‘This Is Not a Case of Protests Directed at the United States’


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Umm... LG have you been watching the news? WHO were they out to get then? lol

Weren't they supposed to love us after? That's what we were told. Obama even went on his apology tour in 2009. That helpled a lot eh?

Hope and Change!

^ even babies hate Obama

Look how Obama's is handling the problem. Obama is attentive and consoling whereas Bush is like "what's going on? Get this thing away from me!"


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Look how Obama's is handling the problem. Obama is attentive and consoling whereas Bush is like "what's going on? Get this thing away from me!"

She still hating him.

I have to ask, where are the USMC security details?


There's not a heck of a lot they can do. They aren't able to start spraying the crowd. The host country are the ones that should be keeping the mobs at bay.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What's really going on here? First of all we have a bunch of Thugs who last self control.
Yes thugs. Someone is critical of their religion and they demonstrate in the street and
destroy property and kill people. No offence but we're angry because someone had a
different opinion about our religion.
These same people want to tear down the statues of theirs and ours once they get control.
These same intolerant bastar*s are the ones who call you and I infidels because we are not
These same people use every paragraph in nations constitutions to enforce their beliefs on us
and attempt to force their belief system on us. The are critical of our lifestyles and they would
like nothing better to control the rights of women there here or anywhere else.

The problem is they have no regard for democracy, they have no respect for anyone or anything
and they. Worse they are totally intolerant. The worst part of all this is we allow people to come
and spread their intolerance here in various ways.
Mind you we have other intolerant groups here as well and they all band together to spread their
less than stellar plans.
The anti abortion folks totally intolerant. The gay pride and pro choice movements who call everyone
intolerant, the Born Again Christian Movements, the Militia's that parade around like little lord
fauntleroy. The Muslims, The anti smoking police, the Condo Nazi's
All of these groups have become a pain in the *ss and quite frankly most people have had enough
of them.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Many Americans believe they are innocent bystanders in the Muslim world, or involved there on an altruistic “mission” to uplift the benighted natives, to selflessly shoulder the heavy burden of policing the unruly globe, or abroad to wage an unending struggle against the dark forces of what we call “terrorism.”

What they do not at all understand is that the American imperium’s goal is to advance its own strategic, economic and political goals and keep much of the planet under its influence.

In the last century, such ambitions and behavior used to be called “imperialism,” a practice that became synonymous with the British Empire. At its apogee, the Britain Empire ruled one quarter of the globe and most of the world’s seas and oceans. At the heart of this vast empire lay its “jewel,” India. Britain’s rule over India was known as the British Raj (raj meaning rule in Hindi).

The more I examined the historical parallels between the British Empire and today’s American dominion over most of the Arab and greater Muslim world, the more it became evident that the United States had inherited the British Empire in 1945 and was copying its highly successful managerial techniques.

Chief among these was divide and rule, using petty princes and potentates as surrogates, building armies of native troops known as “sepoys,” forcing the subcontinent into economic subservience and captive markets.

Britain’s genius lay in managing a huge empire with tiny numbers of its own soldiers and officials. That’s why I entitled my book, “American Raj.” In it, I examined the way Washington controlled most of the Arab world’s regimes, how it promoted dictatorship and its handmaiden, corruption, and how the US used native armies to maintain its control.

I warned that the Mideast was seething with anti-Americanism, fury over the plight of Palestinians, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and rage against the corrupt, brutal rulers imposed by the United States, Britain and France. In “Raj,” I urged the United States to practice the values it preaches and help build real democracy in the Arab world before it was too late. The first and major step, I asserted, was imposed a just settlement for Palestine – which I termed “sand in the eye of the Muslim world.”


Why the American Raj is Under Seige | Common Dreams


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Many Americans believe they are innocent bystanders in the Muslim world, or involved there on an altruistic “mission” to uplift the benighted natives, to selflessly shoulder the heavy burden of policing the unruly globe, or abroad to wage an unending struggle against the dark forces of what we call “terrorism.”

What they do not at all understand is that the American imperium’s goal is to advance its own strategic, economic and political goals and keep much of the planet under its influence.

In the last century, such ambitions and behavior used to be called “imperialism,” a practice that became synonymous with the British Empire. At its apogee, the Britain Empire ruled one quarter of the globe and most of the world’s seas and oceans. At the heart of this vast empire lay its “jewel,” India. Britain’s rule over India was known as the British Raj (raj meaning rule in Hindi).

The more I examined the historical parallels between the British Empire and today’s American dominion over most of the Arab and greater Muslim world, the more it became evident that the United States had inherited the British Empire in 1945 and was copying its highly successful managerial techniques.

Chief among these was divide and rule, using petty princes and potentates as surrogates, building armies of native troops known as “sepoys,” forcing the subcontinent into economic subservience and captive markets.

Britain’s genius lay in managing a huge empire with tiny numbers of its own soldiers and officials. That’s why I entitled my book, “American Raj.” In it, I examined the way Washington controlled most of the Arab world’s regimes, how it promoted dictatorship and its handmaiden, corruption, and how the US used native armies to maintain its control.

I warned that the Mideast was seething with anti-Americanism, fury over the plight of Palestinians, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and rage against the corrupt, brutal rulers imposed by the United States, Britain and France. In “Raj,” I urged the United States to practice the values it preaches and help build real democracy in the Arab world before it was too late. The first and major step, I asserted, was imposed a just settlement for Palestine – which I termed “sand in the eye of the Muslim world.”


Why the American Raj is Under Seige | Common Dreams

The author of this piece does not have a clue.

Absolute drivel!!

The British practice was to colonize a country by installing a governor at the top, and basically allowing the society to operate as it had before. With, of course, the addition of British policy in areas of interest.

While you are at it, you might look at the freest countries on earth. An unusual number of them were once British colonies.........

Common Dreams

Global Whatever.

Idiots all.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The British practice was to colonize a country by installing a governor at the top, and basically allowing the society to operate as it had before. With, of course, the addition of British policy in areas of interest.

India, lived very well, before the British, after the British conquest they starved in the millions and dressed in rags. British policy was simply maximum brutal exploitation and the interest as always, absolute power. There never did exist any empire worthy of adulation and there never will be.

“Anti-American Autumn” Follows the “Arab Spring” | Global Research


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The Republicans are desparate for an international incident. One that sticks for more than 2 news cyles.