Top Gear host hits the wall on climate science


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Most of modern climate science is still taking real-world measurements, the modelling is based on that and is intended to refine not replace real world evidence.

The modelling is also intended to examine how the climate responds to various forcings and scenarios, and has been on many occasions confirmed once the data were collected.

And that shouldn't be surprising. General Circulation Models work from first principles, so it should be expected that modelling experiments would predict behaviour. And they have.

Coldstream routinely says the models haven't predicted anything, which is pure ignorant bunkum. Models have predicted all sorts of things we now know to be true, from the temperature profile of the layers in our atmosphere, to the ENSO associated water vapour feedback, the expansion of Hadley cells, even the increase in coastal upwelling of water.

Even Arrhenius' simple model in 1896 predicted that nights would be warming more than day, that the polar regions would warm faster owing to polar amplification, that the Arctic would warm faster than Antarctica, and that the winter would warm faster than the summer.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
The modelling is also intended to examine how the climate responds to various forcings and scenarios, and has been on many occasions confirmed once the data were collected.

And that shouldn't be surprising. General Circulation Models work from first principles, so it should be expected that modelling experiments would predict behaviour. And they have.

Coldstream routinely says the models haven't predicted anything, which is pure ignorant bunkum. Models have predicted all sorts of things we now know to be true, from the temperature profile of the layers in our atmosphere, to the ENSO associated water vapour feedback, the expansion of Hadley cells, even the increase in coastal upwelling of water.

Even Arrhenius' simple model in 1896 predicted that nights would be warming more than day, that the polar regions would warm faster owing to polar amplification, that the Arctic would warm faster than Antarctica, and that the winter would warm faster than the summer.

Exactly, I believe the models that have been in operation since the late 1970s at places like GISS have closely reproduced the conditions that we see now. And every new generation of model includes more detail and refines the results.


There are researchers constantly occupied measuring levels of atmospheric gases, aerosols, temperatures, changes in ice and snow cover, timing of the seasons, ocean temperature and acidity, and more.

It's one of the most extensive branches of modern science, which is probably why it's obviously so threatening to fanatics like Praxius who are advocating killing the very people who offer us our best hope.

I apologize for teeing off on you earlier on the Oil Sands thread, I thought you were just another anti-science luddite.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
It's fun having the Anthropogenic (they keep altering their name so pardon me if I don't stay current with 'em) folks around. Almost as hilarious as the Scientology crowd. :lol:

YEs science funny, me I make me own compooter and hook up to unternet with cable from my 73 Mustang.

Stupid people rule, woot, woot.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
YEs science funny, me I make me own compooter and hook up to unternet with cable from my 73 Mustang.

Stupid people rule, woot, woot.

Calling people stupid gives the lie to your entire premise. It has occurred to some i am sure that your agenda is entirely political. Most politicians or even wannabees know better than to promote those kind of assumptions. Fail.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Calling people stupid gives the lie to your entire premise. It has occurred to some i am sure that your agenda is entirely political. Most politicians or even wannabees know better than to promote those kind of assumptions. Fail.

I'm just calling it as I see it.

If people are using one of the most technologically innovative developments in history to constantly piss on the very knowledge base that allows them to do so then why not point out how ridiculous it is.

And to be accurate a lot of what goes on here isn't stupidity, it's ignorance, some of the people who post this garbage could inform themselves of the facts, but they probably wouldn't have as much fun. And that really is stupid.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Some people just can't be bothered obsessing and stressing over things they can't change and work on the things they can. Very rarely, if at all, will you meet the people who can effect big change on an internet forum.