Stop the seal hunt


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
The seal hunt allows all the trogs on the east coast to cease in their battering of their wives and kids for a bit and seek their primitive pleasures elsewhere. If the seal hunt isn't bald barbarism I can think of nothing else that would be. The international community is right to denounce it and only the most cold, morally wretched and philosophically stunted Canadian could support it. Canada gets the knocks it deserves because of Atlantic lowlifes and their cave dwelling fans across this troubled, tired and tried land.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
The seal hunt allows all the trogs on the east coast to cease in their battering of their wives and kids for a bit and seek their primitive pleasures elsewhere. If the seal hunt isn't bald barbarism I can think of nothing else that would be. The international community is right to denounce it and only the most cold, morally wretched and philosophically stunted Canadian could support it. Canada gets the knocks it deserves because of Atlantic lowlifes and their cave dwelling fans across this troubled, tired and tried land.

You are insulting and uninformed. Please keep your stupidity to yourself, where it is likely kept in good company.

If you think the seal hunt is "bald barbarism", then you don't know much about food production. The ONLY reason there are protests these days is because groups like IFAW find it is the single biggest cash cow for them. THAT's abuse in my opinion.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
" You are insulting and uninformed."

There is no relationship between the seal hunt and our farm factories that supply our cities. How is it possible to make any other connection than that both are staggering embarrassments to our image of a caring, advanced culture.
Now go back to your cave.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Hi there:
As you may or may not be aware here In Canada we have the yearly seal hunt that takes place which to me Is very Inhumane as well as uncalled for, all this In the name of money, many others feel this way as well, I currently have a petition In circulation and the object of this Is to gather more than a million signatures so there Is much public pressure therefore putting an end to this horrible act of cruelty, In having said that It Is very Important that my petition be sent out to as many people as possible that oppose this disgraceful horrible act and In aiding to do this I am personally asking for your help hopefully It be yourself signing my petition and forwarding on to others and If possible to add me to your website or webpage for more added signatures.

I thank you In advance for your time, consideration and support In this matter and hopefully together we can end this terrible act of cruelty for good please circulate this petition click on the link at the bottom If you wish to add your name first and last and any comments that you may have thank you.

Best Regards,

Please go to this web page If you wish to support a worthy cause and please pass on to everyone you know
With all the humour, love and sensetivity of Don Rickles, get clubbed!!!
Just wait for Pamela Lee Anderson and Paul McCartney to jump on the band wagon creating media frenzy.

I love the seal hunt, such great publicity for Canada!

generally I have no problem with it
lmao, you to west, I'm kidding of course.
The seal hunt allows all the trogs on the east coast to cease in their battering of their wives and kids for a bit and seek their primitive pleasures elsewhere. If the seal hunt isn't bald barbarism I can think of nothing else that would be. The international community is right to denounce it and only the most cold, morally wretched and philosophically stunted Canadian could support it. Canada gets the knocks it deserves because of Atlantic lowlifes and their cave dwelling fans across this troubled, tired and tried land.
tamarin, I really like you, but this tripe makes that a chore.
" You are insulting and uninformed."

There is no relationship between the seal hunt and our farm factories that supply our cities. How is it possible to make any other connection than that both are staggering embarrassments to our image of a caring, advanced culture.
Now go back to your cave.
So does this...

Stop picturing sweet lil seal pups, with their big eyes and cute faces, that is a fleeting stage in their life, they are not always lil hunnies. They grow up, over populate, take over non ancestral habitat, they spread disease, consume fish stokes.

Mans erroneous acts of removing the natural predators of the seal, has come back to haunt. The future is now and we must face our actions with an ugly act. Sobeit.

Besides that, I love seal skin boots, I'm not big on seal meat, though I have been told I must have had a bad cut.

If you dissagree, that is your perogative, and I appreciate you endevors, but to insult an entire group of people and/or try and force them to aquiese and stifle an economic venture, in an already shrinking economy, is well...

Fascistly Barbaric!


