Stop the seal hunt

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
It's a shame that the seal meat couldn't be used for food

That Irks me too, I don't understand it. These hunters are there to support their families, the seal meat could feed each family all winter with the amount they do kill.

The Inuks ate everything, head, flippers, and quartered body ALL went into the soup pot. Whatever they didn't eat they fed their dogs if they had them.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
blah back double :p :lol: I don't have a problem with people hunting to feed themselves or their families. But no matter what you say when the the world looks at baby seals with their heads bashed in on a background of white snow, well sorry they is no way you can defend it or sell it.

Oh well, Blah! just look around and see how this world respects human life, why would they care about critters, they don't even care about their own species.


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
St Catharines ON
Human beings are a broken species..... If people haven't noticed it by now you are living under a rock. What do we do when gas prices begin to rise (with a finite resource available), we all buy SUV's.

We are killing ourselves and all North American people are worried about whats on the boob.


Council Member
Jun 29, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
i find it pretty hard to defend these people who go out and club seals for a living. they are not using the animals to feed themselves, they are simply stripping the fur off the animal to sell - not to anyone here in canada - but off shore to korea, china, etc. it is a total waste not only of an animal who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but of mankind.

a waste of energy, fossil fuels, etc., all so that some idiot in north america or europe can run around in a shorty coat with a 'fur' collar. the whole thing is just assinine.

show me the justice in these actions.
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Sep 10, 2004
Indiana, IN
it takes the same amount of time to club a seal to death as it would to shoot it (assuming you actually know what you're doing). you only have to buy one club for the entire season of seals you're going to club, as opposed to one bullet. using guns would be a bad business decision. not to mention the noise would be likely to startle other seals and possibly open cracks in the ice and cost human lives.

the only thing i see wrong with these hunts, as has already been mentioned, is the amount of wasted meat.

saying that killing seals for fur to sell to a foreign country is indefensible is fallacious. if you're that serious about selling our products to foreign countries to put food on our own tables, perhaps you should take up issue with our beef, lumber, oil/gas, and electricity industries.

i thought liberal bleeding hearts stopped bleeding when they finished puberty?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Most of those things are necesary for life, a fur coat is not, unless you live in the north. And well really if your business is trade with europe, last time I looked they are more than offended by the seal hunt.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
And the natives of the North use caribou and seal skin to keep warm but they also eat the meat and use every part of the animal unlike the wastefulness of the seal hunt.

Seal hunt should be banned and people should just buy fake fur if they need to have it. How would you like to be bonked over the head and skinned alive?


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Re: RE: Stop the seal hunt

no1important said:
And the natives of the North use caribou and seal skin to keep warm but they also eat the meat and use every part of the animal unlike the wastefulness of the seal hunt.

Seal hunt should be banned and people should just buy fake fur if they need to have it. How would you like to be bonked over the head and skinned alive?

Typical PETA response, go hug a tree. Oh and remember newspapers,books are made from trees (stop buying them)

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I've been watching him at two sites, maybe more. He not only doesn't make a point, but more often than not he doesn't even comprhend that there are points to be made.

Reading his posts is like watching devolution in action.


Nominee Member
Mar 20, 2005
Peapod, just because I live in BC (and was born here) doesn't mean I support everything that every environmentalist organization does.

Greenpeace is definitly one I do not support. It and organizations like it need money in order to survive and press their opinions. In order to get this money they overdramatize their positions and work to anger or frighten their audience. Several examples of this are available. An Icelandic filmaker, Magnus Gudmundsson, produced a film which outlined many of the things that Greenpeace had staged to illustrate cruelty, including the killing of seals by Canadian fishermen, dolphins by Venezuelan fishermen, and kangaroos by Australian hunters. In addition to these faked reports, they directly confront the groups they target in order to provoke a violent response - something they are very effective at - which attempts to engender sympathy for them from the general public but under any other circumstances would be treated as 'inciting to violence' - a criminal offense. It also supports measures such as tree-spiking which, as well as being illegal, endangers mill-workers and sawyers, and ironically can lead to the death of the very trees they are trying to save. Read this article if you can handle the truth about Greenpeace -

You also challenge DFO's studies. They may only be done every five years, I have no idea of the frequency, but I have yet to see a recent, verifiable, up to date, study by any environmentalist group about the number of harp seals, what effect this number has on their environment, and the effect that the seal hunt will have on them. On one hand the anti-seal hunters deny DFO's numbers as being biased and/or out of date, but on the other hand they use DFO's studies and their numbers to prove their own arguments against the hunt since DFO's are the most recent scientific studies - you can't have it both ways.

