Trudeau government targets grain growers as worst emissions offenders
Have the Liberals ever heard of the phrase, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?"
We maybe on the verge of a global grain shortage due to the war in Ukraine (with it being Europe's bread basket), now the Liberals are targeting Canadian grain growers when grain growers should be upping their production to fill Ukraine's void.
Trudeau government targets grain growers as worst emissions offenders
A Trudeau government report is putting farmers next on the carbon emissions chopping block, using UN data that accuses Canadian grain growers of producing crops with the highest “emissions intensity” in the world.
Have the Liberals ever heard of the phrase, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?"
We maybe on the verge of a global grain shortage due to the war in Ukraine (with it being Europe's bread basket), now the Liberals are targeting Canadian grain growers when grain growers should be upping their production to fill Ukraine's void.