RIGHTS than real citizens in LIE-beral Canada! And anybody who points out that it benefits LIE-berals to draw a privacy screen over such shameless legal garbage is probably guilty of a LIE-beral Sponsored Hate Crime!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals could and DID arrest a Mississauga man who offered a cash reward to anybody who could provide verified video proof of hate speech taking place in a Cdn Mosque!!!!!!!!!

Yes- in LIE-beral Canada it is now ILLEGAL to ask for proof of criminal events taking place -that LIE-berals do not want us to know about!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals WONDER why Ford and his MANY supporters are willing to use the “not withstanding clause” to make a START at cutting out the political POISON that is stifling our lives???????????


House Member
May 18, 2010

Someone put a lot of work into assembling a full list of Trudeau’s failings. People complain about the President of the USA, but he’s an amateur in terms of wrong-headed policies and flat out stupid actions compared to the Prime Minister.

Trudeau you're finished next election!!

People kind. Veterans asking for too much. The budget will balance itself. Ummm ummmm ummmm ummm. Canada has no core identity. Obsession with Indian wedding clothes.

Bollywood dancing. Can’t get a trade deal done...with anyone. Can’t get a pipeline any direction. Creepy sock fetish. More selfies than a class of teenage girls.

Replaces Canada’s old F-18s with Australia’s old F-18s. Waves to an empty tarmac when boarding the government plane. Thinks we should thank muslim refugees for moving to Canada. His love of all things Castro and all things Red China. Imposes tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia.

Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments...except cement plants in Quebec. Thinks old stock Canadians should be replaced. Chases foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague. Chases our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem... lest we forget. Brings in 10s of thousands of unemployable “refugees”. Tweets out a welcome to 10s of thousands more fake refugees from the US (even gets the RCMP to be their bellhops). All his fake refugees get better healthcare than Canadians do, while they put a strain on all our public services and contribute little. Pays each refugee family $50,000 per year for doing nothing. Pays $10.5 million to a convicted terrorist who murdered an unarmed army medic. Forgot Alberta was a province.

Called small business owners “tax cheats” while he sucks at the teat of a family trust fund. Taxes cow farts. Screws up our trade relations with our most important trade partner because he failed to stop Chinese steel from flowing through to the states and he won’t give up supply management which hurts Canadian consumers. $8 million for a skating rink. $4.5 billion for a 65 year old pipeline (and KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas). Billions added to the national debt. Kokanee groper. Illegal migrants are just “irregular border crossers”.

Gets India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first. Compared returning ISIS terrorists to Italian immigrants and says they will be an extraordinary powerful voice for Canada. Terrorists deserve to keep their Canadian citizenship. Thinks Canada is 100 years old instead of 150. Generally making life less affordable for the average Canadian. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to the Clinton Foundation. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to Hamas. Increasing the number of personal pronouns to 50.

The only PM convicted of ethics violations. Outrage over fake racist attacks, says nothing about real terrorist attacks. Takes a personal day for every pair of socks he owns.

Stupid and incompetent. Remember the facts when voting next election people. Anyway you look at it this man is an idiot!!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trudeau's India trip cost more than the government first disclosed

