The Alt-Right Movement: A New Age of Racism and Xenophobia


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
To love your children is a good thing. A very good thing. It expands the circle of live beyond yourself.

Yes, it's essential to life. But it's a rather racist thing. Why are you giving this privilege only to you're own children?

I guess it's the way nature intended us to be.

Racism is basically essential to life.

Without racism none of this would have ever happened.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
M sub a + A sub d x H sub m / T sub p = sum C

Would you mind explaining that please?

Yes, it's essential to life. But it's a rather racist thing. Why are you giving this privilege only to you're own children?

I guess it's the way nature intended us to be.

Racism is basically essential to life.

Without racism none of this would have ever happened.

What do you mean? You met the mother at a white pride rally?

I hope she was sXe at least.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Trying to eliminate racism is like eliminating something importent in the equation that got us to this point.

It will have more negetive consequences then positive ones.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'd visited a white nationalist website recently and was pleasantly surprised to learn that many of that forum's members were teetotalers, non-smokers, non-gamblers, vegans, and non-promuscuous among other things.

It's too bad they're racially prejudiced: we seem to share much in common otherwise.

Come to think of it, could that lifestyle be what attracts some people to white nationalism?

Sounds like church people to me. They got religion. White like Jesus. You visited.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Trying to eliminate racism is like eliminating something importent in the equation that got us to this point.

It will have more negetive consequences then positive ones.

People weren't even particularly conscious of racism until around 3,000 years ago; and even the writings othose times were critical of it.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Eliminating racism will likely end with slow extinction to those that do. It's not going to end well for those who adopt it in their culture.

People weren't even particularly conscious of racism until around 3,000 years ago; and even the writings othose times were critical of it.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Eliminating racism will likely end with slow extinction to those that do. It's not going to end well for those who adopt it in their culture.


It unites nations and so makes them stronger.

I have a feeling you might feel right at home on


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You see. Injustice divides. Justice unites.

Like I said, you might feel more at home on stormfront.

Similarities unites, Differences divides.

No, you were talking about racism, not your children.

Well, yes as in loving you're children is a form of racism that's essential to life.

You know all that white privilage, we talk about. Where do you think that comes from? You're ancestry. Basically you're parents.

You should feel guilty you're parents were successful in the pass and decided to leave you their wealth. Shame on you.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The Alt-Right Is All Wrong

RENO, Nev. — HILLARY didn’t hang her head and cry, after she shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

She went outside with a big smile and sampled chocolate truffles served on silver and gold trays by a local sweets shop.

After getting steadily bolder at rallies about puncturing her former friend Donald Trump, Clinton channeled Johnny Cash’s song and delivered a coup de grâce so devastating that commentators predicted it will be known simply as the Reno speech. A senior citizen in the crowd raised his fist as he passed the press pen at Truckee Meadows Community College and used a vulgarism to brag that Hillary had kicked Trump in a highly sensitive place.

“Of course there’s always been a paranoid fringe in our politics, steeped in racial resentment,” Clinton said. “But it’s never had the nominee of a major party stoking it, encouraging it, and giving it a national megaphone. Until now.”

In this insane campaign year, Hillary doesn’t even need an oppo-research team digging up nasty stuff about her opponent’s record. She just has to stand there and wait for Trump to open his mouth. Or to wait for his wacky entourage to weigh in. Asked on CNN about his undulating immigration position, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson offered this classic bit of spin: “He hasn’t changed his position on immigration. He’s changed the words that he’s saying.”

In Reno, Hillary simply pointed out the obvious: Trump, who has no fixed ideology of his own except winning, has let himself become a host body for an ugly mélange of people and groups that spew poison, from Breitbart News — its chief, Stephen Bannon, is now helping run Trump’s campaign — to white supremacist David Duke to radio host Alex Jones.

When Anderson Cooper asked Trump on Thursday if he was embracing the alt-right movement, Trump replied like a perfectly oblivious vessel: “I don’t even know — nobody even knows what it is.”

In the same way that the neocons used the uninformed W. as a host body to instigate the Iraq war, the alt-right has staged an Occupy Trump movement, purloining his unmoored campaign as brazenly as cat burglars.

“Racists now call themselves ‘racialists,’” Clinton said. “White supremacists now call themselves ‘white nationalists.’ The paranoid fringe now calls itself alt-right. But the hate burns just as bright.”

The Alt-Right Is All Wrong -


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Funny that the only ones mentioning Alt-Right are Shillary and her crowd. Trump hasn't brought them up or made them part of the campaign. She's so desperate. Still noting from her or the other liberal retards on any type of platform. They just jump up and down and point a finger screaming 'racist'. Maybe you should look into the staff at the Governor's mansion or the white house or their private homes.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
There are reasons for everything. That we understand why or not. Things in this universe are more complex then our simple understanding can grasp. It is funny watching progressive know it all fail.

Because they can't see the bigger picture.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
You have slightly more intelligence than turds. You do remember posting that don't you?

This crackbaby mongoloid conspiracy theorist who thinks chemtrails are a thing that exists is talking negatively about the intelligence of other people. I think we just learned the meaning of irony, as well we learned about the ability of a human person to be astonishingly bereft of any sort of self-awareness.

I'm a bigot sexist racist Xenophobe. And it's perfectly fine.

I don't feel one bit of shame or guilt.

Because I'm not a soft progressive.

What a bunch of soft little girls most of us have become.
At least you're admit your human garbage. A lot of others like to pretend they're "race realists" and not actually racists. The truth is you're a fat sheltered scared white bitch, just like most of white amerikkka. we saw this attitude during the 60s with the black panthers. white america pooped their pants at the thought of the black panthers, black people who had the audacity to want to be protected and not be mercilessly slaughtered by police. BLM is similar in its origins, a response to violence. the inordinate amount of blacks killed by pigs etc.