Things that make Canada great


Jan 6, 2007
I'm sorry, but what a load of utter rot.
Canadians clearly have a inferiority complex when it comes to the USA, even down to stealing other countries history or achievements. Britain burned the whitehouse and stopped the invasion of Canada by American armies, not Canadians, Bell was born in Scotland, not Canada, Paul Langevin was born in Paris not Canada, and there are a great number of other inaccuracies, most notably the Health and Education systems, which I am sorry to say is ridiculed by Europeans.
As for Canadian soilders during WW2 The British were fighting alone for 2years, Including the Battle of Britain, yes Canadians, Americans etc volenteered, but these were very small numbers in the scheme of things, and the tactics which is what ensured the vastly stronger German airforce were defeated, were created by Douglas Bader, again British born, as were some of the volenteers who had actually moved to Canada or America but came back to defend their home nation.
Having lived in Canada for 3 years, the standard fo living is poor next to Europe, and there is a definate obesity issue there, it seems that countries built on the back of settlers, like Canada and America, are always trying to justify their existence in order to compare to countries with long rich histories.

Welcome to the forum. Please, do feel free to start an intro thread and tell us a bit more about yourself. :smile:


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
Histories being the key word here. what have you done lately?

Well Lester,

We still produce some of the top acting talent, arguably finest mind in the world is British , Stephen Hawkings, 7 world champion Boxers, recent Rugby World champions and Runners up, we are at the forefront with America in fighting the Taliban and Iraqi extremists whether you agree with the so called war or not, and a number of achievements via Britain that I have not gone into due to the prior being more than adequate.
Unfortunately our government is a complete shambles led by far left wing Scots intent on destroying the tapestry of our historical achievements by undermining anything that is British, or more appropriately English, while embracing every culture and belief at our own peoples expense. Add to that allowing trade between countries such as China, India etc who exploit child workforces and don't enforce a trading standards act or minimum wage, though every country is guilty of that, I admit our legacy is being rather tainted in recent times, though I guess this is part of the ''multi-cultural'' world we live in, where traditions and beliefs are eroded.


Jan 6, 2007
Thank you for the welcome, does this site include profiles? I haven't been able to find the option.

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Electoral Member
Jan 30, 2008

I agree with EagleSmack, and not because im an American, but because he needs some back up. All the canadians that believe all that **** that, that guy posted needs to think where they would be without the U.S..


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
I agree with EagleSmack, and not because im an American, but because he needs some back up. All the canadians that believe all that **** that, that guy posted needs to think where they would be without the U.S..
With out the US? ha....just as happy, floatting around over mexico...if the US wasnt there, that land would be ours and the Mexicans...damn we would be happy.

As for the argument earlyier, Canada was in World war two well before any american...the Battle of the Atlantic? Our Navy and the British Navy pretty much getting rid of the german navy.....what else....The Battle of Britian....yeah there were yanks, but they flew for England not their own country.


Electoral Member
Jan 30, 2008
Happy with the mexicans,..good luck with that. This land wouldnt be yours, it would go to another asian population.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Without the US doesn't necessarily mean no people. There were people in America who would become Americans, before it ever was the United States of America. What if Britain had won, what if, what if...No ifs, there just is. Pointless conjecture to even attempt to use any crystal ball looking backwards here.


Mar 24, 2002
I agree with EagleSmack, and not because im an American, but because he needs some back up. All the canadians that believe all that **** that, that guy posted needs to think where they would be without the U.S..

Funny you should mention that. There would be no United States as we know it today if it wasn't for Alberta's oil. Almost 50% of your entire country's energy use is provided by Canadian industry.

So, no. You think of where YOUR country would be without us. It cuts both ways.

edit: ps. the original post wasn't written by me


Electoral Member
Jan 30, 2008
Dont flatter yourself too much. Its not 50%. We have oil, alot of it, but we havent dipped into our oil reserves. We really dont need any countries oil for atleast 100 years. Thats how much oil we have saved up.

And U.S. would still be here, where would canada be without england and america???


Mar 24, 2002
Unfortunately our government is a complete shambles led by far left wing Scots intent on destroying the tapestry of our historical achievements by undermining anything that is British, or more appropriately English, while embracing every culture and belief at our own peoples expense. Add to that allowing trade between countries such as China, India etc who exploit child workforces and don't enforce a trading standards act or minimum wage, though every country is guilty of that, I admit our legacy is being rather tainted in recent times, though I guess this is part of the ''multi-cultural'' world we live in, where traditions and beliefs are eroded.

I tend to agree with English_Titan on this one. The majority of the western world has become eroded in both its values and accomplishments. At one point, being Canadian was being an extension of Britain (in English-Canada) or even an extension of Europe. Things have changed and a Canadian or a Briton or even an American doesn't necessarily mean what it used to.

That goes without saying how much of the western world has been taken over by greed and lust.


Mar 24, 2002
Dont flatter yourself too much. Its not 50%. We have oil, alot of it, but we havent dipped into our oil reserves. We really dont need any countries oil for atleast 100 years. Thats how much oil we have saved up.

And U.S. would still be here, where would canada be without england and america???

What a redundant question. Where would the US be without England? Weren't the founding fathers British at one point?

What on earth would Canada be like without America? Well I have to admit it wouldn't exist as Canada is the largest country IN America.. North AND South. Now without the United States, I'm sure it would exist in another form, possibly still a colony or maybe to break away from England in another way. Nobody will ever know.

And I back down on my statement that Canada supplies the US with almost half of their consumption. I meant to say half of their foreign consumption.