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's controversial trip to India in February was even more expensive than first reported.
Documents tabled in the House of Commons Monday reveal that the nine-day trip cost Canadian taxpayers $1.66 million — roughly 10 per cent higher than the $1.5 million the government reported in June.
Adam Austen, spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, said it can take weeks and even months for the cost of a prime ministerial trip to be finalized as bills and invoices come in. He did not rule out the possibility that the final tab could rise still further.
"There were many ministers participating, it was a long trip. Eventually, the costs do begin to add up on big trips like this," he said.
Global Affairs spent the most on the trip — $790,210, including $17,044 to fly celebrity chef Vikram Vij to India to prepare a meal for an official reception.
The tab for food and drinks aboard the prime minister's Airbus came to $142,938 "based on the latest review of payments," according to the Department of National Defence (DND). The plane cost $11,000 an hour for the 43.7 hours of travel, a total of $485,070, said DND.
That tab didn't include the cost of bringing Canada's defence minister to India. Harjit Sajjan and an aide flew separately to Delhi from Munich, where they attended a security conference. Flying Sajjan and his aide to Delhi, then on flights within India with an India-based defence adviser, cost DND an additional $13,175.
While the trip was one of the more controversial missions to India made by a sitting prime minister, it was not the most expensive.
Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper's 2012 trip to India topped $2.5 million. That sum included $1.2 million to fly two armour-plated Cadillacs and an SUV to India.
Trudeau's staff did not have vehicles flown to India.
News that the India mission cost more than first disclosed is the latest headache for Trudeau to come out of a trip that generated more than its share of headaches at the time.
The trip made headlines when it was revealed that Jaspal Atwal, who was convicted of the attempted murder of an Indian cabinet minister in 1986, posed with Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau for a photo at an event in Mumbai and was invited to a reception with Trudeau.
Photos of the Trudeau family in a variety of traditional Indian outfits on the trip also proved controversial, with some observers pointing out that they were wearing traditional outfits more often then some of the Indians they met during their stay.
The documents tabled in the House of Commons in response to a question posed by Conservative MP Ben Lobb, provide insight into some of the costs of the Feb. 16-25 trip.
While travel and accommodations account for much of the tab, the government spent $835 on hockey sticks for a hockey event in New Delhi and another $7,656 on Canadian wines.
The Privy Council Office, which supports the prime minister and cabinet, spent $212,075 on the trip; many of the names and details of how the money was spent were not reported.
The tab also includes costs racked up by four other cabinet ministers. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains spent $4,027, while Bardish Chagger, minister for small business and tourism at the time, spent $3,823. Science Minister Kirsty Duncan's bill was $2,307 and then Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi spent $1,966.
While the Conservatives have criticized Trudeau's trip to India in the past, Austen defended it.
"This was an extremely important trip in terms of the continued development of bilateral ties between the two countries but also trade ties. There was a significant amount of money that was signed in deals during the trip there."
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer plans to travel to India for nine days in October, saying he wants to repair the damage he argues Trudeau's trip did to the relationship between Canada and India.
"Don't worry, I don't dance and I'm not bringing a celebrity chef along with me," Scheer told Conservative supporters last month.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Someone put a lot of work into assembling a full list of Trudeau’s failings. People complain about the President of the USA, but he’s an amateur in terms of wrong-headed policies and flat out stupid actions compared to the Prime Minister.

Trudeau you're finished next election!!

People kind. Veterans asking for too much. The budget will balance itself. Ummm ummmm ummmm ummm. Canada has no core identity. Obsession with Indian wedding clothes.

Bollywood dancing. Can’t get a trade deal done...with anyone. Can’t get a pipeline any direction. Creepy sock fetish. More selfies than a class of teenage girls.

Replaces Canada’s old F-18s with Australia’s old F-18s. Waves to an empty tarmac when boarding the government plane. Thinks we should thank muslim refugees for moving to Canada. His love of all things Castro and all things Red China. Imposes tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia.

Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments...except cement plants in Quebec. Thinks old stock Canadians should be replaced. Chases foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague. Chases our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem... lest we forget. Brings in 10s of thousands of unemployable “refugees”. Tweets out a welcome to 10s of thousands more fake refugees from the US (even gets the RCMP to be their bellhops). All his fake refugees get better healthcare than Canadians do, while they put a strain on all our public services and contribute little. Pays each refugee family $50,000 per year for doing nothing. Pays $10.5 million to a convicted terrorist who murdered an unarmed army medic. Forgot Alberta was a province.

Called small business owners “tax cheats” while he sucks at the teat of a family trust fund. Taxes cow farts. Screws up our trade relations with our most important trade partner because he failed to stop Chinese steel from flowing through to the states and he won’t give up supply management which hurts Canadian consumers. $8 million for a skating rink. $4.5 billion for a 65 year old pipeline (and KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas). Billions added to the national debt. Kokanee groper. Illegal migrants are just “irregular border crossers”.

Gets India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first. Compared returning ISIS terrorists to Italian immigrants and says they will be an extraordinary powerful voice for Canada. Terrorists deserve to keep their Canadian citizenship. Thinks Canada is 100 years old instead of 150. Generally making life less affordable for the average Canadian. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to the Clinton Foundation. Gave Canadian taxpayer’s money to Hamas. Increasing the number of personal pronouns to 50.

The only PM convicted of ethics violations. Outrage over fake racist attacks, says nothing about real terrorist attacks. Takes a personal day for every pair of socks he owns.

Stupid and incompetent. Remember the facts when voting next election people. Anyway you look at it this man is an idiot!!


THREE LOUD CHEERS FOR Durry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He gives us a WONDERFUL summary of just how ALL LIE-beral policy is FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!