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
CDN, I expected you here! Come on, if memory serves me well, this 'hunt' supplies less than $10 million to the communities participating. Chickenfeed, if an animal idiom is appropriate here. To stop the nonsense, I suggest the fumblers in Ottawa, check their purse, and give that amount to the band of miscreants there to stay home.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Juan, am I supposed to click on that?
The usual foolish fluff, Juan! So what do the sealers make for their little romp on the flows? Is my figure right?
And why hasn't the Canadian government, if it's so protective of the incomes of Eastcoasters, done more to confront the factory ships still mining waters off our shores?
To me it's political. And few in Ottawa are willing to take on the Maritimers because of their vested interest in such macabre events.
Sure, there's money being wasted by protest groups. But there's much more wasted in Ottawa playing foolish transfer games with an east coast economy that refuses to step into the modern world.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
CDN, I expected you here! Come on, if memory serves me well, this 'hunt' supplies less than $10 million to the communities participating. Chickenfeed, if an animal idiom is appropriate here. To stop the nonsense, I suggest the fumblers in Ottawa, check their purse, and give that amount to the band of miscreants there to stay home.
10 mil, is chicken feed??? Can I be a chicken please!!!

So then I should pay from my wallet, to support people who are capable of supporting themselves, even via the hunt???

I think not.

I think you have emotionalized the issue, based soley on the sweetness, not the merits of the animlas inquestion. We are not talking about wholesale slaughter, we are talking about regulated acts of control and harvest.

As we have a wild and natural source of seal populations, there is no need to cultivate and sustain a farming culture for them.

Therefore harvesting wild seals is tantamount to harvesting cattle for Burgerking.

What you suggest is reprehencable and fiscally unsound/unfair. I can understand you feelings, I was once swayed by the eyes of cuteness, I learned through though and first hand education, from people involved, that that is not the way it is. But rather an well planned propoganda campiagn.

Once you see for yourself, that the reality is much different, you may still harbour feelings that are in conflict with the acts, but are still subject to interpretation and you may be able to see that the act is no more vile then that of a cattle slaughter house. Both necessary evils. Man must live, man must live with his actions.
Excellent article juan, thanx.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Ten million..........hmmmmmm, is that figure right? Goodness me, didn't that delightful chap, Jacques Corriveau, of the Adscam crew, receive six million for doing virtually nothing? If so, dot the i's......cross the t's........


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
" You are insulting and uninformed."

There is no relationship between the seal hunt and our farm factories that supply our cities.

Let's see. How about killing animals for food and clothing?

You are, obviously, not wholly equipped with mental capacity.

Carry on with the stupid posts. They're entertaining, ignorant, and insulting.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Juan, am I supposed to click on that?
The usual foolish fluff, Juan! So what do the sealers make for their little romp on the flows? Is my figure right?
And why hasn't the Canadian government, if it's so protective of the incomes of Eastcoasters, done more to confront the factory ships still mining waters off our shores?
To me it's political. And few in Ottawa are willing to take on the Maritimers because of their vested interest in such macabre events.
Sure, there's money being wasted by protest groups. But there's much more wasted in Ottawa playing foolish transfer games with an east coast economy that refuses to step into the modern world.

Do whatever the hell you like.

The seal hunt provides food and a significant part of the income for a good number of people. The seal hunt has been going on for over 350 years. It is truly unfortunate that the seal hunt provides six times as much income to the protest groups as it does to the seal hunters. Did you know there is an Alaska seal hunt? The American protest groups never mention it.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Do whatever the hell you like.

The seal hunt provides food and a significant part of the income for a good number of people. The seal hunt has been going on for over 350 years. It is truly unfortunate that the seal hunt provides six times as much income to the protest groups as it does to the seal hunters. Did you know there is an Alaska seal hunt? The American protest groups never mention it.
Actually, the seal hunt is much older and was also done in Europe as well.

Archeological evidence indicates that the Native Americans and First Nations People in Canada have been hunting seals for at least 4,000 years

Thanx for informing me about the Alaskan hunt juan, I was unaware of it until I read your article.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007

The seal hunt provides good food source and economic livelihood for a lot of people.

With today’s technologies they don’t have to hunt the seals they can just raise them like farmers raise livestock.

There are more fish farms today than ever before and if you remember when they first started everyone were saying it would never work.

It is time for the natives to start opening up seal farms for meat and fur products.

It would be more economical to start seal farms and it can be started anywhere in Canada.

As far as the annual seal hunt it will eventually stop, the seals will eat all the fish, which means that we will have to start eating seals and the seals living in the oceans will starve to death.

