Romney Has The Mormons But Obama Has The Morons


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
There are a lot of people on the right with a skewed view of the world. First of all, Obama got a mess
created before 2008 created by Bush, Obama has not done bad in addressing some of those issues
and it will take longer. The problem is there are too many dishonest business people with access to,
too many loopholes and lack of restrictions or regulations.
He didn't lie he had to clean up the mess.
On the other hand Obama set out to bring about fundamental change which takes more time than a
person can do, no matter how ambitious they are. Medicare, he did well on he cemented it and in the
next four years people will be a lot happier and demand better coverage even. That is where Hillary
will step up and finish the job.
Yup, it could be a long time before Republicans claim the White House. If securing the vote you
require is being a moron then there are a lot of politicians are morons granted, but smart morons.
I say the biggest part of the game is the finish and winning is the finish.
The real problem for the conservatives in America, is they looked at the large red blotches on the map
and thought that was America. The large red blotches are only part of America, there are those blue
blotches on the map too. You know the ones where all the people live in urban centers. Conservatives
should have paid attention to those areas. Calling them morons makes it more difficult to get there vote.
Also the people in the urban areas want medicare, seniors pensions and social security and veteran
pensions and so on. By attacking any one of those programs they alienated huge chunks of voters.
Doing that tends to have them place their vote else where. I think blaming others is not the answer.
Face it Republicans were not in touch with voters, the ones of the left and the centrist voters who might
swing. Wouldn't it be better to reach out to middle class voters with programs for them instead of the small
rich circle of friends who used to be the ruling class.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There are a lot of people on the right with a skewed view of the world. First of all, Obama got a mess
created before 2008 created by Bush, Obama has not done bad in addressing some of those issues
and it will take longer. The problem is there are too many dishonest business people with access to,
too many loopholes and lack of restrictions or regulations.
He didn't lie he had to clean up the mess.

You have the situation pretty well pegged, DG. Romney made one serious mistake, he got all the lunatics on side while, while there are signs of sanity in Obama's support! -:)

Well, it didn't take long for one of Romney's ilk to announce himself, which in itself lends credence to my evaluation of them.-:)


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
One more hores sh-it thread from our friend Teddy

Your problem Teddy is that you think your smart, but your the only one that thinks so.
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Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
One more hores sh-it thread from our friend Teddy

Your problem Teddy is that you think your smart, but your the only one that thinks so.

- Angstrom ... And your problem is that you are a rabidly left wing loon who is so dumb you probably think a bacteria is the rear of a cafeteria and who can't even master basic grammar let alone understand complex arguments. Indeed, you are a poster boy for my point about morons siding toward Obama and the aptly named Donkey Party.

- Let me also inform you that among the 26 states that gave their electoral votes to Obama, 84% are in debt. (The perpetually broke District of Columbia also gave its vote to Obama, raising to 85% the number of broke jurisdictions that went true blue.) You’d think that, with all those smart people floating around, they’d manage their money better. In a way, you could say that the Blue States are actually Red States, given their financial hemorrhaging. Given that the US is still in a near recession, it’s true that many Red States are also in debt. Still, there’s no doubt that the Red States are managing their money better than the ones filled with all those educated Progressive geniuses: Only 41% of the “dumb” Red States are seriously in the red. They may not have the degrees, but they have sufficient smarts to control their budgets — which is the fundamental responsibility of all viable governments.
If the election is any indicator, it shows that our education system leaves people incapable of rational economic thought. This is true even when these same educated people are the ones most hurt by their economic ignorance and Leftist credulity.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
- Angstrom ... And your problem is that you are a rabidly left wing loon who is so dumb you probably think a bacteria is the rear of a cafeteria and who can't even master basic grammar let alone understand complex arguments. Indeed, you are a poster boy for my point about morons siding toward Obama and the aptly named Donkey Party.

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Does this actually mean anything or is it there merely for decoration?