Stop the seal hunt


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Dear gawd no juan...

Then they will protest slaughter houses!!!

The truly vigilant protester, won't be happy until we are all eating tofu and lettuce.

Then a new breed will pop up...

The save the veggies protestor.

It's a silly cycle of trying to force ones ideology on others.

Go on hate the acts, hatethe hunt, hate hunters, hate meat. I don't care, but don't force your ideology on me, I like meat, I like hunting. I'm not hogtying anti hunting protestors and dragging them out to hunting grounds, why should they be allowed to coerce anyone into ending long standing traditions.

It all seems fascist to me, lmao.

There is something about seeing a frightened steer go from a live animal to a headless, skinless, gutted corpse in about four minutes flat that makes you question you appetite for beefsteak least for a while.....not permanently....I had steak last night.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
There is something about seeing a frightened steer go from a live animal to a headless, skinless, gutted corpse in about four minutes flat that makes you question you appetite for beefsteak least for a while.....not permanently....I had steak last night.
I would agree, the first time I put my hands into something other then fish guts, my stomach flopped.

But it became easier with time.

I think it gave me both a better appreciation of the gift of the animal and the fact that not everything in life is pretty.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Guess the trogs and their barbarian cousins will be walking the floes soon. Convinced what they're doing is little different than chicken catchers at the local windowless barn. And killing by the hundreds of thousands living things barely a few weeks old to put a few ducats in their pouches. And full of rationalizations: we've always done it, it's no different than farmers you know and for goodness... they are competing with us for the cod left by the DFO!
Culling wild things who want nothing to do with us, who are not dependent on us, who don't require our shelter, food or helping hand.
In a nation that has blinkers a mile wide when it comes to environmental issues.
It is a national disgrace. And one, hopefully, a world, with a spine, will make us pay for.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Guess the trogs and their barbarian cousins will be walking the floes soon. Convinced what they're doing is little different than chicken catchers at the local windowless barn. And killing by the hundreds of thousands living things barely a few weeks old to put a few ducats in their pouches. And full of rationalizations: we've always done it, it's no different than farmers you know and for goodness... they are competing with us for the cod left by the DFO!
Culling wild things who want nothing to do with us, who are not dependent on us, who don't require our shelter, food or helping hand.
In a nation that has blinkers a mile wide when it comes to environmental issues.
It is a national disgrace. And one, hopefully, a world, with a spine, will make us pay for.
So you feel that strongly about the issue that you would see sanctions visited upon our nation, that would hurt your fellow Canadian citizens and their families, their children?

Hmm, I see a side of you I don't like tamarin.

That's a lot of unjustified hate.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
"So you feel that strongly about the issue that you would see sanctions visited upon our nation, that would hurt your fellow Canadian citizens and their families, their children?"

Bingo! There comes a time...when you choose sides...and you recognize right from wrong.
And let it apply internationally. Why aren't the Japanese feeling the heat for the whale hunt? Why aren't the Chinese feeling the heat for their global overfishing, their omnipresence in the trade in endangered species and pillaging of rainforests? Why aren't those who broke nuclear non-proliferation treaties in the past not held to the fire?
The seal hunt is Canada's environmental weak spot. Its credibility button. I want the international community to tweak both.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Tamarin you're talking nonsense. You haven't yet told us you are a vegetarian so I assume you do eat meat like most of the rest of us. You obviously have never been in the front end (the messy end) of a slaughterhouse. You've never seen men up to their knees in blood and guts. The main difference is that the seal hunt is cleaner. All the blood and offal goes back into the ocean and feeds part of the food chain. Did you know the seal population is actually increasing?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Bingo! There comes a time...when you choose sides...and you recognize right from wrong.

But that recognition is not always written in stone, in this case, your opinion is that there is wrong being committed. The gov't and a majority of citizenry see it differently.

Especialy when the issue is based more on emotion then fact.

We're not talking ME issues here that are fluid and extremely deep seed.

This issue is way more cut and dry then that.
And let it apply internationally.

Would you feel the same if the issue was something you supported, that is to say would you accept sanctions from other nations against your fellow citizens and your nation if you felt the acts being sanctioned were justified?
Why aren't the Japanese feeling the heat for the whale hunt?
I don't know, they should be though, whales are an endangered species and the uses that I know of for whale products are dated and easily reproduced sans whales involvement. Where as Seals are not endangered and posess fur and consumable meat.
Why aren't the Chinese feeling the heat for their global overfishing, their omnipresence in the trade in endangered species and pillaging of rainforests?
I don't know why, perhaps it has something to with the fact that the UN sees them as a "developing Nation".

Why aren't those who broke nuclear non-proliferation treaties in the past not held to the fire?
Again, I don't know, perhaps to stave off war or worse.

The seal hunt is Canada's environmental weak spot. Its credibility button. I want the international community to tweak both.
I think GW would rank higher on Canada's list of faux pas, then the Seal. This only further proves that the issue is more emotion then fact based.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
I don't care about the actual issue at hand.