Animal Rights activists they are dumb as bricks but they mean well.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The seal hunt provides good food source and economic livelihood for a lot of people.

With today’s technologies they don’t have to hunt the seals they can just raise them like farmers raise livestock.

There are more fish farms today than ever before and if you remember when they first started everyone were saying it would never work.

It is time for the natives to start opening up seal farms for meat and fur products.

It would be more economical to start seal farms and it can be started anywhere in Canada.

As far as the annual seal hunt it will eventually stop, the seals will eat all the fish, which means that we will have to start eating seals and the seals living in the oceans will starve to death.

Animal Rights activists they are dumb as bricks but they mean well.
I'm guessing you missed this...

As we have a wild and natural source of seal populations, there is no need to cultivate and sustain a farming culture for them.

There is no need to cultivate a farming industry for seals, it is a waste of time,. money and resourses.

As for fish, they are in decline, from both human and natural pressures.

Hence the fish farms.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
Did anyone read the article about the last film of the seal hunt made by the protesters? I read about it in the Gazette but unfortunately cannot find the article.

They said that an injured seal got out of the water and crawled up onto the ice and through it was suffering and bleeding to death, the protesters let it linger for over 2 hrs while they filmed. This animal had been attacked by a predetator in the water but the protesters new that all that blood on the pure white ice would make good film. Great pictures for fund raising.

It is easy to criticize, like some do here, when you have not walked in the shoes of these northern people. They also have never seen all the blood and guts in a slaughter house, if they did they would probably never eat meats again. Protestors pick and choose the subject that will raise the most funds.

Talk about being lead around by their noses and endoctrinated to believe whatever is portrayed be it the truth of not.


Jun 23, 2006
Hi there:
As you may or may not be aware here In Canada we have the yearly seal hunt that takes place which to me Is very Inhumane as well as uncalled for, all this In the name of money, many others feel this way as well, I currently have a petition In circulation and the object of this Is to gather more than a million signatures so there Is much public pressure therefore putting an end to this horrible act of cruelty, In having said that It Is very Important that my petition be sent out to as many people as possible that oppose this disgraceful horrible act and In aiding to do this I am personally asking for your help hopefully It be yourself signing my petition and forwarding on to others and If possible to add me to your website or webpage for more added signatures.

I thank you In advance for your time, consideration and support In this matter and hopefully together we can end this terrible act of cruelty for good please circulate this petition click on the link at the bottom If you wish to add your name first and last and any comments that you may have thank you.

Best Regards,

Please go to this web page If you wish to support a worthy cause and please pass on to everyone you know

there are at least two threads on this subject in the forum, perhaps you should read them an learn the facts.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Oh the media darlings are back I see.

Growing seals in farms? Would that make killing them in the end more pallatable? Not to mention the added pressure which would be placed on fish stocks to feed the seals.

City slickers who are completely removed from the situation, where the most they deal with their food is through the palstic packages in a grocery store, really ought to open their minds a bit. There is nothing pretty about the way we capture, kill and process animals. Maybe the protesters are all vegan....


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Oh the media darlings are back I see.

Growing seals in farms? Would that make killing them in the end more pallatable? Not to mention the added pressure which would be placed on fish stocks to feed the seals.

City slickers who are completely removed from the situation, where the most they deal with their food is through the palstic packages in a grocery store, really ought to open their minds a bit. There is nothing pretty about the way we capture, kill and process animals. Maybe the protesters are all vegan....

The protestors should visit a major slaughterhouse where cattle and pigs are prepared for the grocery store. I guarantee they will feel differently about beef steak and pork chops, and about the seal hunt.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The protestors should visit a major slaughterhouse where cattle and pigs are prepared for the grocery store. I guarantee they will feel differently about beef steak and pork chops, and about the seal hunt.
Dear gawd no juan...

Then they will protest slaughter houses!!!

The truly vigilant protester, won't be happy until we are all eating tofu and lettuce.

Then a new breed will pop up...

The save the veggies protestor.

It's a silly cycle of trying to force ones ideology on others.

Go on hate the acts, hatethe hunt, hate hunters, hate meat. I don't care, but don't force your ideology on me, I like meat, I like hunting. I'm not hogtying anti hunting protestors and dragging them out to hunting grounds, why should they be allowed to coerce anyone into ending long standing traditions.

It all seems fascist to me, lmao.