The One True Church


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yes I am.
In that case let me clarify my position.

All religions are the true religions for the people that whorship them.

All religions are beautiful in there own way.

But that does not make any one religion "the true religion".

To go around and preach that as a rule is insulting to all other religions. Especially when, Christianity its self has many denomonations that chastise each other, yet they all follow the same book, with their own unique twist on its verbage.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I'll share this only because it's something I wrote to explain to the chaplain why I wasn't comfortable in Church - but could still claim to have Faith:

It is my own belief, therefore my Faith, that I best honour my God, not in flatteries of praise, but in my own simple appreciation of all His gifts; not in paying Him dues, but in giving, of my own free will, to Him, His due respect; not in a raucous worship, but in my silent wonder at a sunset; in the still of a lake; in a swift-moving stream; in the simple beauty of a flower ... in the good in man, for it is in these gifts of Mother Earth, not in an environment created by man to please man in which my Spirit thrives.

That in which man chooses to place his Faith is but a personal preference. It is one's own theological opinion. As an opinion, it can be neither right, nor wrong. God created man as His vision of a man - in His image. We know not the appearance of God. Since this species called man exists in a variety of shades, shapes, tongues, beliefs, and comes in two genders, it seems logical that our own image of God is that which is created by man - for the comfort of man.

I believe there was a man named Christ. I accept Him to be my mentor. I cannot disprove His miracles. I choose not to do so. I understand the Message to be in the man ... in his own acceptance of others for whom they are. In His own time, this man named Christ was persecuted and condemned, by wisdom and ignorance of the day, for His non-conformity and insights ... as I have been in mine. He challenged convention in that He dared to be different. I will not re-crucify my Christ with labels of denomination.

Throughout the history of mankind, the arrogance of man has labelled others and persecuted those who do not conform to his own beliefs. We see it, even today in our alleged enlightened times: in Catholicism versus Orthodoxist versus Protestantism; in Islam versus Christianity versus Judaism versus.... Theology means just that: Theory! No one knows.... He believes. It matters not whether your Higher Power is named as Good Order and Discipline, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Hare Krishna, or Harley-Davidson so long as it gives comfort to you. That's Faith! It is arrogance for one to believe his own Faith to be another's Truth.

When viewed from the peace of space, our little blue planet - another of our gifts from God - is a mosaic of colour, shape and shade: white, blue, brown.... The white of the clouds, vapours of life-giving water, seldom varies in intensity. That is the uniform purity of unconditional love. Blues - the life-givers - remain another constant. Brown denotes fertility and health in a multitude of shades - and those spaces where man can live. Ironically, the browns mark dead spots, and those places densely inhabited by man.

Peace in mind, soul or spirit is an ideal achievable only in acceptance that we cannot control what lives in the hearts of others. In an old Sunday School song, man is labelled as red, yellow, black or white. In my reality, man is those many shades of brown. Our time on this Earth is our Heavens or our Hells, dependent on our own levels of Peace.


Im staying out of this conver because I get hot under the collar about churches. I am a Pagan I practice Shamanism/Wicca. Your post touched my heart and I wanted to thank you for sharing it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I agree with Bear on this one. All of the major religions are indeed beutiful in their own way. Personally I'm not religious, but I have been enriched by being raised in a religion. The way I see it, all of these religions have a common thread. Love and compassion. To me, the most important commandment is to treat others as you would be treated. As Dexter Sinister has said, religion is a human construct. So I don't see humans as being flawed or sinners by nature. Our religions have emphasized compassion and love. I believe that is the true human spirit and "sinners" are those who have been influenced and as a result have strayed from that virtue. We do not need deities to be compassionate. We are not born sinners. The one true church is humanity. We all need to accept others regardless of their views on things.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
Yes it is. There's where we part company. In my view, the church, any church, any set of religious beliefs, without exception, is entirely a human construct.

agreed dex. All religions, and the associated deities, are human constructs.

This is particularily funny when it comes to christianity. If people were following the teachings of jesus they would be jews. The christians follow the works of secondary writers and editors. "The church" as in the RC church was created by Constantine. When we look at the council of constantine we see men assembling and voting on doctorines in the formation of the church. We look at history and see how this church took older rituals and adapted them to the church to aid in conversion (making christianity essentially pagan). So indeed it becomes clear that the "true religion" is true wrt the believer. Fortunately, many "believers" see the "truth" through all the religions as "many paths" (many ways to describe the walk of humanity).

I mostly agree with you as well, bear, except I don't see all the religions as beautiful. I can not see beauty in a god of war.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

That was one of the most beautiful essays I have seen written on a forum by a member. Thank you for posting it.

I am going to keep a copy - it is worthy of many readings.