Small B.C. Interior First Nation takes aboriginal-title fight to Canada's highest cou

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
This might get even more interesting with respect to individuals within the tribe (is that an offensive term?) getting title to the property.... You'll go from ecotards making their demands to convoys of capitalists looking to get into the mix.

These poor folks have no idea what they are in for

This would place title in the name of the Tribe/Band, NOT in individuals.

And frankly, it's long past time that Canada enact legislation that provides for Tribal Sovereignty on their lands, making them not subject to Provincial laws and most Federal laws.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
I personally don't take charity but choose to earn what I get in life.

You would seem to feel otherwise about yourself. It comes with that whole victim mentality.

Glad to see you admit your proud of your free ride! :roll:

You did NOT earn everything you got in life. You received a free public education (unless your family CHOSE not to accept it); you received the benefit of government paid medical care; you got the use of government paid roads, etc., etc., etc.

I would just LOVE to see some of these "I earned my own way" folks spend a year on a reserve, living under exactly the same conditions as the natives do.

I also worked damn hard for what I have. I spent 10 years on active duty with the US Army, and I used the Vietnam GI Bill to attend College and University. It paid me the grand sum of slightly less than $200 per month of school, and I EARNED every penny of it.

You have no way of knowing what CDN Bear may, or may not have done, to earn his way in life. You simply ASSUME that he got a "free ride".

Be very careful, making assumptions is a dangerous thing, especially when you don't know a damn thing about the subject.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Oh, so you were an international student?

Because if you're a Canadian citizen, your tuition accounts for less than half of the cost of your post-secondary attendance. Operating grants to universities and colleges from provincial governments fund the majority of your time there. Enjoy your hand-outs.

Since I was also working and paying taxes it wasn't a handout. I put money into that pot before they hand it out to universities. So did my parents and my sisters who didn't go to post secondary. Sorry bud but me and my family paid in full for my education and probably a few others as well. I don't sponge off anyone and I certainly wouldn't be proud or laughing about it if I did. Obviously I have more pride and value personal responsibility for one's own life more than others on here.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Obviously I have more pride and value personal responsibility for one's own life more than others on here.
Liar, you embarrass yourself everyday on here. And you embarrass whatever school you went to as well, lol.

If you paid, I'd ask for my money back if I were, they failed you miserably, or you them. Who knows.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
You did NOT earn everything you got in life. You received a free public education (unless your family CHOSE not to accept it); you received the benefit of government paid medical care; you got the use of government paid roads, etc., etc., etc.

I would just LOVE to see some of these "I earned my own way" folks spend a year on a reserve, living under exactly the same conditions as the natives do.

I also worked damn hard for what I have. I spent 10 years on active duty with the US Army, and I used the Vietnam GI Bill to attend College and University. It paid me the grand sum of slightly less than $200 per month of school, and I EARNED every penny of it.

You have no way of knowing what CDN Bear may, or may not have done, to earn his way in life. You simply ASSUME that he got a "free ride".

Be very careful, making assumptions is a dangerous thing, especially when you don't know a damn thing about the subject.
My education wasn't free. My parents paid taxes for my elementary and high school to operate. Same for the roads. I pay taxes for schools and roads. I dont have an issue with paying them either. My problem is turning over my tax dollars to people who squander it or let their chief embezzle it all because some white guys did something a long time ago. I'm with Petros, I don't mind giving a hand up to those that need it but if you aren't gonna take advantage of the opportunity and choose inatead to take advantage of me then you can fuk off and die!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
My education wasn't free. My parents paid taxes for my elementary and high school to operate. Same for the roads. I pay taxes for schools and roads. I dont have an issue with paying them either. My problem is turning over my tax dollars to people who squander it or let their chief embezzle it all because some white guys did something a long time ago. I'm with Petros, I don't mind giving a hand up to those that need it but if you aren't gonna take advantage of the opportunity and choose inatead to take advantage of me then you can fuk off and die!
How enlightened.

I guess you owe Loc an aology for your blatant hypocrisy, non?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
My education wasn't free. My parents paid taxes for my elementary and high school to operate. Same for the roads. I pay taxes for schools and roads. I dont have an issue with paying them either. My problem is turning over my tax dollars to people who squander it or let their chief embezzle it all because some white guys did something a long time ago. I'm with Petros, I don't mind giving a hand up to those that need it but if you aren't gonna take advantage of the opportunity and choose inatead to take advantage of me then you can fuk off and die!
