Secret of Space: Nasa 's biggest secret


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Audio (with graphics) recorded in early 2007 of two American F-15 pilots as they pursue a UFO near RAF Lakenheath, England. (See for more details.) If you want the raw audio without background music, go to
(The graphics were added, and are not part of the original recording.)
About a month after the incident, an article appeared in the Bury Free Press, where a nearby resident reported seeing four black spheres in the sky. You can see it here:

F15s scramble after UFO

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
i still fail to see the point you are trying to make ,is it by any chance that you dont believe in anything that ive posted here..!! or do you have a real point to your postings...?????.or may i asume that you are being crass and vugar..please tell as im sure you do wish to add some of your own vituperation

Touchy. My posts were asides that had absolutely nothing to do with your main topic. Interesting that you still managed to be offended. :lol:

Carry on.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Touchy. My posts were asides that had absolutely nothing to do with your main topic. Interesting that you still managed to be offended. :lol:

Carry on.

Look i get enough snide comments on my threads as it is so when i get abstract unexplained comments in them ,i naturally assume that they are asinine ,if i have wrongly thought this of yours i apologies OK its just I'm not the tree hugging kinda of guy that's all and tend to take them personally that's all.ok:smile:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
You still haven't explained why a light no one knows what causes (being as no one has much information about the situation, not the kind of scientific data you need anyways),

Why is it an Alien? what logic brings you to that conclusion?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Quandary, I'm a curious guy. Each new day when you sit down in front of your computer, what sites do you visit? Do you get email first, with these kinds of conspiracy stories? Is there a nexus for this stuff?

I only ask, because the large majority of your posts are links. So you must be redirected from somewhere. Do you remember the bird flu thread? You were sure that some DNA- no matter how incomplete, was going to cause the next pandemic. That was wrong. You admitted as much.

I think it's interesting, your posting of this stuff. It's the psychological and sociological implications of it that I like. It's on a massive scale. You post it and defend it as if it was the date of your birth. But, you're not showing any of us that you understand what you're defending to begin with. You fall back on links to other peoples work, of which the internet has in spades. Or you defend it with vitriolic insults. I'm sure if I dug, I would find lots of conflict between different links of yours in different posts. That's what happens when you defend your position with other peoples work ad nauseam.

I don't think it's possible that you have read all of this information you're spamming. Unless you have one helluva lot of time on your hands, or you have a sleeping disorder.

The interesting question to me is, why do you need to believe these things? I mean everyone needs to believe in something, but what is it about conspiracies--whether it's aliens, chemicals in the sky, drugs dooming humanity, brainwashing of North America by the KGB, harbinger of death planets, or pole reversals--that you find so believable?

Is it the angle of few in power controlling all? Is it David vs. Goliath in a modern context? What is it about these threads that gives you such drive?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Unless you have one helluva lot of time on your hands, or you have a sleeping disorder.
Check his public profile: 45-year old unemployed guy in the U.K., hostile biographical notes that insult everyone who reads them for not understanding him, and over 20 posts per day on average. He's got nothing but time on his hands, and obviously not enough to do.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
You still haven't explained why a light no one knows what causes (being as no one has much information about the situation, not the kind of scientific data you need anyways),

Why is it an Alien? what logic brings you to that conclusion?

Why is it an Alien? what logic brings you to that conclusion

What would you call it then if not Alien in nature,(a light no one knows what causes )if its not human then what ...????


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Quandary, I'm a curious guy. Each new day when you sit down in front of your computer, what sites do you visit? Do you get email first, with these kinds of conspiracy stories? Is there a nexus for this stuff?

I only ask, because the large majority of your posts are links. So you must be redirected from somewhere. Do you remember the bird flu thread? You were sure that some DNA- no matter how incomplete, was going to cause the next pandemic. That was wrong. You admitted as much.

I think it's interesting, your posting of this stuff. It's the psychological and sociological implications of it that I like. It's on a massive scale. You post it and defend it as if it was the date of your birth. But, you're not showing any of us that you understand what you're defending to begin with. You fall back on links to other peoples work, of which the internet has in spades. Or you defend it with vitriolic insults. I'm sure if I dug, I would find lots of conflict between different links of yours in different posts. That's what happens when you defend your position with other peoples work ad nauseam.

I don't think it's possible that you have read all of this information you're spamming. Unless you have one helluva lot of time on your hands, or you have a sleeping disorder.

The interesting question to me is, why do you need to believe these things? I mean everyone needs to believe in something, but what is it about conspiracies--whether it's aliens, chemicals in the sky, drugs dooming humanity, brainwashing of North America by the KGB, harbinger of death planets, or pole reversals--that you find so believable?

Is it the angle of few in power controlling all? Is it David vs. Goliath in a modern context? What is it about these threads that gives you such drive?

Basically i don't trust the things told by my government or TV, also i have a lot of friends who also have a questioning mind ,and send me things that intrigue them..

why do you need to believe these things

Its not that i believe these things ,that i defend them with such further ,it is because either there are too many unanswered questions.! Or peoples disappearances ,when questions asked about such are not given,or truths are found out. and the fact that the people who dig get killed or rubbed out...!!!..because of there involement ...

I don't think it's possible that you have read all of this information

yep you dont think
Is there a nexus for this stuff

yes there are sites that send news letters if you must know

Do you remember the bird flu thread? You were sure that some DNA- no matter how incomplete, was going to cause the next pandemic. That was wrong. You admitted as much.

yes i do rember it and yes i did say CASE CLOSED ,since then more evidence that this may not be the full story has emerged so im still not 100% sure that this is not the case...


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Try looking back through your posts, remind yourself of the things you've called people and the ways you've impugned their judgment, perception, and comprehension, when they take issue with the things you say.

