First off, the OP is a satirical news site. Secondly, there's a world of difference between a county/region, council area and an entire province. It's cute that you think 48 counties and 9 regions is a lot. Hell, just the province of Ontario alone has 49 counties and regional municipalities.
I can guarantee you no one could name them all without a map.
All I said was: I wonder how many people in the UK could name all of England's 48 counties and nine regions; Scotland's 32 council areas; the 22 counties and county boroughs of Wales; and the 11 districts of Northern Ireland.
And then I said: Canada being divided into nine provinces - and even the USA into 50 states - seems so simple in comparison.
What I said is entirely accurate, so I don't know what you're moaning about.
Also, your counties aren't as high-profile as the counties of England. They, along with the nine regions, are England's major subdivisions, but they're not Canada's major subdivisions. The provinces are Canada's major subdivisions. In England we identify ourselves according to which county we come from, and each county has its own unique history, customs and traditions. In Canada, you identify yourselves by the province you come from. Your counties aren't major, dominant subdivisions like England's 48 counties and nine regions; Scotland's 32 council areas; the 22 counties and county boroughs of Wales; and the 11 districts of Northern Ireland.

England's nine regions: