Saudi Arabia expelling Canadian ambassador, suspending new trade

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Inside the Saudis' Washington influence machine: How the kingdom gained power through fierce lobbying and charm offensives

Saudi Arabia has been batting back critiques of the oil-rich kingdom for decades by doling out millions to lobbyists, blue-chip law firms, prominent think tanks and large defense contractors.

Beyond its spending in Washington, the kingdom has enjoyed a priceless advantage: a warm relationship with the president, who has done business with its wealthy citizens, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who developed a close bond with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as he crafted the administration��s Middle East policy.

And powerful government figures �� including deputy intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Assiri, who was fired for the killing of Washington Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi �� have visited Washington to court reporters and think tank analysts.

The backdrop to Trump's conduct re; this situation..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
There is footage of a "body double" wearing the victims clothes walking out of the embassy and records of 4 calls made from the embassy to the Prince at the time of the murder

in related news the Prince is said to be puzzled as to why this is a story.\\


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
So where does MbS go now.

Spelled: MABUS

I had to look it up. MABUS - An alleged predecessor to the third Antichrist, or the Antichrist itself, according to Notradamus.

I think, though, that Mohammed bin Salman is just an ambitious petty tyrant, who has vastly overreached in a power grab, which went catastrophically sideways in a rather routine (for Saudi Arabia) elimination of a rather innocuous journalistic opponent.

I thing MABUS would be somewhat more clever. And his future prospects are likely much better than those of MbS.
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Trump reportedly ‘annoyed’ at Jared Kushner’s ‘misjudgment’ on Saudi Arabia

....hmm. could make family thanksgiving a touch testy.

Jared Kushner has been at total cross purposes to the Nationalist policies of Donald Trump since the beginning.

He's a Liberal Democratic Globalist, a Free Trader, a committed Zionist asset of Netanyahu's ambitions for a Greater Israel and of playing brinksmanship in isolating Iran and dividing Islam into to Shia and Sunni factions by way of Saudi Arabia and MbS.

Trump would be well advised to cast him adrift. Make him Ambassador to Israel of something. But as trusted advisor he has the potential of foundering Trump's foreign policy ship of state. He's a disaster.
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
As an aside, the deposed Crown Prince who was replaced by MbS was fired as Interior Minister and place under house arrest in late June. A sure sign of the growing dissatisfaction with MbS's reckless and catastrophic rule and his sense that alternatives are being sought.

Mohammed bin Nayef, who was also relieved of his role as interior minister a week ago, has effectively placed under house arrest in the coastal city of Jeddah - from an Arab new source.
MbN is, in fact, held in high regard by more conservative elements in the House of Saud. He is much more in line with the devout, unpretentious and understated, 'Chairman of the Board', style of previous rulers and has far more 'gravitas' than MbS will ever have.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I had to look it up. MABUS - An alleged predecessor to the third Antichrist, or the Antichrist itself, according to Notradamus.
I think, though, that Mohammed bin Salman is just an ambitious petty tyrant, who has vastly overreached in a power grab, which went catastrophically sideways in a rather routine (for Saudi Arabia) elimination of a rather innocuous journalistic opponent.
I thing MABUS would be somewhat more clever. And his future prospects are likely much better than those of MbS.
No, Mabus dies and THEN all hell breaks loose.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ever notice that no matter how many times the AC changes the end is the same. a bunch of innocents end up dead, needlessly.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Let me guess who that is and the part that 'they alone voted that they alone were above the law'.

Doesn't seem a bit odd when 'they' are only 0.2% of all the ones that should be voting on 'who is above the law and who isn't'.

When is the last time any Jew was punished for breaking any of the 613 laws they swear are still the same as when they were first given back in the times Moses was their leader?
I'm not a member of the collective, I will call you when you post bullshit and try to pass it off as a true fact, links included for free.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The KSA can shut Trump down for good with only this single link.