I stated before to Gonzo that I really don't have a firm position on either side of this debate - on one side I am disgusted by the slaughter - but on the other side I recognize that they have an industry which provides these fishermen with an income and is not threatening a species with extinction. What I see is a campaign by Anti-sealing groups which are robbing other vital environmentalist concerns of much needed money and attention.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
British Columbia
I get so tired of trying to have an informed debate with people only to have them not bother educating themselves before they open their mouths.

About guns....if one bothers to read up on seal hunting, the majority of seals today are killed with a rifle from the ship because the ice floes are often too weak to walk on. The Canadian Vet article I supplied said as much. They are also generally not skinned alive. And I respectfully say to galianomama that most resources that are taken from Canada are shipped elsewhere, so why not seal skins if that helps a East Coast fisherman stay off assistance?

Sealers are looking to do more with the seal remains and currently are creating a market for seal oil. As for the meat remains, they are readily absorbed by other predators in the oceans - they don't necessarily go to waste.

If one decides to take a "fur coat" stance about the seal hunt, then I truly hope they are also boycotting pelt farms for other animals. If that's their perspective then no matter the reasons given for seal hunting, nothing will be okay. Like Walrus, I don't really have a firm stance on this situation either. But I hate reading opinions that are based on faulty, inflammatory and plain wrong information.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Well yes about the only thing I own you could consider a pelt are my hiking boots. But do not believe the seal hunt is necessary for a livelyhood. I do not believe what the government says either. Greenpeace is not the only organization that protests againist the seal hunt, there are alot of other groups. So instead of talking down to us, how about providing some links to your information.


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
Protest the Canadian Seal Hunt

Hi there:
As you may or may not be aware here In Canada we have the yearly seal hunt that takes place which to me Is very Inhumane as well as uncalled for, all this In the name of money, many others feel this way as well, I currently have a petition In circulation and the object of this Is to gather more than a million signatures so there Is much public pressure therefore putting an end to this horrible act of cruelty, In having said that It Is very Important that my petition be sent out to as many people as possible that oppose this disgraceful horrible act and In aiding to do this I am personally asking for your help hopefully It be yourself signing my petition and forwarding on to others and If possible to add me to your website or webpage for more added signatures.

I thank you In advance for your time, consideration and support In this matter and hopefully together we can end this terrible act of cruelty for good please circulate this petition click on the link at the bottom If you wish to add your name first and last and any comments that you may have thank you.

Best Regards,

Please go to this web page If you wish to support a worthy cause and please pass on to everyone you know


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
Hi there:
As you may or may not be aware here In Canada we have the yearly seal hunt that takes place which to me Is very Inhumane as well as uncalled for, all this In the name of money, many others feel this way as well, I currently have a petition In circulation and the object of this Is to gather more than a million signatures so there Is much public pressure therefore putting an end to this horrible act of cruelty, In having said that It Is very Important that my petition be sent out to as many people as possible that oppose this disgraceful horrible act and In aiding to do this I am personally asking for your help hopefully It be yourself signing my petition and forwarding on to others and If possible to add me to your website or webpage for more added signatures.

I thank you In advance for your time, consideration and support In this matter and hopefully together we can end this terrible act of cruelty for good please circulate this petition click on the link at the bottom If you wish to add your name first and last and any comments that you may have thank you.

Best Regards,

Please go to this web page If you wish to support a worthy cause and please pass on to everyone you know
blubber hugger :p
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Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
Hi there:
As you may or may not be aware here In Canada we have the yearly seal hunt that takes place which to me Is very Inhumane as well as uncalled for, all this In the name of money, many others feel this way as well, I currently have a petition In circulation and the object of this Is to gather more than a million signatures so there Is much public pressure therefore putting an end to this horrible act of cruelty, In having said that It Is very Important that my petition be sent out to as many people as possible that oppose this disgraceful horrible act and In aiding to do this I am personally asking for your help hopefully It be yourself signing my petition and forwarding on to others and If possible to add me to your website or webpage for more added signatures.

I thank you In advance for your time, consideration and support In this matter and hopefully together we can end this terrible act of cruelty for good please circulate this petition click on the link at the bottom If you wish to add your name first and last and any comments that you may have thank you.

Best Regards,

Please go to this web page If you wish to support a worthy cause and please pass on to everyone you know
The seal hung is no more humane then a nice juciy stake and full grown seals are uggly.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Just wait for Pamela Lee Anderson and Paul McCartney to jump on the band wagon creating media frenzy.

I love the seal hunt, such great publicity for Canada!

generally I have no problem with it