Certainly there is room for improvement , however I have been listening to the same argument about the evil corporations and the one percent for fifty years , the whine never changes , tax the shit out of them . Shit the government has proven they are not good money managers , what makes you think they would put extra taxes to anything positive ? Other then the U.S. and Canada what country allows immigrants to come and become millionaires within a generation ? The poorest Canadian lives the highlife compared to most of the world .There are mountains of information available on the costs of ignoring wealth inequality and I'd be happy to point you and some others here in the right direction to learn more about it, but seriously I fear an important ingredient is missing from the mix here, that being an open mind. Looking off your porch counting cars in what is likely not a neighbourhood where people are struggling to make ends meet is a limited view at best. Yes, we in Canada are more fortunate than a lot, but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement, and that mean improvement for all, not just a few.