Did The Clintons Murder Their Rivals? Could the former President Of The U.S and his possible President in waiting wife have bumped off their political opposition to get to the top? Find out here!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Erdogan: Saudi team planned ��brutal�� killing of Khashoggi

The Turkish president did not directly accuse Saudi leadership of involvement in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi but strongly indicated that a Saudi probe, which has resulted in the arrests of 18 people so far, has not yet reached high enough into the kingdom��s ruling circles.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Erdogan: Saudi team planned ��brutal�� killing of Khashoggi
The Turkish president did not directly accuse Saudi leadership of involvement in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi but strongly indicated that a Saudi probe, which has resulted in the arrests of 18 people so far, has not yet reached high enough into the kingdom��s ruling circles.
... but ...but ... but ... what about the random rogues who just happened by in the middle of an embassy ... and just happened to have a bone saw .. . in an embassy ... those rogues ...

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The KSA can shut Trump down for good with only this single link.

Did The Clintons Murder Their Rivals? Could the former President Of The U.S and his possible President in waiting wife have bumped off their political opposition to get to the top? Find out here!
rather fanciful. Where is the hard evidence?? Interesting what some will believe in. The more fanciful, the more compelling for "believers" to adopt as reality. Groups are prone to be highly suggestible........and reinforce each other's beliefs.
whatever happened to independent and critical thinking??


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
rather fanciful. Where is the hard evidence?? Interesting what some will believe in. The more fanciful, the more compelling for "believers" to adopt as reality. Groups are prone to be highly suggestible........and reinforce each other's beliefs.
whatever happened to independent and critical thinking??
Dead and buried, that is what private hit squads do. The latest Tom Cruise movie is bast on the career of Barry Seals, ever heard of him? Flesh and blood player in the events that you say are science fiction only.
American Made, the new Tom Cruise crime drama out Sept. 29, has all the makings of a romp: drug running and arms smuggling. An FBI sting. Enough cold, hard cash to make the phenomenon of raining money a plausible ecological scenario. And a sex scene in the cockpit of a plane. That’s flying through the air. With one participant being the pilot. Did we mention it’s Tom Cruise?
If it sounds like an exercise in screenwriting excess, it’s not entirely — the film takes as its inspiration the true story of Adler Berriman “Barry” Seal, a TWA pilot who became a drug smuggler for the Medellín Cartel and, later, an informant for the DEA. It’s an ideal vehicle for Cruise, a.k.a. Maverick, whose mischievous swagger is accented here (literally) with a Louisiana drawl.
The movie hardly purports to be a documentary — director Doug Liman, who reteams with Cruise after Edge of Tomorrow, has referred to it as “a fun lie based on a true story.” And perhaps its looseness with the facts is for the best, as conflicting accounts make it difficult to get a clear picture on certain aspects of Seal’s seemingly made-for-the-movies life. It’s a thorny story that takes place against the backdrop of the Reagan-era War on Drugs and the notorious Iran-Contra affair, with Seal never hesitating to do business with opposing sides, so long as the payout was prodigious.
Here’s what we know about Seal — and what’s still up for debate.
(in part)

You can start where that ends and show me the fiction and the facts rather than me muddy the water.

You may not have noticed but the local collective hate every pore in my being because I am an independent thinker. I thought you should know that part.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
... but ...but ... but ... what about the random rogues who just happened by in the middle of an embassy ... and just happened to have a bone saw .. . in an embassy ... those rogues ...
What rogues?? The ones that germinated in T Rump's brain.......??? Heck....I bet even the KSA is laughing at that one.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Well...Hate seems fashionable at the moment. .... Wouldn't take any of that to heart. And I do interpret your words and those of an independent thinker. I have trouble with some of those theories........but that is just YT. ;-)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
U.S. announces penalties against Saudis in response to killing of journalist

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States is revoking visas for the Saudi men accused of killing journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

The action represents the Trump administration's first concrete step to punish Saudi Arabia for what the Turkish government has called the ��planned�� and ��brutal�� murder of a Washington Post contributing columnist.