I just like having Pamela Lee Anderson spout on CNN and write and call Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Then Paul McCartney goes to Nova Scotia and does a media blits.

Then the Premiere of Newfoundland goes on CNN Headline News and tells off the celebs.

Then the Americans actually talk about us for a day or two!

I am ok with the seal hunt, but I will admit these protestors get darn good publicity and put a bad image of Canada to the Americans and International community.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Juan, what are you smoking? I can't eat meat because I oppose the sealhunt? What, pray tell, is the connection? I know no other activity in Canada that approximates what happens yearly on our east coast. The culling of hundreds of thousands of mammals, barely weaned, to meet the pocket money of a bunch of #*&@!.....The seal are not domesticated....this is not an incident like a hunter pursuing his ticket in the woods...this is not a case of a fisherman getting his three walleye for the day. It's a slaughter, a cull. A cheap, primitive nod to our past when attitudes foreign to the modern mind ruled our thinking.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Juan, what are you smoking? I can't eat meat because I oppose the sealhunt? What, pray tell, is the connection? I know no other activity in Canada that approximates what happens yearly on our east coast.
How many hundred thousand cattle and how many hundred thousand pigs are harvested just as messily, just as bloodily, except behind closed doors. How many lambs?

The culling of hundreds of thousands of mammals, barely weaned, to meet the pocket money of a bunch of #*&@!.....The seal are not domesticated..
The commercial seal hunt has been going on for hundreds of years and the seal population has adjusted, even increased.

a cull. A cheap, primitive nod to our past when attitudes foreign to the modern mind ruled our thinking
I wouln't hunt seals myself but I can't knock those who've made their living by it for over 300 years..
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Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
s243a get on messenger.

I don't know... are the seals over populated?
do they hurt the other populations?

they are not used JUST for clothing, right?

And babies seals aren't clubbed like Pam Anderson told me, are they?


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
"The truth is that white coat baby seals have not been hunted for decades and sealers are not savages who enjoy torturing animals. Granted, there may be an isolated number of "idiots" out there who couldn't care less about the cruelty they inflict, but this is true of any place in the world and in any industry. It is not the norm. The average sealer is just like you and me, with one exception. They are trying to make a living in a much tougher and much more dangerous line of work than many of us could even dream of."

If these groups were truly interested in protecting a species, why not fight to protect overfished cod stocks which are truly on the brink of extinction? The answer is simple. Even though seal populations are quite strong, they are far cuter than the lowly cod fish. Who among us would dig deep into their pockets seeing a picture of a cod fish? But a doe-eyed baby seal, now that's a different story.
Atlantic cod stocks are nearly depleted, due in part to overfishing both in Canada and abroad, but also due to the voracious appetite of seals. The current seal population is larger than it has been in decades and these predators, make no mistake, they are predators, love fish."

"In reality, seal meat is also a valuable commodity and the oil (high in Omega 3 fatty acids) is a great source of nutrients. As a matter of fact hospitals in England are currently looking at it as an intravenous food source for critically ill patients. I know it doesn't look nice to see an animal killed. I, like many people, would never be able to do it myself. But I also bet that you, like I, have never been inside a rendering plant or slaughter house. I wonder what our reaction would be to eating beef, chicken, pork, or for that matter wearing leather shoes or coats, if we could see the process involved in slaughtering these animals and producing these products."


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Juan, your thinking leads to gross oversimplifications. According to that train of thought if I support abortion I can' t kiss babies.
And I'd like to see a verification that the cull leads to increased seal numbers. That's like telling me if I spend like a sailor I'll have more in my account. Hey, works for the government!
Hopefully, common sense resides some place in this country. Some of us should plan to visit.


Jun 23, 2006
"So you feel that strongly about the issue that you would see sanctions visited upon our nation, that would hurt your fellow Canadian citizens and their families, their children?"

Bingo! There comes a time...when you choose sides...and you recognize right from wrong.
And let it apply internationally. Why aren't the Japanese feeling the heat for the whale hunt? Why aren't the Chinese feeling the heat for their global overfishing, their omnipresence in the trade in endangered species and pillaging of rainforests? Why aren't those who broke nuclear non-proliferation treaties in the past not held to the fire?
The seal hunt is Canada's environmental weak spot. Its credibility button. I want the international community to tweak both.

whales are endangered, seals are not. I've told you this before.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
Juan, your thinking leads to gross oversimplifications. According to that train of thought if I support abortion I can' t kiss babies.
And I'd like to see a verification that the cull leads to increased seal numbers. That's like telling me if I spend like a sailor I'll have more in my account. Hey, works for the government!
Hopefully, common sense resides some place in this country. Some of us should plan to visit.

Don't you mean leads to increased fish numbers. [FONT=&quot]As far farming seals, which is better living your whole life in captivity before being killed or having freedom to the moment of death?[/FONT]


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
You've told me a lot of things, Herman. What's your point?
Ummmmm, that numbers alone justify any human exploitation? Is that the nut of it all? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!