Roe v. Wade overturned?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Same to you.

I was responding to your idiotic comment that "Federalist or people who want the Government to have more control won’t like this law being overturned"

That IS what you said.

Which is why I pointed out, this has nothing to do with Government control, or rather, people who 'want' that, it has to do with women having the right to make the choice of what to do with their own body.

What part do YOU not understand with that statement?

It also has to do with women's health.

And equal rights, which you actually do point out in your last comment.

And it's clear that the 'states' are heavily biased against 'rights', period. Which is why it was, I think, a court case to begin with.
And now he's trying to tap-dance out of it. Sad. But kinda funny.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Anyway, from the outside looking in, Forest for the trees, etc… With this leak about this proposed decision by the Supreme Court in the US on Roe vs Wade…why now?

Why after almost 50 years, does someone think that:
1) it’s politically expedient to have this draft drawn up and the decision made on this in June or the end of June at least?
2) it’s politically expedient to have this draft leaked to the media?
3) Why now?

What’s the short game?

The long game is potentially losing abortion rights & protection in the US at a federal level, when it reads like about 2/3 of the US population is in favour of keeping Roe vs Wade in place, But somebody somewhere has a short sighted political agenda and it will all go down to timing or else it wouldn’t be happening now… but not being an American or swimming in American politics I don’t know what it is.

I think I might’ve asked this question earlier in this thread, and somebody else earlier may or may not of answered it or asked it also, but I just wanted to dig this out again because somebody much more knowledgable on the subject might have an answer here.
There was a case before the court that needed a decision .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Government control has nothing to do with this.

WOMEN having control over themselves is the point.

But if you're okay with the courts, Joe Public, yourself, telling women what they can and can't do, then again, when do we start pushing laws for vasectomies for boys at puberty so that babies aren't made at all?

Cause if women have to give up their rights to make those choices, men should too.
Yet you are fine with the government mandating vaccinations , go figure .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The only hitting Boom, or Elon, deserve is with a metal baseball bad, propelled by a sledgehammer.
Really , what if the technology in space and electronics his companies are exploring turn out to be world changers ? And he hasn’t even bought the company yet . Best sell your Tesla .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Tap dance out if what..

Pretty straightforward I stated clearly; everyone should have the rights over their own body.. for abortion, vaccinations and suicide..
Do you need to borrow a coat hanger ?
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