Look dexter i have no reason to listen to you your thoughts or your reasoning's ,you have proved to me that your only reason to visit my threads is to ARGUE not debate ,so we will leave it at that shall we....:banghead:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Check his public profile: 45-year old unemployed guy in the U.K., hostile biographical notes that insult everyone who reads them for not understanding him, and over 20 posts per day on average. He's got nothing but time on his hands, and obviously not enough to do.

Like i said ,you know nothing of me my life or anything about me you choose to read into things what you will, about anything i put on my profile
IF you wish to know me who i am. and not to second guess who you think i am .we will get on fine because if you do,? this is your mistake. As you do not know me, or my beliefs, or anything about me, only your preconceived ideas, and this makes you like this next comment.!! You are so clueless that if you dressed in a clue skin, doused yourself in clue musk, and did the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny clues at the height of clue mating season, you still would not have a clue.!!!!

like Ive put for people exactly like you "IF you wish to know me who i am". And not to second guess as this is your mistake .you do not know me, or my beliefs, or anything about me, only your preconceived ideas (my point exactly)

You are so clueless that if you dressed in a clue skin, doused yourself in clue musk, and did the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny clues at the height of clue mating season, you still would not have a clue.!!!!

i thought this was funny but to someone like you dexter its apt and probably true that's why you take offence by it good I'm so glad as i have no love for you pal or respect or longing to speak with :thefinger:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Check his public profile: 45-year old unemployed guy in the U.K., hostile biographical notes that insult everyone who reads them for not understanding him, and over 20 posts per day on average. He's got nothing but time on his hands, and obviously not enough to do.

45-year old unemployed guy in the U.K, for your information does not mean that i sit around all day, another preconceived idea that you choose to believe in ,you know nothing of the voluntary work i do do you, so carry on believing the worst you can about me, because i would not expect any less for a idiot like you,with his head soo far up his arse that he can chew his food twice.;-)


Electoral Member
May 14, 2007
Your idea of debate Quandry is just to insult anyone who questions or disagrees with you and proves you wrong. I'm really surprised you haven't brought up the fake moon landings yet or Atlantis. You will have to cut back on postings soon though if the government have their way, imagine having to work for your benefits.....


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
What would you call it then if not Alien in nature,(a light no one knows what causes )if its not human then what ...????

There are millions of potential causes for light. Light is a very common response to chemical reactions, it could be forms of reflections. Without more detailed information that can't be given, you can't prove any event.

There are a million simpler explanations that "Alien spacecraft who can ignore all laws of physics..but still cant' figure out how to be invisible to the naked eye"

There is just as much proof that its chemicals, or hell, a giant cloud of fireflies, than an Alien.

And a giant swarm of fireflies is equally or more likely than alien spacecraft.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
I also notice the often repeated mantra

"The government lies to us about Aliens" or "You can't trust them"

And my response is why?

Scientists would love the fame and eternal glory of discovering extraterrestrial life.

The arguement why the government would keep it secret was so that "they wouldn't cause a panic"

This is a polar opposite to the other conspiracy theories

that state the government invented 9/11 to keep us in a panic.

This wouldn't be a problem, except alot of people seem to believe the government supresses aliens to keep us from panicing, then invents terrorism to cause a panic.

If aliens were real, wouldn't it be simpler to just reveal them and revel in the power that massive public fear gives a government?


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Your idea of debate Quandry is just to insult anyone who questions or disagrees with you and proves you wrong. I'm really surprised you haven't brought up the fake moon landings yet or Atlantis. You will have to cut back on postings soon though if the government have their way, imagine having to work for your benefits.....

look pal just because I'm unemployed at the moment is none of your god dam business OK so shut it. i fail to see what the fuk it has to do with you what i do with my life ,you would not have a fuking clue about it unless i said so so i could change it to anything i wanted couldn't i ,im not ashamed of my unemployment ,and don't give a dam a bout benefits who said i was fing claiming any anyways so i will except your apology as i will put it down to your ignorance ans stupidity and trying a cheep shot


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
There are millions of potential causes for light. Light is a very common response to chemical reactions, it could be forms of reflections. Without more detailed information that can't be given, you can't prove any event.

There are a million simpler explanations that "Alien spacecraft who can ignore all laws of physics..but still cant' figure out how to be invisible to the naked eye"

There is just as much proof that its chemicals, or hell, a giant cloud of fireflies, than an Alien.

And a giant swarm of fireflies is equally or more likely than alien spacecraft.

oh so this is a chemical reaction or as you put it,a giant swarm of fireflies ..

Without more detailed information that can't be given, you can't prove any event.

this crass statement shows that you have neither read any of the posts here or ,even read any of the detailed statements by THOSE people WHO WERE THERE AT THE TIME...
There are a million simpler explanations that "Alien spacecraft who can ignore all laws of physics..but still cant' figure out how to be invisible to the naked eye

now your just compounding your ignorance


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
I also notice the often repeated mantra

"The government lies to us about Aliens" or "You can't trust them"

And my response is why?

Scientists would love the fame and eternal glory of discovering extraterrestrial life.

The arguement why the government would keep it secret was so that "they wouldn't cause a panic"

This is a polar opposite to the other conspiracy theories

that state the government invented 9/11 to keep us in a panic.

This wouldn't be a problem, except alot of people seem to believe the government supresses aliens to keep us from panicing, then invents terrorism to cause a panic.

If aliens were real, wouldn't it be simpler to just reveal them and revel in the power that massive public fear gives a government?

i answered this before but seeing as you do not read anything i put i shall not repeat myself again you will just have to go back and reread it