So basically your saying god wants us to believe in him before he'll give us any reason to believe him. And if we don't believe in him he'll even give us less reason. ...:-?
In case you have a company or a factory, and you have many workers working for you in this factory – some of such workers carry out their duty perfectly and even do more than the average required; some others work with some average work mixing good with some neglect; while others are lazy and they neglect their duty – will you deal with them in the same reward and recompense?
If you do good to somebody, and you keep up giving him all his requirements, then he bites your hand that gave him the favor and surplus; will you deal with such a person in the same way as the one who is thankful, grateful to you and who acts according to your good pleasure, and greets you whenever he meets you, and shows you much respect, and always praises and glorifies your position?
Moreover, God is All-Clement, and He gives them respite that they may return to His obedience, the while He is All-Able over them, and they are in His capture. And He is Most Gracious in this World, and Generous and Open-handed: He offers to them a large number of bounties and a tremendous favor and surplus; He even gives to the disbeliever more and more, may be more than the believer.
To Him the World is so trivial so that He gives to His enemies more and more; had He given to disbelievers and atheists, the gold and silver, the large amount of money, the power and health, the position and authority, the high degrees in science and knowledge, the luxurious cars and villas, then all people would have disbelieved and all of them would have become atheists and denied their Creator.
As He said – be exalted – in the Quran 2: 15
اللّهُ يَسْتَهْزِئُ بِهِمْ وَيَمُدُّهُمْ فِي طُغْيَانِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ
The explanation:
(God [Himself] does mock them, offering them [wealth] to let them wander on blindly with their arrogance.)
And there is a prophetic tradition that "most of the people of Paradise are the poor"; and I asked Abu abd-Allah is this tradition true, he said: "Yes, because almost the poor supplicates God and asks of Him, while the rich will be independent and finds himself without need, so he will deny his Lord, and eat and drink but show no gratitude."
This is in the Quran 1: 1
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Bismilla hirrahma nirrahiem
The explanation:
(In the name of God, Most Gracious*, Most Merciful**)
*i.e. Merciful to both believers and disbelievers, in this life of the World.
**i.e. Merciful –only –to believers, in the Hereafter.]